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Posts posted by dbbolton

  1. I tried out your version and it worked, so I copied the script source and tried it in the original mod file, and it worked. Since the only differences are the "Actor Property pPlayerRef Auto" line and the skill increase amount, I'm guessing one of those things did the trick.

  2. I need help figuring out which mod broke the quest A Return to Your Roots. When I go into Sinderion's lab, his journal is missing from his corpse. I tried giving it to myself but reading it does nothing. Also, the quest doesn't start when I harvest the nirnroot.


    I manually set the stage to 15, which starts the quest and tasks me with finding out the significance of the root (i.e. read his journal), but again reading the book does nothing.


    When I disable all my mods these problems go away, but I have a whole lot of them. I tried disabling some that I thought might be related (Even Better Quest Objs, Crimson Nirnoot Markers, etc.) to no avail.


    Basically, I need to know if there is any way to determine which mods are messing with Sinderion's inventory, the journal/plant scripts, or the quest itself, other than opening each mod by hand.

  3. Thanks for the response. I actually tried disabling all mods, loading only Skyrim, Update, and my mod but I had the same problem.


    I'm starting to think that my hunch about the perks not showing up could be the case. Here are some levels of a Fortify Enchanting potion that I've experimented with:


    just 100 alchemy -> 8%

    100 alchemy + relevant perks added with batch script -> 15%

    after only reading the book -> 15%


    However, if I run the batch script after reading the book, the potion will drop back down to 8%! Even reading the book and/or running the script won't bring it back up to 15%. Seems really odd to me.



    Also, could you explain a bit more about pPlayerRef? What is the point of declaring it up front if you still use Game.GetPlayer() in the Event block?

  4. I am working on a personal mod that includes a book to give the player a perk. I have found several forum posts of the same question, and cross-referenced the CK wiki. However, my script isn't working.

    Here is the source:

    Scriptname _dbbAlcBookScript extends ObjectReference  
    Perk property Alchemist00 auto
    Perk property Physician auto
    Event OnRead()

    and here is a view of the properties window: http://i.imgur.com/mDUnhrh.png

    When the player reads the book, the Alchemy skill is fully leveled, and the debug message appears, but the perks are not added. My test character is a brand new character that doesn't have any perks.

    I tried out the same script format on Enchanting and it worked exactly as expected. Then I tried tweaking the Alc script. I added all five ranks of Alchemst, Physician, and Benefactor. When I read the book in-game, only Benefactor was added to the character. It seems like something is fishy with the Alchemist and Physician perks.


    Another weird thing I noticed: after reading the book, if I try to choose the first Alchemist perk by hand, it instantly gives me all five ranks. It's almost as if the perks are being added but not showing up for some reason. They also don't show up when I check with HasPerk.

    Side note: I wanted to mention that I know how to do this with a batch script but I would much rather do it through an in-game item.

  5. Summary: I want to make a custom armor set that re-uses the meshes from the apprentice mage robes and hood. Somehow my meshes are broken- they show up fine in NifSkope but the clothing is invisible on the actor when equipped.



    How I approached it: I started out by looking up the MageApprenticeAA (armor addon) and saw that it uses the mesh Clothes\MageApprentice\MageApprenticeRobes_1.nif for the Biped Model. I extracted this mesh, put my texture on it, then made my own AA with my mesh selected. As I said, it shows up fine in NifSkope.



    I did the same thing for the hood.


    When I launched the game, the robes worked, but the hood was invisible, and the character had a huge bald spot. I googled this and it seemed to be an issue when an item is listed as HEAD rather than HAIR in the biped model section, but mine was indeed listed as hair, as I directly copied the mesh, AA, and armor objects from the original, only changing the necessary data.



    In the CK, I made a test actor and outfit with my stuff- but now *both* items show up invisible. I can't figure out what I'm missing.




    I think at this point it might be easier to start over and follow a tutorial. However, all the "custom armor" tutorials I found were about creating the actual 3D models, but I don't need to do that. I just want to reusing some existing ones, change their textures and stats. I don't want to override the default texture files, although that would be easier.

  6. I last played Skyrim roughly a month ago and didn't have any issues. Since then I haven't installed anything new. A few days ago I launched it (via the skse_loader.exe) and got an Error 1 from SkyUI. I figured something was out of date, so I went to Nexus and saw I already had the latest version of SkyUI, 4.1. I had also previously set up my load order using BOSS, which placed SkyUI near the top.



    Then I downloaded the SKSE 1.06.16 installer and installed it, ran its launcher, and got the same error from SkyUI. I figured maybe there was an issue with the installation, and manually installed its components, and still got the same error.



    The in-game error message offers some suggestion about a possible patch conflict, but it is my understanding that the last Skyrim patch was released quite awhile ago. Regardless, I am running which SKSE explicitly claims to support.



    I opened an issue on SkyUI's Github, here: https://github.com/schlangster/skyui/issues/51 but haven't got a response.

  7. After some more testing, I've figured out that the damage multiplier condition is the only problem (I think).


    If I remove it, or set to to something like "GetHitLocation < 100" (which should always be true), the perk seems to work. One earlier problem was that I had set it to subject when it should be target.


    So for whatever reason, the game is not registering a head shot as 1 or 2. I assume behemoths' heads are also 1 or 2 but I could be wrong. My only lead at this point is the potential GameMode issue.

  8. Well, I've gotten pretty close, but I'm still not there. I set up an effect to give the player the perk. Basically, the first time you successfully shoot someone, you are notified that you've been given the perk (but only once) and the perk shows up in the PipBoy correctly.


