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About Keradiin36

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    United Kingdom

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  1. Just a quick reply, worked perfectly thank you, except i did it slightly different, i used the toe bone instead of the foot bones on all meshes, and removed weightings for the other bones on the meshes and now in game it works exactly how i wanted, so again thanks for the advice, helped me learn a bit more the weight element as well.
  2. Thanks for the response, i'll give that a go (i back up all my nifs before ingame testing anyway, so i wont bork anything permanently) and just so i have clarity, i take it your suggestion means i select the geta parts in the meshes tab and then go to the bones tab and select the " foot" bones and paint on those?
  3. I have been messing around with outfit studio to edit the mesh/textures of mod armors for my own use and have gotten fairly decent at it, even done a few mashups of different armor mods for personal use. However, there is something i am curious about, i have a mod which adds geta, a type of wooden sandal, now when my character walks/runs the back of the geta sticks to the heel, now to get to the point; Is it possible to edit the nif file so that the geta stays straight and has the back of the shoe not follow the heel while walking, and if it is, how i could actually get this to happen, i assume it has something to with the bone weights, fyi there are six bones in this nif file (toe,feet, calf for both feet). so if there is any advice or direction to pull something like this off, i'd be grateful and if it's not at all possible i'd rather know now then spend time trying to get something that the technicalities of the engine won't allow, it's just something small i want to try doing and not overly important to me. either way, thanks for reading
  4. The issue i have isnt a major pain just a slightly..irksome, so its not urgent by any means i use xpmsse with enhanced character edit (with all required mods installed beforehand)so that i can further adjust, shoulder scale etc. anyway the issue i have, and hopefully someone else has had it and fixed it, is that when my character moves, the hands shrink to baby hands, but then return to normal when im idle, the change is immediate, all other functions of xpmsse and ece work flawlessly, its just this one thing that stands out, whatever changes to the hands ive made (via ece) apply when im idle, but then baby hands when im moving its such a bizarre and specific issue that i have no idea what could cause it, other than some issue between xpmsse and ece, but as i said ALL other functions work flawlessly also playing as a female character in case thats important. any advice would be greatly appreciated, but as stated its not a major issue just distracting
  5. dont know if this is an issue thats already been addressed. i have a mod load order, that on the whole is not giving me any issues whatsoever. except i have this one bug, i dont know whether its something that is a an unmodded vanilla issue with automatron or not basically regardless of head type for an automatron, even if i dont use a head for the automatron, sometimes the automatron will have a sentry bot visor like glow coming off from it, but the light textures look very off, like instead of a smooth red, it has very sharp gradients, starting with a yellow near the "head" of the automatron, and then it will turn red in jumps the further the glow gets from the "visor". if i am caught in the glow it causes quite a dramatic fps loss, i havent a clue what could cause such an issue, any advice would be appreciated. i will post a screenshot the next time it happens, if that helps any. Keradiin36 Posted an attached screenshot with the issue
  6. thanks for the input,@theskymoves been reading up on the 4gb patch, and came across LAA, and also saw threads about issues with the patch update specifically for dragon age ultimate edition, whether this issue still applies i am unsure, guess ill have to dig around more.
