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About ThatFalloutGuy2

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    United States
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    Fallout New Vegas
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  1. If anyone is having the same issue you just need to create a quest, set start game enabled, and rise the priority to 55. Set your hello topic and make your text. Once you do that you can just set the NPCs conditions with getitsid or getinfaction if doing a large group of NPCs with the same response. Then just set the response tick to goodbye and random if you have more than one response. Just make sure you quest is start game enabled or this totally won't work.
  2. I was literally just researching this topic, and came across this. I didn't even realize I had posted this. Guess I haven't learned much in 5 years
  3. Hey everyone, I've got a pretty easy case. I made this neat vertibird interior scene I scrapped from FO3 Broken Steel, the script and its functions work perfectly, but I can't seem to figure out a way to make the trigger repeatable. where the script will play out each time the player enters the trigger, as right now it only works once. scn EPVertibirdinteriorScript ;Looping interior vertibird scene short Stamp ; Stage Variablefloat timer ; Timer Variable ;****************************************** Begin onTriggerEnter Player if (Stamp == 0)imod FadeInFromBlack4sISFX EPDoor.disable ;make sure the Exit door is disabledendif if (GetCurrentTime < 6) || (GetCurrentTime > 19)lightput.enable ;light activatorendif set timer to 5playsound OBJVertibirdTakeoffset Stamp to 1 End ;****************************************** Begin gameMode if (Stamp == 1)if (timer <= 0) ;Pilot take off topicEPMark.enable ;enable the xmarker looping soundset timer to 10set Stamp to 2elseset timer to (timer - GetSecondsPasseD)endif elseif (Stamp == 2)if (timer <= 0)playsound OBJVertibirdLandEPMark.disable ;Disable the looping Xmarker sound ;Pilot landing topicset timer to 8set Stamp to 3elseset timer to (timer - GetSecondsPasseD)endif elseif (Stamp == 3)if (timer <= 0) Showmessage EPExitVertibirdMSG ;show message to exit the vertibird EPDoor.enable ;enable the exit door to the vertibirdset timer to 4set Stamp to 4elseset timer to (timer - GetSecondsPassed)endif elseif (Stamp == 4)if (timer <= 0) Set Stamp to 5elseset timer to (timer - GetSecondsPassed)endifendif End ;******************************************
  4. so, reference ids with numbers aren't recognized as persistent refs when converted to ESM? I've had to build most of my mod on vanilla Geck as the Extended version caused dialogue issues, but you said, "the vanilla geck will let scripts that point to non-Persistent refs save.", so the Vanilla Geck will let faulty scripts save but will break in conversion due to improper ID formatting? Damn, that is unfortunate because I have used numbers in my Form IDS, quite a few of them actually, that would explain the partial triggering of references that don't contain a number in their Form ids, is there any way around this or am I going to have to restart the entire thing?
  5. Hey everyone, I have been working on a mod that adds basic NPCs and scripts to a cell, I've recently decided to convert my esp to an ESM as to fix broken navmesh and scripts, I utilized xedits set header to ESM function and set mark-modified after that, but I keep having an issue with the ONAM Records not copying correctly, as each time I test play my mod, certain scripts will be goofed and will not function properly, I've searched everywhere for a solution, what do you guys think?
  6. Hey, thanks for the quick help, after converting it to an ESM and testing it in the game, I seem to have fixed my issue!
  7. So converting it to an ESM will stop it from breaking?
  8. Hey everyone, I've been having a little trouble on my WIP Mod. To keep it short, I made a fully navameshed player home, I added NPC, guards, and mechanics, they all have the proper packages to function, but for some reason whenever I leave and reenter the cell, they will all be bunched up in a certain part of the house. Any ideas as to why it does this?
  9. FIX: I found out my problem, I was using a GECK shortcut supposedly this is very buggy and crashes a lot and to say I have to agree. I used the original GECK. exe and it seemed to work. Thank you Dubious for the help.
  10. Wow, I never knew the GECK was so buggy, but I haven't had a problem with any real problems with it other than my problem and the tendency for my landscape to have weird Land texture bugs. That was very useful info and I did learn a lot, but unfortunately I could find much about transitioning between cells, but thank you.
  11. Hi, I made a world space for a small mod I'm trying to do. The mod takes the player out of Vegas and puts them in a entirely different world space, and it isn't a sub world it's kinda like a DLC. The problem I'm having is taking the player from the Mojave to this different land space. At first I tried to use regular doors and teleporter markers, the marker took me too the location, but the marker and the door became bugged and didn't work. Then I tried to see how the developers went from the northern passage to Zion Canyon, but I couldn't really figure it out, I also tried to look at their scripting, but to be honest I'm a total noob at that and I couldn't really understand it. what am I doing wrong? I hope this Info isn't to vague, but any response is greatly appreciated. Thanks.
  12. I really appreciate that you replied but the things you recommend for me but it didn't really have the exact info I needed. The wiki had a lot of specific information and kind of got lost, I've already seen most of the video guides and those didn't completely solve my problem.
  13. Hey there, a week ago I made a post asking for help on a rather basic topic. This time i'm having trouble understanding NPC dialogue, but it's not the kind where you actual talk to the npc, I'm having trouble when it comes to comments. When I mean comments I mean whenever you activate the Npc and they'll say a random comment like ", Out of my way wasteland." or ", Leave me alone I'm eating." Also, I'm having trouble with combat comments like ", Get em." or ", Take cover." Something they say when there in combat. I hope I'm not confusing y'all but I would really appreciate the help. Anything helps, Thanks.
  14. Thank you all for responding I really appreciate you guys help and sorry it took me so long to respond.
  15. Hey, I'm pretty new to modding and I'm working on my first big mod. I made my own interior and made my own npcs to put in that interior. It's Enclave based and It would be so cool to see the soldiers patrolling through the bunker but for some reason when ever I load the cell the soldier just stands there and does nothing. I have the AI package set for patrolling and everything is linked, am I missing something inside the interior that'll allow the npc move or do I need to add something to the AI package, anything helps thanks.
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