    However, the perk doesn't do anything. According to the GECK Wiki,


    GetHitLocation won't work if used in a weapon's Object Effect, but will work if used in the weapon's Crit Effect.


    GetHitLocation will only return the correct value in a GameMode block in the frame that the reference is killed.

    So, I set up my effect as a spell, and set the weapon's critical effect to use this spell. So the player still has the perk, but it doesn't actually do anything and I can't figure out why. My guess is something to do with the GameMode thing.


    I tried using the critical damage entry instead and it didn't work either.


    The way I'm testing this is as follows: I set the pistol's damage and critical damage to 1, set the critical chance to 100%, and set the modifier to x1000. Then I spawned a Behemoth in front of me and shot it in the head. If it's working, the Behemoth should lose half its health from one shot. However, it loses essentially none, suggesting that the effect is broken.


    Thanks for all your help so far. If you have some time later to try this out in the GECK later I'd really appreciate it, but there's no rush at all.

  9. Here's how I'm setting it up. Let me know if anything is off.



    Target     Function Name    Function Info                    Comp    Value
    Subject    GetEquipped      Weapon: 'dbb10mmPistolUnique'    ==      1.00
    Perk Entries
    Rank    Priority    Type           Data 1                     Data 2            Data 3
    1       0           Entry Point    Calculate Weapon Damage    Multiply Value    1000.0
    Perk Entry Conditions
    Target    Function Name     Function Info    Comp    Value    -
    S         GetHitLocation    NONE             ==      2        OR
    S         GetHitLocation    NONE             ==      1        OR
    For testing purposes, I'm making it 1000 so it will be really obvious whether it's working. I'll probably lower it to 2 afterwards.


    For reference, here is the GECK function page where I confirmed that 1 and 2 are the correct values: http://geck.bethsoft.com/index.php?title=Function_Page


    If that's all OK, my next step is to attach the perk to the weapon. It seems to me I'll still need to create an object effect that calls a script to give the player the perk when the weapon is equipped and to remove it when it is unequipped, but I'm not sure. If there's a simpler way to do it, I'd prefer that.

  10. You can have a perk with the condition for a specific weapon (ie playerRef.getEquipped == myUniqueWeapon)

    So you're saying it would be easier to make a perk that's only granted when the weapon is equipped rather than to create an object effect that's tied to the weapon?


    I guess that would work, but what Entry Point would I use for the perk, and would I need to add any other conditions to it?

  11. I am working on a custom weapon mod, and I'd really like to add a custom enchantment or effect that will give a gun increased headshot damage. I want the effect to be tied to a weapon, i.e. not a permanent character perk. However, I don't know if such an effect is even possible. I assume it would require some scripting, but I don't know.


    Any advice would be appreciated.

  12. Thanks for the clarification.


    I tried this with the GIMP, but it doesn't seem possible (it looks like you can only remove parts of the alpha channel but you can't just use the paintbrush tool with arbitrary values). However, it worked in Photoshop. At first, I was confused on how to save the DDS file because there are a lot of options. I ended up choosing "explicit alpha" and that seemed to work.


    When I launched the game, with my new _n.dds loaded into my mesh, I didn't really notice a difference. Then I edited the glossy value mentioned earlier and it seemed to work, so I believe it's a combination of both the normal map and the material property.

  13. ArekkusuStorm: What exactly am I supposed to do with the alpha channel?


    Kuroitsune: Are you talking about the "glossiness" entry under NiMaterialProperty in NifSkope? I tried playing with this and couldn't really tell any difference in game. I also have no idea what the scale of values is, i.e. what's considered a low or high value.

  14. Whenever I try pasting the branch in NIFSkope, I get this error:

    failed to map parent link BSFadeNode|CombatShotgun
    The combat shotgun NIF is the one I'm copying from.


    Maybe I should also mention that I imported the original mesh into Blender 2.49 (as recommended on the NIFtools wiki) for editing, then exported it using the Fallout 3 NIF settings.

  15. Yes, that is the "Main Font Replacement mod" I referenced in my first post.


    It doesn't give any information other than a very broad overview of how to embed fonts in SWF files, which obviously I already know how to do or I wouldn't have run into this problem.


    Unfortunately, the mod's files won't be helpful to me since SWFs are compiled binaries.

  16. I'm having an issue with custom fonts. They look like this:




    It seems like the letter spacing or kerning is really screwed up. I tried two different fonts: DejaVu Sans and Segoe UI. They both looked like this. They look fine in Flash. I've tried enabling and disabling auto-kerning in Flash with no apparent effect.


    I used DejaVu Sans Mono for a console font, which is a fixed width font, and didn't notice this issue. I also didn't notice it with any of the fonts from the Main Font Replacement mod, but I'm pretty sure the included fonts aren't all monospace fonts.


    Is it just these two fonts? Any advice would be appreciated.

  17. I would like to have an alternate underwear texture that includes long sleeves and pants. I think this would be more appropriate for cold climates. Plus, I imagine it would be really uncomfortable to wear metal armor on bare skin.


    Ideally, it would include different neutral colors, like off-white, taupe, light grey, dark grey, etc.

  18. I just wanted to add that I had this same problem. Eventually I figured out that I could talk to NPCs again after I unequipped <strong>Morokei</strong>.<br /><br />I know this seems really bizarre but I verified it a few times.
  19. Thanks for the info. Can you recommend any guides on tweaking environment maps?


    I opened cuirass_0 and cuirass_1 in NifSkope, and under BSLightingShaderProperty I found a very green value for Specular Color. I calculated the appropriate decimal values and change the color to a grey-gold, then I saved the new files in Data/meshes/armor/glass/f/ and fired up the game. However, I am still seeing a green tint.


    Is there something else I missed?

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