  7. is the 4gb patch based on nexus or elsewhere? looking for it now
  8. thanks for the replies (to questions that im almost certain have been asked 1000+ times before) ill have a look at that link now ive done a bit of browsing, and have come across DAmodder(as @balmz said) but also DAO-modmanager, and from what ive gleamed from the descriptions, damodder purely handles the DAzip files and renames them if needed. where as DAO-modmanager indicates, that it handles overrides and even checks for compatibility issues between said overrides, but cant rename the zips so my next question is, are both of these fully compatible with each other? as far as mods go, ive read there seems to be a major memory leak issue in the game? which there is a patch for, and is basically required if i want to even think about modding DAU, is this true? as far as where to get mods, im curious to know if there are any other mod websites that have a dragon age section? also, the mods im planning to install are a very small list, a class mod which adds tons of new classes and specializations, a couple of companion morphs and some weapons and armour, so hopefully i shouldnt have to many issues if i take it slowly and read the descriptions. thank you for any responses, after these questions, i should be good to go, the rest will come from user "trial and error"
  9. okay This post is about dragon age ultimate i recently got a custom built pc for fo4 and sse, which came with a c drive (core drive, protected format) and an e drive now when i set up my mod directories for those games, alot of sources seemed to say to keep your game folders and mod folders away from the "protected" drive. which i've done, i also set steam to automatically install games to the E drive, so my games, my mods, mod install, and of course virtual install info go there. however when i try to configure the directories for NMM for dragon age ultimate, it wants me to put my install info and my virtual install on the c drive, yet still suggests the mod files to go on my E drive (this is what i do want) which i just cant seem to grasp why it wants them there, when my game files are downloaded onto my E drive, and i am pretty sure despite my lack of knowledge and experience , that having the files in two separate drives would cause issues let me point i am not experienced, fo4 and sse are my first games that ive ever modded (heavily and successfully), but i am aware that dragon age ultimate *most likely* runs on an entirely different architecture, and fo4 and sse seem very streamlined in terms of modding, 99% of mods can be installed without any issue through NMM, but im guessing dragon age ultimate is a different beast altogether. as such i also have very little experience with manual installations, like ive only ever done very light mods manually, and never attempted anything like patches or merges. if anyone can advice id be very grateful
  10. thanks for the replies, and if I did intend at some point to in anyway share or upload my conversions, id always touch base for permission anyway this conversion should be easy, in comparison to many other mods out there, not that itll be easy in its own regard, from looking at the files theres literally only textures and meshes, nifs which'll need to be updated, and DDS files (that's an archived file format similar to B2As right? so id need to open them up using BAE or Archive2?) and just to put it out there, its basically a conversion of the "monster hunter weapon pack" by Syncing as I noticed theres a lack of what id like to call "dragon killing" weapons, basically very large swords that to me personally, immersion wise, look like they can actually both attack with the required weight to damage an (to me anyway) extremely tough carapace, and have the strong durability to withstand the "aftershock" its purely for my own immersion, and just to add, this isn't meant to bash the weapon mods already available, I have a lot downloaded and love them, its just for my views on how a dragons carapace is, they don't really fit the bill. but anyway thanks for the replies and advice :)
  11. Hello to anyone who sees this o/ I basically wish to port some weapon mods (they are basic weapon mods, small content, they have no quests or landscapes applied to them, though I do think they have levelled list files) from skyrim to skyrim special edition, for my own use, not to be publicly provided. so of course I need to know how to do this, so I'm asking if anyone could advise or provide resource links, However please bare in mind I have never everâ made or even ported a mod before, this is my very first attempt, also I only just recently got a pc that can connect to the internet, so anything that is classed as basic pc knowledge that applies to this scenario would also need to be provided, as well as being tailored to someone who really is at the bottom of the ladder, which Is why I feel it necessary to be in correspondence with real people as opposed to just looking up guides etc. online that could be tailored to someone with a higher base knowledge. as far as tools I have which I'm pretty sure I will need ; creation kit, it was for an fo4 purpose so I don't know if there is a separate version for SSE, the SSE edit tool, but ive only used this to clean ITMs and UDIs. If you read this and are willing to help and advise, these following two things are what I want to clarify and get advice, resources on: 1. since this is other peoples work from skyrim provided freely as a mod to the public, I am aware that porting/converting another persons mod for public â distribution requires consent, I am not to sure about if its purely for myself, Id assume that I wouldn't need consent because I'm still using the mod as intended by the MA, but assuming is a bad thing to do, this is also why I'm willing to learn and do it myself as it would be purely for me at first, as opposed to requesting someone else do it. so this needs to be clarified first for my sake, obviously IF the above assumption is correct, I am well aware that to provide as a mod for public I would need to acquire consent, and link them on the page. 2. the relevant advise and guidance, resource links tailored to someone who really needs to be taught from the ground up. I'm also happy to say which weapon mods I'm planning to port, and why if someone is interested, but that would go off track from this post if I included it here. sorry for the wall of text and thank you to anyone who can and is willing to advise. Keradiin36
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