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Posts posted by AnkhAscendant

  1. Using the latest version of Frostfall, I can use a fire spell to light vanilla unlit campfires just fine. They don't work with the Campfire skill system or anything, but they provide warmth like regular.


    However, it just occurred to me that this is because of Sneak Tools (which lets you light and extinguish fires through spells). I didn't even realize this wasn't part of Frostfall/Campfire; it never occurred to me not to try to do it.

  2. You could drag the landscape down and then cover up the top with caps. I don't really know what they're called (sand piles, maybe?), but I was messing around in Blackreach and noticed that while a lot of the walkways were down with landscape pillars intended to go all the way down, some were just 'caps', that's basically just the surface part.


    I don't know if they exist for the regular outdoor, since I've only really messed with the landscape in Blackreach, but it doesn't seem unlikely. You could also look for rock piles and other landscape stuff to cover the hole you make.

  3. That looks like the Blackreach glowing ceiling texture. Maybe something applied it to all caverns? (You're not in Blackreach there, are you?) There was something I saw that had an optional, different Blackreach glow ceiling intended for ENB users (seeing this makes me think something like that got downloaded), but I can't remember what it was, or if I even downloaded it.

  4. When you load the old mod without making it the active file, all that will be saved in the new save you make is the changes you made. So if you're loading the files and then saving without changing anything, you're essentially saving an empty file.


    Since you've already done the work, changing the name of the file seems like the best option.

  5. I have here my "roleplay is serious business" mod list that I made with Requiem, with links to the mods (although not the patches; when I was making it, I either followed links from the mod page or I googled "Requiem [mod] compatibility"), and notes on some of them. I've since added Climates of Tamriel which isn't on the list but makes a good addition. It's built specifically around Requiem, SkyTEST, Frostfall, and Holds.


    Specifically for being more Morrowind-like, Inconsequential NPCs, Even Better Quest Objectives, No Map Markers, Loot and Degradation, and Take Notes are ones I would put forward (with Hold Banners, Point the Way, and Quality World Map (All Roads) being very useful for dealing with no map markers). People are Strangers, Real Names, Address Unknown, and Simply Knock work well in conjunction to make the world feel less like its designed around you - although Address Unknown and No Map Markers together is brutal. And Requiem: Behind the Curtain gets very intensive and makes Requiem even more harsh.

  6. Assuming you were also trying Immersive first person, in the Data/Scripts folder, check for IFV.pex. In Data/SKSE/Plugins, check for FirstPersonView.dll and FirstPersonView.txt. If they're still there, remove or rename them. Immersive First Person doesn't have an .esp file, so it's less straightforward and my first guess would be that it didn't get completely removed. In theory, if the script and .dll are gone, then the camera should return to normal. It's a good thing to start with anyway.

  7. Have you seen Every Body's Different?



    • Can give significant height variation, by race and gender
    • Can use multiple body meshes / types as well as textures - which means you could use the BBW meshes and have them interspersed randomly
    • Can give NPCs new faces and hairs for more variation
    • Isn't immediately incompatible with everything because it doesn't directly edit the NPCs


    • I don't know if there's a way for the game to automatically select the armor adjusted to the body type, but the description page suggests not, which means that you'll see everyone look the same when they're wearing clothes anyway - and having multiple body types of armors to try to adapt to the player and multiple potential NPC body types sounds like a major headache
    • The headparts option was too intensive for my own game
    • The author specifically notes that he had to remove the weight randomizer option and it likely won't be coming back, because it breaks (greyfaces, iirc) NPCs and he can't find a way to fix it.

    That's still a way you could get some variation.


    The manual way you suggest sounds like it would create a lot of conflicts, because it's directly editing NPCs. Assuming you actually want fat people and not just move the size slider up and down, there also the problem of having to assign specific people a new, BBW-type body mesh, and then the issue of what they would wear and how it could use a different model for them and for the player. I assume it's not impossible, but I also assume it's a lot of work for something that wouldn't be especially stable and wouldn't play nice with other mods.

  8. If you use LAL, as long as you never get around to going to Helgen the main quest never starts, so you aren't the dragonborn. You can't finish the Civil War that way, but that's about the only restriction I've noticed.


    I'm wondering what the practical difference is between your suggested start and using the "attacked and left for dead" alternate start. It seems like it would be the same thing with roleplaying flavor, which 90% happens on the outside of the computer screen anyway.

