This probably sounds ridiculous, and will most likely be somewhat difficult, but I think it would be fun if you could sabotage Liberty Prime by bringing the BoS the personality chip from Professor Goodfeels. I feel like it would be a good option for a Sole Survivor who's only doing the BoS for Blind Betrayal and plans to destroy the BoS with one of the other factions, but especially the Railroad. My idea was that maybe during the quest to rebuild Liberty Prime, as long as you were a member of another faction, you'd be given an optional objective to obtain the personality chip from Goodfeels, which could be accomplished by either killing the poor bot or speaking to him and either simply accessing his inventory or obtaining him as a temporary companion and using the robot workbench from Automaton to remove it, or maybe using the robot mastery perk. You would then deliver the chip to the BoS. Afterward, Liberty Prime would be a useless non hostile gentle giant who just kind of vibes and doesn't care when you destroy the BoS. I understand if no one takes this on, I just thought it was a fun idea : ) stay groovy