I have been fighting with this for a few days now, I think after all my testing is this - when boss readjusts my load order, it puts uop 320 before uoshivering isles patch and dlc shivering isles.esp - if I load it after the shivering isles patch I do not get the 1st person black out, plus the headless mode, I am still testing this as I just found this out - I sure hope that is the problem - so far so good for me, no black outs today. Try that and see if it helps you and let me know, cause I sure would like to. Here is what happens to me - 3rd person, I cannot go anywhere, have to jump to get somewhere, then in 1st person everything goes black, my head disappears (even npc top half missing) and the options on the doors are not even avail to go anywhere. I tried creating a vanilla character, thinking it was my custom character, but still the same problem. Let me know if this helps you, I'm gonna go test some more and see if I get any more black outs or headless modes. Daisy