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  1. I don't have the files at this moment. (Those are on my labtop which is being repaired a thousand miles away). And i'm unlikely to rebuild it again right now.
  2. Looks very nice as usual, if you need a rigger I can take a chance.
  3. http://nsa33.casimages.com/img/2013/12/16/131216014543336038.jpg
  4. Some screenshots of my recent work. (Set of timber framed houses, using elements and textures from TWII) http://nsa33.casimages.com/img/2013/12/14/131214063556465173.jpg http://nsa33.casimages.com/img/2013/12/14/131214064133754069.jpg
  5. I've responded to your request by PM, TMK, hope it helps. Here's a tutorial detailing the procedure for anyone willing to give it a try. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g8KxzwxUIsg I suggest using ProOptimizer to make your mesh more playable after the subdivision.
  6. (Pardonne ma réponse tardive Arkanikorde, j'ai jeté un coup d'oeil sur votre travail via votre forum, le travail y est méticuleux d'après ce que j'ai pu constaté, et le brainstorming semble être de bonne qualité. Je ne peux te garantir une participation complète en aucun cas, mais il est possible que vous donne un coup de main pour ce qui est des ressources architecturales.) Building a Tudor House building set along with the Carcassonne kit. http://nsa33.casimages.com/img/2013/08/30/130830052433882975.jpg
  7. Don't mention it! :) I was thinking about the early quests , and I think I've just figured out what would be suitable for you considering your location: Help Carlotta getting rid of Mikhail (the bard), which only includes a brawl, if you can't persuade him to let her be. Next, i'd say you could hang out around the farms, to get in touch with the farmers, harvest ,and sell potatoes to them (so you get considered as "friendly" towards them), perhaps they might have something for you. If you get better enough throughout these few tasks, I suggest you help Amren recover his family sword, I personally done it @ level 5 (I had a German Shepard companion thought), took me a good bunch of tries, but it actually turned out easy enough. If you're wondering how to get an animal companion like I did to help you out, there's the German Shepard Companion mod which adds a few dogs in Dragonsreach. (I was playing a character based on the Guild Wars II's Ranger's sheet, so I had to get a pet somewhat) Hope it helps you out !
  8. I suggest you try using these mods alongside: Realistic Needs and Diseases Hunterborn Dynamic Things Ultimate Combat (Load before Requiem) Frostfall Wet And Cold Take a look into compability recommandations/patches aswell. Why? RND/Hunterborn/Frostfall -> For the immersion/roleplay part of the game, tweaks and adds a lot for the theme they are associated to. Wet And Cold -> Provides visual immersion, on the practical side aswell, also adds Travel Backpacks which are very welcomed to carry Frostfall's Items (those being relatively heavy while playing with Requiem, such as tents and bedrolls) Ultimate Combat -> Combat part. Overhauls the NPC's combat behaviour, more pragmatic/flexible and generally smarter, that's on step closer to what Dark Messiah's/Dark Souls' AI has to offer. Dynamic Things -> That's another overhaul, turns a lot of static items into dynamic ones, including new usages, such as training mannequins, cutable trees, and more. For the early game, I suggest you choose you train your skills on Mudcrabs and Mannequins added by Dynamic Things. Collect ingredients and spend time at the Alchemy Lab crafting healing potions (you'll need them a lot). Spend some time Hunting and occasionally sell your loots at the local General Goods store. Cut some wood for a innkeeper if you lack starting funds, till they get friendly and let you use their kitchen, then you'll be able to cook with their ingredients, and sell your dishes to them. Travel to a mine when you get about level 9-10, then craft your first armor set. When you get level 15 you should be ready to get into your first real fights, Bounty Hunting for example, I highly recommend you hire a Mercenary on your first contract that said. ( -> Hoth Follower perhaps).
  9. My thanks! Yes, the original references I used as concept art led me to the Teutonic banner, but I actually had the idea of retexturing it with Bruma's and Imperial's Banner (Actus' version), that would introduce Knights from the County of Bruma fighting under the imperial banner in the reach/whiterun/hjaalmarch. Very good idea, adding in a bit more connection to Bruma would be excellent seeing as it's right on the border. Exactly, and it would also add interesting color and general variations in the Imperial Troops. Then it shall be done as soon as I can. My job contract is ending tomorrow, so i'll have some time to focus on that till I get a renewal.
  10. My thanks! Yes, the original references I used as concept art led me to the Teutonic banner, but I actually had the idea of retexturing it with Bruma's and Imperial's Banner (Actus' version), that would introduce Knights from the County of Bruma fighting under the imperial banner in the reach/whiterun/hjaalmarch.
  11. I almost forgot, here's a Teutonic Knight armor I made a while ago: http://nsa34.casimages.com/img/2013/08/24/130824053029361211.jpg http://nsa34.casimages.com/img/2013/08/24/130824053227847281.jpg Opinions are welcomed.
  12. I just switched to working full days (one thing I didn't plan) so I won't be able to fulfill any rigging task at the moment, sorry :confused: Just let me a few days more, and I shall create magic. http://nsa33.casimages.com/img/2013/08/24/130824120757447422.jpg
  13. Yes, you should really get it. Requiem became my personal standard, It doesn't especially take an "Old School Role-player" to enjoy it, I'm not one. I'd say it overhauls the game in something totally harder, but realistic and way more rewarding. I recommend you use Realistic Needs and Diseases, Hunterborn, Frostfall and Wet and Cold alongside. (Thought see the load-order recommendations in the Requiem readme found on the Nexus Page) I recommend you use Ultimate Combat aswell, but load it before Requiem. Dynamic Things is an interesting mod to add because it allows the player to level combat skills on mannequins, which can be useful during the early game.
  14. I was glad to read these news Actus. I just sent you a PM with the Riften Guardsman files to start with. You're right about rigging, it's a pain in the ass, but it transforms a few beautiful screenshots posted here into something concrete, i'm not the best at it but i'm quite used to the process right now after a few hours training, so i'll most likely help on that whenever is it needed.
  15. Thanks! It should be rigged tomorrow :)
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