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Posts posted by cfrensley

  1. CP2077 has a lot of ups and a lot of downs. The modders have helped make it a better game. What's really lacking I think, avoiding work responsibilities for 10 minutes just running around the badlands, is the ability for V to do anything ultimately but GTA style ops, and an on-rails main plot. The entire open world environment is not at all fully developed.


    I think one area of improvement is the fact that V gets one dorky apartment that never changes. This apartment is located in a giant tenement. The computer, bed, shower, etc. in it are largely useless and decorative functions.


    At least the ability to buy new residences a la GTA would be nice ... but what is really needed? Ya know, the badlands would even better if maybe V could slowly put together his own pad out there, in addition to buying other residences in the city.


    If only certain earlier games offered a model here, and what can be done with modding as well. And no I am not suggesting that V should spend time growing corn, and mutfruit :smile:


    OK, maybe V growing corn and mutfruit would be great fun :)

  2. Hi -


    I didn't play NMS for a week-ish, started it up yesterday, and I noticed something utterly bizarre: the terrain manipulator aims and fires OK, but the mining laser and guns on the multi-tool, when fired, either swing the reticle upwards like 60 degrees, or drop it down similarly. I have not changed anything ... and the mining laser etc are now useless.


    Has anyone seen this?


    Yes I have plenty of mods but I have no idea what would cause this.

  3. Hi -


    I really love the mech exocraft.


    At least, in principle.


    Has anyone else noticed that attempting to *turn* or switch direction of movement in the mech is really slow and painful? It's almost impossible to get the thing to actually turn neatly ... it's path tends to be a broad sweeping circle around whatever it is you try to get it to move towards.


    Likewise - any form of uneven terrain - the movement is this halting sequence of stomp/slide/direction change - you take one or two steps, and it acts like it has to now jump, stomp, and slide, and ends up facing a different direction than the one you intended it to go. So over any kind of uneven terrain, you are constantly fighting to get it to move in the desired direction.


    How are people working with this? Has anyone produced a mod that makes less frustrating to try to simply walk in an arbitrary direction, turn, and continue in that direction?



  4. So. I love the game! I am new to it and already engrossed.


    But gang: when the in-flight controls, and navigation and flight support, in my starship that is the size of a Ford 350 but can do interstellar warp jumps, is primitive compared to that on a Boeing 787, it does hurt.


    Per another post of mine, I don't know anything about modding games. But just thinking about what pilots in today's civilian and military aircraft have available, these are some things that I think could really, really stand to be part of the flight experience.


    • An *altimeter*. Currently, our intrepid pilot has no idea of his altitude above the planet or moon surface. I believe flight here on Earth had altimeters by the time of World War I, or at the latest, II.
    • A ground penetrating radar useful from orbit for noting buildings and deposits. We have that on satellites today.
    • A compass that displays more than "North", and "South", but an actual *heading* as well, and also where "North" is actually "North" with respect to the planet, not "forward" when you entered into the atmosphere. Could even have "East", and "West", displayed.
    • Some ability for the pilot to see what is in view when it is raining. Whereas pilots today have the option of radar and even infrared visibility, our starship (which is the size of a Ford 350 but can do warp jumps) is in the age of Wilbur and Orville Wright, where the pilot is blinded by a bit of mist, or rain. It's difficult to believe that a civilization capable of single-man interstellar flight gets blinded by a bit of rain. One could imagine that there should be a way of seeing through rain and mist.
    • An "autopilot" capable of reaching a waypoint. Privately owned sailboats 30 feet long have that today. In the game, we are hanging out with sentient AIs (the Korvax) in giant space stations. And there is no "autopilot".
    • Wait for it.
    • Wait for it.
    • The flight experience itself is in need of work. The typical starship handles like a large bathtub, mounted on a pair of snowboards, piloted down a black diamond ski slope by a drunken redneck on his day off.

    Any ideas?

  5. I started with this game maybe a month ago. It has magnificent ups and, well, painful downs.


    One of the downs that I see (beyond the spacecraft flight handling, which for me seems really weak - watching the Bad Guys do elegant barrel rolls and flying circles around me while I still somehow blow them away easily is a bummer) is the solar system experience itself.


    Not the smooth flying from space directly to a planet's surface, which is very cool, but the solar systems. The planets all appear to be close enough together that they should have gravitationally destroyed each other and collided a billion years ago, and the way asteroids appear in clumps in all linear paths between planets and the space stations etc that you fly.


    And there is no gravity except when there 1.0 earth gravity anywhere you land. The moon of a large planet has the same gravity as the planet, and there is no gravity until you land on the surface, at which point it miraculously appears.


    Does anyone have any idea if it is feasible to get an actual solar system going .... with a sun *in the middle of it* not off to the side of everything some unreachable distance away? And to have belts of asteroids? And to have variable gravity not just on planets and moons, but near them, as well? Wouldn't be cool to be able to do your inventory management or something else after setting up a clean orbit around a planet?

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