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About belagaming8

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  1. Orcs and Redguards for me. Eventho that my current character is a female Cleric Nord, and I do have a Wood Elf somewhere, those two are my favourite.
  2. Thanks to a lot of armour and weapons mods out there, along with tons of other ( like new places, immersion, races, everything) it really makes the RP experience of this game a lot better. Right now I am playing a female Nord called Victoria (using that quite new mod which makes all human races a lot more beautiful) who is an Cleric. Now my definition of Cleric in Skyrim is someone who uses Heavy Armour, One Handed weapons and of course Restoration magic. I gotta say it's tons of fun. Along with it, of course I level Alchemy and Enchanting, with some Smithing. The Restoration magic, let's be honest, is one of the least used from what I gathered, so playing like this is making it pretty fun and interesting. Combat is pretty fun, since you have only one weapon, and spells that heal you, your companion, or shield you from magic damage. I've done the "Mage's Guild" quests, and a lot of side quests. The main quest is somewhere after meeting the Greybeards, and I intend to leave it there. Her main purpose is to became one of the most powerful Clerics in Skyrim, so she can aid people in need. Also I've done the quest for Dawnbraker, and am using it, which goes along with her story. Now leveling only 3 main skills can seem a bit boring since you only have to swing your weapon and hold right mouse button to heal yourself, but trust me it's not only that, and it is fuuuuuun. She won't ever use, Alteration, Conjuration, Illusion, but she used a bit of Destruction, but not for long. My other character is your every day knight who came to Skyrim to seek rest from the battle and everything that is going on. He's married and lives with his wife ( I can't rememeber her name, the one with the Mill, to marry her you need to chop and bring her some firewood). They are quite happy. He keeps his old armour in the shack that used to belong to workers who worked at the mill before. That shack is locked, and so are all the memories from his old life. He travels to the closest city for supplies, either Riften, or Winterhold. He is a Redguard. He never done anything wrong, he never stole, or killed anyone who didn't deserve it, or so he thought. He still has nightmares of his old town, and one day he goes out to town to make a normal supply exchange. When he comes home his wife is missing. The key to the old shack is in his hands, and the old memories are pounding on the front door. From here I will leave it to you. Is his wife taken? Is she dead? Did she run away? Who did it? Necromancers? Imperials, Stormcloacks, beasts? I leave it to your imagination. I still haven't decide for my own character. There was once an Khajit, known for being the best hand to hand fighter in all of Tamriel. People would travel miles and miles to see his fights in the arenas. One day he was approached by a noble, who had a lot of gold on his loss. The only thing he needed to do was to give up. But his pride was stronger than that, and his fists never backed down. He fought like it was his last battle, and it was. After the fight, several guards tried to kill him. He ran, and ran as fast as he could, across the border, into Skyrim. Now, only in his clothes, cap, and some ragged shoes, with around 50 gold in his pocket, he must begin his new life. He is very tough (increased Health and Stamina) but he never practiced magic (Magicka below 20, and all his magic skills below 5). His Heavy Armour and Light Armour are increased (he uses Light Armour mostly, but in Heavy he has the perk to deal more damage when unarmed in Heavy Armour Gloves.) His One Handed skill is increased, since he used blades once, but not too long (around 45), but he doesn't Dual Wield, or use Two Handed or Block. He is a swift tounge and tends to get his way when speaking to others ( 60 or more in Speechcraft). But even with his rough life style, he never stole or broke in anywhere, which will have to change (Start with Lockpicking, Sneaking and Pickpocketing at 20, and use them.) He is not a good Enchanter or Alchemist, but he has some Smithing knowledge. Also he preffers to use his hands instead of a weapon, and he avoids fighting at all costs. He was never a good archer, and he never will be (Archery skill 5) All in all, story a bit used, that he has to climb from the bottom, but he doesn't really want to be on the top. He just wants to have enough to live a quiet life, away from the glamour of the city arenas. Once upon a time (no it's not a fairy tale) there was an Orc. He was an ordinary Orc, but he was a dumb Orc as well. He was a skilled fighter, but that's all he was. He used Two Handed weapons and Heavy Armour, and was a good smith. But his Speech was very limited and he would talk to others through grunts, and grins. One day in the battlefield he found a woman. She was (Breton, Nord, Imperial, Redguard your choice). She was alone, and frightened, not ready to fight. For the first time in his life, he felt some kind of emotion, and decided to spare her. In return she decided that she will spend as much time with him as needed for him to became more aware of the world, and to expand his intelect. He will become much calmer, and smarter person the before. You pick it up from there. TL;DR = Cleric Nord with Restoration, Heavy Armour and Onehanded. Redguard Knight, who gave up fightning only, to be brought back in when his wife went missing. Khajit who is a great Hand to Hand figher, but is forced to abandon his life and start all over. Dumb Orc becomes smart Orc. Take care.
  3. I hope you sort it out soon, and good luck.
  4. Yeah so, it's been one year since the release of this brilliant game. After probably my 10th character, I am still playing it, always finding out new stuff. And I think that many more years will come with this game being on my pc, and being played world wide....also damn I can't wait for Dragonborn :P. Take care.
  5. Personally the first thing I do in any RPG (Arpg, Mmorpg and so on) if I can make more then one character, I make a female and a male one. Then I spend equal time playing both, and which one I like most gets more play time. Also I tend to make characters on this premise: Males= Warriors (Paladins, Berserkers, Beastmasters) and Females= Mages and Rangers. When it comes to Rogues I try to see which one would fit the role more, and tend to play it like that. Also I like to watch at girls ass while I am playing, much more then looking at dudes ass :P . I don't mind playing the other sex, or when people play the other sex, because only playing the same sex as you are is just bit dumb for me. Of course unless you are transexual, then I dunno how you pick your "more" favourite sex.
  6. You are an Orc warchief trying to reunite all the villages in Skyrim for the upcoming war. Your Speech skill is over 70, along with your Two Handed and Heavy Armour since you are known to be one of the best warriors in the lands of Orsimer. Your magic skill (all of it) is below 10, since you are a real fighter. I would recommend using Orc Blademaster mod (which comes with pretty neat banners), and using Warchiefs two handed Axe (I forgot with which mod it comes). To prove your strength to the Orcs in skyrim however, you must kill dragons and do random dungeon (give yourself some quests). Use mods to add followers and stuff like that. That's off top of my mind, when I have more time I will post more.
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