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About marioperson

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  1. Well, I've noticed a lot about fallout, and it's ''history'' and I want a Canadian companion named John, (voice acted would be nice) I want him to show his story how we escaped the american's and he is now a american member. and so forth, i just thought it would be a cool idea.
  2. Just tested it, It's great!, I wish I could give the starlet to companion, but other then that, it's brillaint, Thank you so much!
  3. Sorry, This reply has been so late, just been very busy, Thank you for completing this.
  4. I'm pretty sure there's a mod that allow's you to pick up spears, why not just figure out that mod, and somehow attach it.
  5. Uhh, is there a possible update for the spear throwing?
  6. Personally, I want every ''unobtainible'' Weapon/Armor for dlcs. I don't know if Mobius or any other robot, has a special laser?, if you can find something for Old World Blues, and yeah, the Vanilla Vegas sounds okay.
  7. Do you think you will be done the mod before the weekend is over?
  8. So, um I feel like I`m a gluttinist saying this, but are you going to do the spear as well?
  9. Alright, I think it's the head shape infact that affects the Helmet, so don't worry on fixing the bug for that, but please just fix the Magical Companion ammo, and the Spear glitch, after the dusters :)
  10. Also, are you planning on fixing some of the bugs in Honest heart (file?) Like the helmet of joshua graham, the problem with Walking Cloud's spear?
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