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Everything posted by g9871234
Requesting Help With Compatibility Patch
g9871234 replied to g9871234's topic in Fallout 4's Mod Ideas
Blinxys, thank you so much for all of your help! The patch is done and working now, which wouldn't have been possible without you! I've had no idea how any of this stuff worked before, and my first patch attempts by myself were so far off from what I've really had to do that I would've never even gotten close if you hadn't helped me. So once again, thank you very much! -
Requesting Help With Compatibility Patch
g9871234 replied to g9871234's topic in Fallout 4's Mod Ideas
After further investigating the x02 replacer patch as well as testing it in game, I believe I have discovered how to get past this last issue. It seems I have reached the same point that the patch for the x02 has reached, no paintjobs appear on the x02 either. Looking at what files those paintjob records call on, they all have unique texture files made for the vanilla power armors in specific. I could be wrong in this conclusion, but I think this means new custom paintjob textures have to be made in photoshop for the X-03, then simply add records in FO4Edit that target the new texture for replacement. Additionally, some of the unique paintjobs that come from the creation club seem to work with the modded x02, even though no custom textures for the modded x02 exist in the files; which to me indicates that it would be possible for the existing textures to somehow be used on the x-03 as well, albeit it might look a bit out of place and risk not covering every side of the armor equally or covering too much of it including segments that would look weird with paint on them. But if it is possible, such a method is beyond me at the moment. -
Requesting Help With Compatibility Patch
g9871234 replied to g9871234's topic in Fallout 4's Mod Ideas
Great news! Thanks to all of your useful tips I've managed to have some partial success with the patch! The overhaul mod now recognizes the X-03 power armor and all of its modifications are possible to install. However, the overhaul also comes with its own additional paint jobs, and while the overhaul's paint slot appears on the X-03, it is empty. Would you happen to know what type of records I would need to look for in specific to be able to apply those paints onto the power armor? Overall though it seems I still need to do a bit more tinkering with the patch, but I see this as a major breakthrough for now, which wouldn't have been at all possible without your help! Thank you very much for all of your awesome insight so far! EDIT: It seems the primary reason I'm having difficulties figuring the paintjobs out is because they're nested in subcategories in the overhaul. For instance, there's a mod slot called Categories and one called Paint, the paint one is always empty until the categories one has something selected (i.e. Categories: Camouflage; at which point a selection of camos become available to choose in the paint slot.) The problem is that the categories slot is completely empty for the new power armor and thus the paint slot is also empty by extension. Additionally, the overhaul splits up paintjobs from plating and from coatings into separate slots. All of which are also empty for the X-03. I want to mention that the overhaul requires archive invalidation for its paintjobs and materials to work, but I have done that already and the paintjobs and materials do work for all the vanilla power armors properly, so the overhaul is correctly set up. In FO4Edit I see all these paintjobs as MSWP (material swap) records, all of which are referenced by OMOD (object modification) records with the same names, all of which are additionally referenced by COBJ (constructible object) records with the same names. Any idea how I should proceed from here? EDIT 2: Another breakthrough! Upon further trying to reverse engineer that replacer patch for the x02, I've learned how to make all the paintjobs, plating and coatings work with the x03. At least now they show up in the game and can be equipped, yet one problem still remains. Specifically that not all the paintjobs show up when equipped; some of them slightly change the hue of the x03 but the camo ones don't seem to show up on the armor's surface at all. This is the last roadblock before the patch is done -
Requesting Help With Compatibility Patch
g9871234 replied to g9871234's topic in Fallout 4's Mod Ideas
Ohh, I see now where I was messing up; I was trying to right click the whole record name (i.e. "armor") instead of each individual record under armor... I guess it shows I'm completely new at using FO4edit, and just xEdit in general :sweat: But I see now, I've began comparing the differences and carrying them over from the overhaul into the new esp. There's still something else that confuses me though; the overhaul has an ARMA record, but the new power armor doesn't, what do I do in this case? Do I add an ARMA record to the new esp and copy the ARMA records from the overhaul into it? The ARMA record in the overhaul seems to be for the jetpack, which if I understand right, the overhaul turns the jetpack from a torso mod into its own piece of power armor with its own mod slots. EDIT: I've just got an idea, there's a similar patch for the x-02 that integrates it into ZW's overhaul; I'm going to try to reverse engineer that patch while following your pointers to see if I can find any extra clues, and will see how it goes after. Thanks to you I feel like I am definitely getting closer to patching this! (patch I'm talking about: https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/21505/) -
