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Posts posted by ViceLordIronClad


    Ok so I'm at the final stages of the Kolbjorn Barrow quest.


    I want to pick up Ahzidal's armor but it is invisible.


    The text window still appears but the item is not to be seen.


    I picked it up and everything works as it should but the fact that it was invisible kinda annoys me.


    Anyone has any ideas about why this could happen?


    Is it a common glitch or is it a bad sign that my game is about to crash...






    Sounds like more it's conflicting with something, any armor related mods running, like overhaul, replacer or so?




    No I have a few mods but nothing armor related...

  2. So the next issue has already popped up for me...


    I want to kill Alduin on the Throath of the World with my trusty mace but it doesn't do any damage.


    I have an iron blade that I picked up recently and that inflicts damage but my mace doesn't do anything.



    This game is so great and terrible at the same time.

  3. Ok so I'm at the final stages of the Kolbjorn Barrow quest.


    I want to pick up Ahzidal's armor but it is invisible.


    The text window still appears but the item is not to be seen.


    I picked it up and everything works as it should but the fact that it was invisible kinda annoys me.


    Anyone has any ideas about why this could happen?


    Is it a common glitch or is it a bad sign that my game is about to crash...





  4. Funny thing is that at first the book shelves were fine.


    It's only after using USLEEP that the problems started happening.

    Reverting back to Skyrim Patch didn't solve the issue. Or doing anything for that matter.

  5. Hi all



    After some difficulties I finally managed to set up my game almost to perfection.


    Still one thing bothers me and that is the position of books on my book shelves.


    The smaller ones seem to float a couple of centimeter in the air, the bigger ones are correctly placed.


    This really messes up the look of a book shelf and I would love a fix for it.


    I've looked for specific mods but could not find any. I've tried positioning with Jaxonz but I have to re do the process each time I activate the shelf.



    So if anyone could help me with this, I would be grateful.



  6. Trust me buddy I've been there. Sadly no one is going to swoop in and solve all your problems, logistically you're the only one who can, but that doesn't mean there's no help available.


    I'd recommend watching some tutorials online to educate yourself.


    Gopher's beginner's guide to modding skyrim


    Gopher's guide to NMM


    GamerPoet's Modding Skyrim: From start to finish


    May the Force be with you.




    Ok thanks for your assistance.

    I checked out the video's and most subjects weren't new to me. But I did learn how to properly do it.


    But my savegame is completely ruined I think. Random crashes, books are floating in their shelf, weapon racks don't work etc...

    I think the problem is that I not only have Skyrim Legendary Edition with 3 DLC's but also each individual patch.

    They aren't compatible with Legendary Edition patch. And somehow these 4 patches aren't displayed in NMM as mods, only as plugins.

    So I guess that by disabling these patches that came with the game I screwed something up bigtime.


    I will start a new game and hopefully this time it won't be corrupted.

  7. It wasn't so much flying objects, I just found them on the ground after returning from a couple of quests.

    So I had to pick them all up and put them back. Best solution I found for this was just keeping it all in a chest... Bit sad for these hard earned and sometimes beautiful items.


    Also with weapon racks I had some issues with weapons falling off or moving a bit.




    unofficial skyrim legendary edition patch.esm
    unofficial high resolution patch.esp




    The mods I just download from the site, copy to my desktop and then I let NMM find it.

  8. Dear members



    I'm loving Skyrim (Legendary Edition) a lot, and for that end I want to make the game as perfect as possible.


    I tried the unofficial patch, SKYUI and Jaxonz Positioner to make the game better.


    Unfortunately it only made the game worse.



    The main reason I started with mods and patches was because of placement issues (owned house would scatter placed objects all over the place).


    But now it seems I opened up a whole other world of problems, from random crashes to quests that cannot be completed and book shelves that are worse than before.


    I installed NMM, LOOT and TES5Edit. All are working but none are solving my issues.


    Because of these problems I already started a new game, and lost a lot of cool items by deleting my old save.

    Even this was of no avail, the problems persist.


    So now i'm doing quite well in my new save but the problems just keep getting worse with every day.


    My question is, who can I contact to help me sort this out?



    I would gladly pay someone to sort this out and set up my game to perfection.

  9. Unfortunately the problem with the floating books is still occuring.


    When ever I store books in the book shelf they float a couple of centimeters.

    It didn't do this before so has to have something to do with the mods...

  10. Ok, I put it in the correct order (forgot to click apply in loot).

    So far it seems to be working, books aren't floating so that's positive.


    Unfortunately I had to start a new game since my old savegame had been corrupted I think.


    I will report back here if everything goes smooth or if something isn't working properly.



    Thanks for the help!

  11. The problem is that I not only have Skyrim, Update, Dawnguard, Hearthfires, Dragonborn, USLEP... but also each individual DLC patch (Skyrim patch, dawnguard patch, hearthfire patch etc.)

    Along with this I have 3 Highrestexture packs and an unofficial High Res patch.

    It looks like this;




    Unofficial Skyrim Patch


    Unofficial Dawnguard Patch


    Unofficial Hearthfire Patch


    Unofficial Dragonborn Patch




    Unofficial High Res Patch

    Unofficial Skyrim Legendary Edition Patch



    So I cannot untick these patches without causing for example the book floating issue.

    And if I tick them on it gives a warning message about older patches still being turned on...


    Also, the weapon racks and display cases are not fixed with USLEP? That's a shame cause it's the main reason I wanted this mod.



    BTW; thanks for your help so far!

  12. Ok, I downloaded the patch, installed NMM and LOOT and let them run.

    But it doesn't seem to be working properly, at least not for the issues I wanted the patch for


    -Books now seem to float a couple of centimeter on their shelf

    -Weapon Racks and Display Case still don't store weapons in a proper manner, Volendrung still moves down every visit

    -Items placed in an owned house still fly around

    -Dragon stopped giving off Souls...

    -Still can't see my own feet as well, I had hoped that would be fixed.

  13. Ok, I downloaded the patch.


    So do the changes take place directly or do I have to start a new game?


    Will this patch also fix the issues with placement of items, books on shelf flying around and what not?


    Was also wondering about my load order, how do I set it up just right so as not to damage my game?

    Do I untick Skyim + 3 DLC patches? Or maybe even delete them?

  14. Dear members



    I've been playing Skyrim (Legendary Edition) for a couple of weeks now, really liking it so far.


    But I noticed that each house I occupy/build has the same problems concerning weapon display.


    I would love a room full of carefully displayed weapons and apparel. But everytime I try to set it up the game glitches and everything falls on the ground/ disappears or moves around.

    (eg. Volendrung on the weapon rack=each visit it's a little bit lower, Bloodskal Blade moves around on the table)


    So I've been looking for a mod to target that specific problem. I stumbled across a patch which I hope could make a difference.



    The only question I have is; won't this change my game too much? I mean, I would love an improvement but are there any major differences between this patch and the vanilla version?





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