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Everything posted by b4dmojo

  1. These post by SpyderArachnid fixed my issues. I was crashing whenever i touched or tried to open workshop by holding down button. I installed DEF_HUD and DEF_INV. I did not delete my Workshop.swf. This is from the posts on Settlement Keywords. SpyderArachnid12 kudos352 posts Just thought I'd mention this again, as the beta patch is now live already. Every time I try to open the Workshop now, I insta crash. Whether it is Homemaker, Alternate Settlements, Business Settlements, OCDecorator, Settlement Keywords, etc etc, I have no idea. I just know the new patch added new categories for the new items now, which could be the obvious problem. Not sure if this mod just needs to be updated with the new categories, or if all workshop mods need to be updated now, but thought I'd mention it at least. Rather sucks, as I was right in the middle of rebuilding the Castle and the patch hit, and now I can't finish (or work on any settlement for that matter). Hopefully these mods get updated soon to support the new categories. EDIT: (I always feel retarded after posting cause I figure out the issue after I already post about it) Seems it was an issue with the workshop.swf file. Any interface mod that changes it was causing CTD when opening the workshop. And DEF_INV/DEF_HUD updated today, so got the new update and the workshop works fine now. SpyderArachnid12 kudos352 posts I'm not getting any CTD's from this mod or any settlement mod for that matter. Just finished building an elaborate clinic in the Castle and didn't have any crashes. My crashes were due to DEF_INV/DEF_HUD instead. After I updated those two mods, everything is working just fine again. So check if you have a workshop.swf in your interface folder. If so, remove it (as it is usually added by an interface mod), then try to open your workshop again.
  2. Do a reinstall of the last body texture you used. This has happened to me a few times and I had to: 1.reinstall last body texture 2.Open bodyslide and click build 3. preview it If that doesnt work - Try installing one of the many body mesh/texture files like Oni, nuclear nude, or glorious nude. Then try steps 2 and 3.
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