  9. The first two digits of the id number change based on load order, so the number won't be right unless xEdit has your entire load order (at least up to the weapon mod), in the order in which you play with them. A quick and dirty solution would be to note the load order number in your mod organizer (I assume MO lists it, but I don't know for sure) and substitute the first two digits of the item ID for that.


    Or just use the console. "help [item name]" to find the right id.

  10. Interestingly enough, I wrote a post on Reddit a few days ago titled "In which I accidentally turn Skyrim into survival horror". The gist of it was Requiem and Live Another Life, starting on Solstheim. It got even more survival-y due to Frostfall, Realistic Needs, and Hunterborn; it was pretty amazing. I still haven't managed to get that character back to Raven Rock, and I've died about 8 times, running from everything. Requiem will destroy you at low levels. Requiem + any alternate start, especially the Death Alternatives LAL alternate starts, or the Random Alternate Starts, would probably give you the thrill of being terrified of everything.


    Requiem is a complete overhaul and unlevels the world, though, so it's a weird thing to add on late rather than build the load order around it, and I suppose the survival horror part would eventually go away when you're strong enough to beat things. I suppose in that case what you would be wanting is some sort of re-leveler that makes everything constantly way harder than you rather than balanced to you... which is an interesting idea.


    You could configure Sands of Time to just constantly mess you up, which sees like it would accomplish almost the same thing, more randomly.

  11. I'm looking to make some doors that aren't accessible until you open them from the other side. So far my idea is to make a dummy door that just says "The door is blocked" when activated, then when the player clears the blockage from the other side disabling the dummy door and enabling the real door. I was just wondering if there's a better way.

  12. This involves the creation of two recipes and one extra item (create the first recipe, link it to the armor piece, create the tempered armor piece as a separate object [i would just copy the original and change the stats], create the temper recipe, link it to the tempered item). It's about 5 minutes' work in the CK, but I don't know about doing it in TES5Edit.

  13. The author said that some of the assets in the beta version might be missing because she lost some of her work due to computer problems. There was a "are you sure you want to use this?" message that came with it (the readme maybe).


    I looked in the included zipped files and there are hundreds of textures and only a couple dozen meshes at most. That's all that's there.

  14. Okay, I downloaded the beta to look at it, which is the version you want to use, I assume. I see that the file structure is such that it doesn't look like it will work with NMM, because inside the main zipped file, the textures and meshes are both independently zipped as well. I tried installing it and they didn't unpack (just to see it it works), and it doesn't; you'll have to manually unzip those folders and place them in your Data folder.

  15. Just unasked for commentary from the peanut gallery, but it would be neat if it were tied to a specific perk in the 1-handed and 2-handed trees - make them actually be at a high level and a master of swords, rather than a high-level mage or thief who ends up still being able to pick it up :tongue:



    Edits: I wanted scripting practice and it seemed straightforward, so I got something that compiles (it only took like 3 hours and 20 browser tabs :tongue:) (placed on a sword activator):

    Scriptname SWORDYscript extends ObjectReference  
    {making swordy happen}
    Event OnActivate(ObjectReference akActionRef) 
    if (Game.GetPlayer().GetLevel() > 34)
    ; checks player's level is 35+
    	if (akActionRef == Game.GetPlayer())
    ; checks that it's the player activating the sword
    		if (Game.GetPlayer().HasPerk(SavageStrike))
    			Game.GetPlayer().AddItem(SWORDY1h, 1)
    ; checks if the player has any of the four 50-point 1- or 2-handed weapon perks
    ; if yes, adds the appropriate version of the magic sword to their inventory, and the dummy sword with the script deletes itself
    		elseif (Game.GetPlayer().HasPerk(CriticalCharge))
    			Game.GetPlayer().AddItem(SWORDY1h, 1)
    		elseif (Game.GetPlayer().HasPerk(DevastatingBlow))
    			Game.GetPlayer().AddItem(SWORDY2h, 1)
    		elseif (Game.GetPlayer().HasPerk(GreatCriticalCharge))
    			Game.GetPlayer().AddItem(SWORDY2h, 1)
    		Debug.Notification("The sword is stuck.")
    ; if the player is too weak, they can't pull it out
    Weapon Property SWORDY1h Auto  
    Weapon Property SWORDY2h Auto  
    Perk Property SavageStrike Auto  
    Perk Property DevastatingBlow Auto  
    Perk Property CriticalCharge Auto  
    Perk Property GreatCriticalCharge Auto 

    and made an esp with everything thrown in the AAATony test cell if you want to test it.

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