Requesting Help With Compatibility Patch
g9871234 replied to g9871234's topic in Fallout 4's Mod Ideas
Firstly thank you very much for your reply! And indeed it is a new power armor mod that I'm trying to make a power armor overhaul recognize. The overhaul adds new slots for power armor customization. Unfortunately I still can't figure it out; I don't seem to have any "compare to" button when opening the reference menu via right click on a record. I only see "compare to" if I right click the file header itself, but in that case it only compares the file headers and nothing else... I'm using the latest FO4edit 4.0.4, freshly downloaded. Otherwise I feel like I am on the right track thanks to your reply -
Can anyone help me make a compatibility patch between Hellfire X-03 power armor and ZephyrWarrior's amazing power armor overhaul mod? I've been losing my minds trying to learn how to make these two compatible in FO4Edit, and 7 patch attempts down the line with no changes being reflected ingame. I've already spent hours looking for an existing patch online but I can't find anything. In concept it shouldn't be hard but I just can't figure out what records to carry over; I've tried carrying over all, as well as only a select few, and even tried to dissect a similar patch between the x02 mod and the same power armor overhaul, but I just don't get it... If anyone could please at least give me a clue as to what records to port over or direct me to a guide Links to mods: https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/4415?/ https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/26251/
Actually yes. Those puzzles werent meant to keep people out, they were meant to keep them in. I'm talking about the draugr who have an ugly habbit of coming back to life and creeping out of their burrial grounds at night. So those stone gate puzzles are there to make sure the dead wont leave their burrial crypts as they are impossible to open from the inside.
Ok so I solved my problem, which I dont even know if it was a problem at all, I mean it is odd it got solved just by this. I was basically getting a Crash To Desktop for just trying to start a new game or loading a clean save that just got out of helgen, the CTD would only occur once I would install dawnguard and update my game, a clean vanilla skyrim working otherwise (its how i managed to make a clean save right off helgen). Anyway here's what solved this problem for me: just tried playing windowed. Yes, seriously. Playing the game full screen would lead to CTDS every single time. Playing windowed but with it still wrapped around all my screen except that I can see the task bar, makes it run with no problems. This is rather strange, and unexpected, I guess I might of had some graphic changed when installed that new hard drive? Anyway hope this might help someone in the future.
I appreciate, but I probably should of specify that I played with no mods before, just the DLCs, and I tried with no mods now either. I used the nexus mod manager to make sure the load order was correct. But its ok, I have solved the problem after so many days of constants headches trying to get it to work.
You did? Its funny how we have the same problem then. However it dosent seem to be dawnguard thats messing up my game, I mean it IS dawnguard, but it looks like my computer cant run dawnguard anymore regardless from where I take it.
Ok so about 2 weeks ago I've decided to buy and install skyrim along with dawnguard and hearthfire... so good so far as it worked... I had time to finish the main skyrim storyline, to build my hearthfire house, and start the dawnguard main storyline.... now here's where the trouble begins. I've had an error on one of my hard drives, the one where skyrim was installed along with my windows. It was dying so I bought a new hard drive, its compatible with my computer, its got the same size inside and all that... I reinstalled my windows and everything, updated everything and reinstalled all the drives. Didnt tought I would have any problem getting skyrim to work again since I did first time. I went on and retraced my steps: First installing skyrim, then dawnguard, then hearthfire like last time. So here's the problem now... when I click "start a new game" it simply crashes to desktop, no error. I've reinstalled it without dawnguard and hearthfire and it works, been able to start a new game, made a new character, got out of helgen and saved my game in riverwood. Then I went on and installed dawnguard, started the game again and surprise, it crashes to desktop upon trying to load, I did open it again and tried to start a new game once more... still crashes to desktop. My specs havent changed since then, and the "can you run it" test on the internet still says my computer passes the test to run it. I dont know what the problem could be, once I install dawnguard not even disabling it in the data files works, it still crashes to desktop with no error. I've used the nexus mod manager to make sure the load order is correct skyrim > update > dawnguard... still nothing. I've tried researching it on the net but in some cases its the specs that changed , in other cases its the load order....here I dont know what could be, my specs havent changed so it cant be them, but it did ran before with dawnguard and hearthfire so it kinda points that its the specs that changed, but all I did was to replace my hard drive disk with a new one, its just a storing device that shouldnt affect my game in any way. If anyone knows how I could go around this since I really want to finish dawnguard as well, I would appreciate it.