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Everything posted by braigus09

  1. There is a new Rampage Deco for Lance which is the Guard Bash, that deals blunt damage to a monster when blocking an attack with the Guard Switch Skill without taking too much knockback. As much as I love this skill, being an Insta-Block main, I want for this skill to work on Insta-Block Switch Skill as well.
  2. From what I hear, the Nyati is supposedly a bit longer. But it could work too. It has the same stopping power nonetheless.
  3. You can change the projectile model, although I'm not sure you really need to, nor am I very familiar with the details. It might be just a simple model swap or there may be additional nodes on the nif that need to be edited. I'll try and find some time to look into it. You do have to follow up by changing teh spent shells in the weapon nif though. I made some 10 gauge shot gun shells for unique scattergun and just made the cases bigger and green, as oppsed to the 12 ga red casings. The ejected shells/casings are much more likely to be noticed than the actual projectiles, which you never see at rest anyway. Have you decided you want the .585 Gehringer? Yeah I'll just have to go for .585 Gehr. I don't use VATS that often so I'll just worry the projectile for the latter.
  4. Most variants with a full length stock are about 44" (41.54 in to 44.69 in) total length, according to teh wiki. Any considerations given to ammo or did you have a additional mod in mind like caliberX? Yeah I can integrate it unto CaliberX. Or I can just make one for it, stat-wise anyway. As for the projectile, I don't know. I could use the 40mm projectile but I don't know how can I make it fly straight and not on an arc.
  5. Let's say about... approximately the barrel length of the CZ 550, with a .585 Gehringer Cartridge.
  6. Hmm... Yeah. Maybe the diameter of the grenade launcher/rifle barrel. Maybe making it also longer? About the length of the AMR.
  7. Most specifically the elephant gun. But not the blunderbuss one. Kinda like this one. http://www.thefirearmblog.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2009/02/2-boreside.jpg
  8. I have been looking for this for a while now. Maybe a quick Nifskope edit on the Grenade Launcher/Rifle by removing its sights and making the barrel a bit longer or larger? And maybe can damage your limbs per shots fired, like the Alice Cannon. I can make the time creating the ammo but I'm still novice at best at nifskope editing.
  9. What about the Deathclaw and Yao Guai Roar and Stomp, that can cause your character to flinch. Maybe also add some heavy footsteps to Adult Deathclaws or unique ones like the Mother, Alpha, Legendary, Blind or maybe even Rawr.
  10. Think I saw one in a japanese NV Modding Site, tho not sure if posting that link here is legal. IIRC There's also one in the FO3 Nexus, if you know how to port.
  11. Hmm... maybe like the desert camo design of the Batman Armor in Drags New Armor Pack or maybe the camo design on the Desert Ranger Armor chestpiece which was hardly noticeable. Or maybe something like these:
  12. it would probably go well with the desert ranger armor as that is supposed to be U.S. marine corp body armor. I did one for the bounty hunter duster and visually it fits in pretty well. Probably look good as a ranger duster, pic; Yeah, seems like it would useful, although the ranger dusters do have a fairly neutral color that doesn't blend too badly with the desert. Maybe it has something to do with the "Black Armor" being "awe inspiring" (the wiki's words not mine) and keeping to some semblance of a recognized, elite uniform. But considering all the scouting and work they do behind enemy lines, they probably do have camo ranging from fatigues all the way to ghillie suits. I don't think the player gets to see too many ranger vets in black armor save for the final battle at Hoover........in a more natural environment the rangers probably make much more extensive use of camouflage. Yeah I saw that texture, it was really well done. Similar to that but to a Ranger Coat. And yes, that's what I thought so too since majority of Veteran Rangers were former Desert Rangers before the unification treaty. And their major expertise is reconnaissance, so would be paramount that they would use desert camo to blend in with the environment. Aesthetically, the brown coats got old real quick on my side of preference. And I'm kinda mighty tired of seeing Courier dusters. So yeah if we could only have either Desert Camo or Deathclaw hide (which I would imagine would be kinda has some significant weight to it. Not to mention tough as kevlar, significant amount of DT) retex of the ranger coat, that would be great.
  13. Has anyone ever suggested this? Not really a separate piece of armor but rather a desert-camo retexture of the ranger coat. Or maybe yet a Deathclaw Leather/hide-backed coat for the Ranger Combat Armor/Riot gear. Just kinda irks me that the Desert Ranger armor doesn't have that feel. Or if you guys wanna go crazy, maybe throw in a Brahmin skull single pauldron as an accessory like the Tribal Power Armor from FO3.
