Well folks, I took the plunge. I installed SEPTIM on top of SSE using predcaliber's videos as a guide, and got some good experience with MO2, LOOT, ENBs, etc... I more or less know what I'm doing now after 162 mods worth of downloading and installing, but, I was a bit disappointed with the end result. It's almost cruel that you have to wait until the very end to install the ENB to see what you've done. I see the mods and ENB loading at the start and at work afterwards, doing what they're supposed to do, but the AA and AF seem off, and character skin colors are off and rather cartoonish. It doesn't really look like the pictures of the SEPTIM gameplay, and I notice jaggies, for example, in the fences in Riverwood. They shimmer as you walk through town looking at them as you go, just as one example. And, there are a number of other visual cues that just weren't up to par with what I was expecting. Maybe I missed some things, but as far as I know, I followed the guide and videos to the letter, and ensured that no mods were installed without MO2's "looks good" blessing. Glitches and bugs abound. Black screen while fighting wolves, wasn't able to pick up some coin purses and other items (they're right there, can't get the game to see them when I move the crosshairs over them.) So, at this point, I'm rather jaded by the entire process. I may try again with different mods and ENBs, but not any time soon after putting in a couple week's work on and off only to be disappointed with the end result. Again, I want to thank everyone for the responses and suggestions however! At least now I have a foundation for installing mods going forward. You guys have been great!