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About RoNin1971

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  1. I'm not familiar with the bethesda site, but when I use "search" it doesn't find it. When I went to Games - Fallout 4 & then used "search mods" I found it. Although without a picture. (no idea how that works here) Sorting on latest and filtering on Vault-Tec & Workshop got it up too.
  2. The link above should take you there. With almost 800 views, so it should be available.
  3. Just uploaded a new version: https://mods.bethesda.net/en/fallout4/mod-detail/4370948 I only need to know it all functions, but only superficial. Does it load correctly. No missing textures. No missing menu icons (previews). No sudden CTD. Try to build a few pieces. If that all works I'm satisfied it works as my PC version. You can report right here or send me a message. If you do find anything wrong, be as descriptive as possible
  4. Not too much on Beth either it would seem. Was curious about it.
  5. That would be great. Somebody already did but his results vary from one day to the next. Which makes it a bit difficult to know if and what might be wrong. Already foubd a few "bugs" but non that crashes my game. Trying to put an update out tonight. (but @work now)
  6. Textures where the first thing I thought off but there are no custom textures involved with the WWT parts [edit: Forgot about the catwalk+railing part. Those have custom textures] & those that do have 'm (the V33 parts & (wide)door) works fine. Just checked if there is really no custom texture and noticed something else. Somehow at some point the texture paths used for the BSShaderTextureSet where all changed to \\ instead of \. I was sure I changed all of those, but there where still some around. My 1.10.163 PC version just doesn't show the texture (and only if there is no correct material supplied). But that just might be the cause. The texture in question is mostly hidden from view, as it is inside the floor behind the holes, so I didn't notice before.
  7. I just did my first (& only) port to xbox for one of my mods. Simply used CK to upload an XB1 version to bethesda. However, it will crash on a few assets, which work fine on PC... Since I do not have an Xbox its a bit problematic to solve. (why i usually don't port my mods) Anybody got an idea what could be the cause/solution?
  8. 1.10.163 When I tried while posting the 'try this' i did notice at least the first piece did not snap to the new grid immediately. moving it did.
  9. Since it has been requested a number of times, and even though I gave permission to port it at least 3 times during the past 3 years that never happened, I just uploaded an Xbox version to Bethesda.net for my "Ronin's Vault Pieces" workshop mod. https://mods.bethesda.net/en/fallout4/mod-detail/4370948 I do not have an Xbox (not planning to ever buy one either) so... it remains untested at this time. Anyone willing to do the testing for me? To see if it all works correctly, nothing missing, etc.?
  10. Nope. Not anymore. Send it to the trashbin. Where it belongs.
  11. Try this: - Right click (anywhere) in the Render Window. - Choose "Render Window Propperties" - Go to the Movement tab, and click the "Select Snap Reference" button. - Click "Select Reference in Render Window" - Double Click your reference. Note that you selected the right reference and not some "mist" or similar. - [ok] - [Close] Drop your next reference. It should now be on a grid aligned with the snap reference.
  12. These are the key binds from placeeverywhere for rotating: Ctrl Key, change rotation axis Numpad '-' Key, decrease rotation angle Numpad '+' Key, increase rotation angle Numpad '0' Key, set XY object angles to 0 '<' Key, rotates highlighted object anti-clockwise direction "left" '>' Key, rotates highlighted object clockwise direction "right" edit: You might need to 'un-comment' some of these inside the place.ini (remove the ; in front)
  13. Basically the .mat contains all info needed. Except for the need to add a node for transparency. You could omit the textures entirely. Most of the settings for the shader too, although that's not 100% 'watertight'. There are visible differences with Nifskope, at least. Best practice however is to make sure it is all the same. Especially when importing it to use for other objects within blender. Remember, what you see there is the supplied texture (if there is one to be found) not the material. As these can be different you could get some unwanted or unexpected results after exporting. (as the material will overule the texture & many shader settings ones more.)
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