I'd like to request a mod to sweep any location clean. This seems to be pretty feasible before GECK release by using console commands, but you may know better. I'll try to list what I mean. 1) player.placeatme c1aeb to get a workshop. If making everything automated, may require ModPos to place it in front of you and not like on top. 2) scrapall. (if workshop could be always accessed, this could be much simpler, but most of the times it's not due to location clear flags) 3) player.placeatme any container (ModPos probably required). 4) DuplicateAllItems from workshop to container. 5) RemoveAllItems to remove the stuff from workshop? (have not tried this out tbh). 6) Loot the container, disable the container, disable the workshop. I'm not sure about cell respawning, maybe LocationHasPlayerOwnedWorkshop is needed? I'm using a no respawn mod so I didn't really care about that. Some problems that I found with this method. -Does not scrap a lot of objects (mainly furniture etc) --Between the objects that are not scrapped, some stuff is on other, scrappable objects. Meaning that you may get a phone hanging in the air etc after this operation. -Removes "Cleared" tags from minimap. -May (or may not) have issues with stat boosters as bobbleheads. I have not tested it properly, but it did seem once that picking up a Charisma bobblehead this way did not grant a stat. Unsure about this though. -I'm not sure if thsi problem is related, but even when I disabled a lot of non-scrappable stuff in Sactuary, people kept hammering walls of disabled houses and so on. Just a thing to keep in mind, really. Assuming you could get it working properly (and maybe combine it somehow with Scrap Scrap or Spring Cleaning?), this would be a really nice mod to have.