  14. Hi is there a mod for these Shotties mentioned? I would like me some KSG 12 in new vegas, or maybe a MW3-style Lever-Action Shotgun/Model 1887. Something like this: http://www.gamearthub.net/wp-content/uploads/2013/01/COD_Modern_warfare_3_1887_2_by_Yaron_Levi.jpg
  15. If you can stand her. I love her!!All we need is wiskey amd bullets to kick Legion ass!! Or to carve a trail of bloody vengeance through the Mojave Wasteland... Seriously, there's very few ways to play that she isn't pretty much Six's soulmate. They're both after the same thing, just from different people. Soulmate? More like destined and stars-aligned for each other. Seriously, there was an intended wedding for her and the Male courier, Las Vegas style with The King as the residing pastor. Ah sadly it wasn't passed off and didn't made the cut. Still hoping on a New Vegas Uncut for it though. But back on topic, this is one of my wishlist. Vanessa is good but---eh... I just see her as a Cass-gone-bad-really-bad-in-a-bad-way. Melissa is also good. I have downloaded the mod in my last playthrough. But I was looking more like a Black Widow-esque type. With no perverted gait, just all business and grit just little bit like Cass but more of a Queen b&@*$, someone who would laugh at you if you miss that pot-shot on a Deathclaw across Quarry Junction; or pull out a knife close your neck and a gun pointed at your unmentionables when yo first meet her; or even make aggressive or smartass comments depending on the choices you make. Someone you would question "Why do you even follow me if you're gonna insult my every action?", kind of a love-hate bond.
  16. Been having this problem more and more frequently with the SMMG. It would constantly delay its fire by 2 to a whopping 10 seconds before firing a single shot. Basically it would prompt a recoil animation without muzzle flash nor projectile coming out of the gun. Then when I unequip it, my character would attack without me even pressing left-click. The only thing that could make it stop is by completely exiting the game and it happens every time I move, or after doing VATS. Case was worse when it started delaying fire too in the duration of VATS. my character would just stand there and I could see the weapon's barrel spinning without firing a shot and would just bug out right there and then. Then when I test out other guns, they would fire just fine.
  17. I have looked into nexus for a vendor that sells every plant in NV and so far I have no luck. I am aware of the westside merchant in-game but his inventory is not enough. I want a vendor that sells even Cave Fungus, White Horsenettle, Tobacco Chews--basically every plant in game and in bulks. It's just a drag that you have to travel and trek into a specific place just to gather a specific plant. Most notably the Cave Fungi and the Coyote Tobacco. Even worse when you're playing a no-fast travel playthrough.
  18. I've been having this problem for 3 playthroughs now. Every time I finish Dead Money DLC I can still see Dog/God's follower marker on my map outside the Sierra Madre Area. It's not game-breaking but it gets annoying. Anyone who has a fix for this?
  19. By animations, you mean the player getting in the armor? Don't think that's possible in Gamebryo engine. We had driveable cars but they have no animation ala GTA when they get in it.
  20. Hey was wondering if there's any existing weapon mod or mod resource of the RPG-7. I recall seeing one 2 years ago but I couldn't find it anymore.
  21. I have been searching for a Backpack mod like this for some time. Basically a Backpack mod but instead of Survivalist packs, camping packs, duffle bags, it would be like something that would fit a Power Armor. For example, the Minigun's Ammo pack or the Flamer Tanks. Or if we could be more unique, maybe Power Armor backplates, Fuel tanks, Tesla Coils, Thrusters, or maybe even stored weapons like Daejones' Colossus Armor. Purely Aesthetic, give the Power Armor a more Mecha feel like Armored Core or something. Just throwing it out there, 'cuz I'm getting tired of survivalist bags that really doesn't fit the overall look for Power Armor. But that's just me.
  22. Just got a problem with the Geck loading any cells. Every time I try to load both exterior and interior cells, with or without mods, the GECK would just straight up CTD. This is after I installed project nevada and FCO. I don't know what happened. Can someone help? My NVSE is up to date, so does everything. I downloaded the GECK Power-up and NVAC, still it crashes.
  23. This frustration of mine has been a long time coming. Do anyone know how to import custom armors from other mods to custom followers and make it completely stand-alone? I really really wanted to solve this in a long time. All answers given to me were too vague, and no step by step. For example, I wanted to give my follower mod an Akaviri Samurai Armor by hothtrooper44 and make it as his/her default equipment without having the dependency of the original mod. Please give me a step-by-step guide.
  24. Hey guys, I have this weird bug on my self-made follower. Whenever she equips the hunting bow (a typical bug, she has a custom bow of her own), All her weapons disappear from her inventory. I tried using the console but whenever I remove the hunting bow, all her weapons are removed too. I tried removing the followerhuntingbow in the reference alias and the arrows but she still equips the hunting bow even though I permanently removed it from her inventory.
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