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  1. Hey Dovahkiins :smile: I've been working on this cute little spell mod for a while and I think I'm ready to release it to the Nexus, but I'd like some feedback first in case I need to change anything. • The Mod • The mod makes Festus Krex a spell merchant and adds 9 unique spells that only he can sell. It was heavily inspired by M'raaj-dar in Oblivion and actually I've sort-of copied most of his spells, with some changes and adaptations. But there are a couple completely new ones as well. Alteration The Unwelcome Guest (Apprentice) - Magically unlock Apprentice locks and lower. The spell fires a missile and if it succeeds, the door/container flash for a moment before unlocking, just like in Oblivion. Tonillia in the Ragged Flagon also sells scrolls that work for Expert locks, but there is no spellbook for that because I thought it'd be overpowered. Detect Pulse (Adept) - Detect life for 30 seconds. It's similar to the werewolf howl. Doesn't distinguish between friends and foes like the concentration version. Black Winter (Adept) - Paralyze a target for 2 seconds and deal 20 frost damage per second. Uses a slightly different animation from normal paralysis. Illusion Void Gazer (Apprentice) - Night-eye for 150 seconds. Cast again to toggle off. I haven't removed the radial blur and the desaturation like some other mods do, because this is meant to use with darkness-enhancing mods and if I just made everything brighter it would totally defeat the purpose of using them in the first place and make light spells obsolete. There has to be some sort of drawback IMO. Deathly Visage (Adept) - Caster is invisible and silent for 10 seconds. Will of Sithis (Expert) - Command humanoid up to level 18 for 25 seconds. Benefits from calm perks. It works like the second word of Bend Will, but doesn't affect certain NPCs like Ulfric and General Tullius. Uses a unique red shader effect to distinguish it from Frenzy/Fear spells. Restoration Night Mother's Caress (Apprentice) - Heal 10 health per second for 5 seconds. Instant cast, slightly cheaper than Fast Healing. Doesn't stack with itself. Phantom Shroud (Adept) - 30% spell absorption for 60 seconds. Dual-casting affects duration but not magnitude. Destruction Void Surge (Expert) - Deal 120 non-elemental magical damage to a single target at the cost of 15% of caster's current HP. Doesn't scale with destruction perks, but the damage is comparable to fully upgraded Thunderbolt. Costs slightly less magicka. Unique red lightning animation. Those are the spells I have right now. I thought about adding a Conjuration spell to summon a ghost from the Void, but decided it'd be too similar to the quest reward. I had another Conjuration spell to chain a target to the ground but it was really buggy so I gave up on it. More Destruction spells would be nice, too, but I really have no idea how to make them unique since the game already offers so many. I also discarded a few other Alteration spells because of core game limitations (burden) or because I didn't think it fit the theme or Festus's character much (dispel, time stop). Please if you have any comments or suggestions let me know! I will wait for a while before releasing it to the Nexus.
  2. It's quite a long procedure so I think I'll just make a new thread for it if that's okay.
  3. Never mind, I figured it out. Jesus, that was so much more difficult than I thought. In case anyone else feels like changing the colours of spell effects, let me know and I'll be happy to walk you through the whole procedure.
  4. I'm trying to customise ImpactShock03.nif (thunderbolt impact effect) but most of the textures and particle effects are in another node that's called AddonNode72 in the nif block list and I have no idea what that one might be. I'm super new to nifskope and meshes in general so any help would be greatly appreciated, thank you!
  5. Can somebody please point me to that nice little mod that made dragons prefer to attack you and your comrades over random skeevers a mountain away? I'm pretty sure I saw it somewhere on nexus like a week ago but now I can't find it for the life of me.
  6. I kind of miss the Oblivion-esque aged appearance of vampires. There's so many mods that make vampires pretty and sexy but nothing that gives them a more rugged or monstrous appearance. The dawnguard face is OK but veeery conspicuous - like, how could people esp. the Dawnguard not take notice when they look literally like bats. An elderly face is much more subtle, and it would be awesome in conjunction with the "mortal form" powers a lot of mods have. If I knew how to code it I'd do it in a heartbeat, it can't be that difficult right? I mean those textures are already in the race menu. What do you guys think?
  7. I'm not sure if it's allowed to ask for multiple mods in the same post, but I'll do that. Sorry mods! 1) I'm looking for something that makes arranging items on floors/tables/shelves/plates easier. As it is, they always rotate randomly and it's very hard to put them onto a specific shelf without pushing off everything that's already there. 2) Does anyone know which mod contains these earrings? The creator of this character hasn't responded for months.
  8. Hi, I'm playing on a low-end system but the game is playable for the most part (thanks to every single performance mod on Nexus!). However waterfalls indoors (and only indoors for some reason) still remain a major issue, reducing FPS to ~3. Ugh. And Bethesda put them literally everywhere. Is there a way to render them flat or get rid of them altogether? I don't care how bad it looks, I just want the game to be playable. Thanks!
  9. Oh, by the way I will regularly update the OP with progress and new questions, so if anyone can answer I'll be very thankful!
  10. The best thing you can do is visiting the browse page and looking up mods by words in the title or the description like "needs" or "hunger" etc. You won't find a definitive answer here since every person has his/her own individual preferences. I for example like Realistic Needs and Diseases because it's simple but does its job while other people prefer Imp's More Complex Needs which is ridiculously over the top with protein, nutrients, hyper-hydration and a plethora of carefully designed animations, which are very immersive but... eh, overdrinking water, seriously Imp, who the hell does that! (also, playing Imp's mod I realised that 50% of my gameplay ended up managing hunger and thirst, which wasn't what I had in mind for "needs") You can honestly get much more detailed information if you just search for the mods you need, you can sort by upload date or endorsements, read the description, comments, look at the screenshots. And if you like a mod, don't forget to endorse it to thank the author!
  11. For a first time wolf it takes 40 hours to go from full stomach to completely empty, so that means 12.4 hours without feeding will bring you to the third stage. Which is something that will probably happen a lot (fast travelling, questing in undead dungeons, etc), but not annoyingly too often. Eating a person in werewolf form consumes the whole body and sets the hunger back by 20 hours. Human wolves only eat the heart and set the hunger back by 10 hours, although you can learn with experience to butcher the corpse for the heart (if you haven't eaten it) and some human flesh that has the same effect as raw meat but can be consumed in all stages. That still means you have to eat at least a person per day as part of your diet until you advance enough to control your hunger better (you earn 1 hour every 24h without feeding or transforming, 30 minutes every day without transforming, and 12/6 minutes every time you feed in wolf/human form, capped to 1 hour gained per day and a total of 240 hours, which sets the first stage to 1 day, second 2 days, third 4 days, but requires A LOT of gameplay hours and probably a year of game-time). All those values can be changed as well as the rate of hunger. I've designed the mod to make the third stage the most beneficial one in terms of combat/social power to weakness, hence its large margin of 40%. The lower stages are heavily focused on melee combat exclusively in the wild, so there are circumstances where you'd want them but not too many. I emphasise immersion over preserving power-to-weakness ratio, so they are designed to be more of a punishment than a bonus to make the werewolf player feed often - I mean, that's the point of playing a vampire/werewolf in the first place, being constantly reminded of your character's predatory nature and constant hunger. You will eventually see every human NPC as nothing more than a potential piece of meat (Arnbjorn's response), which is the real curse and loss of humanity. That, in my experience, is true immersion. (:
  12. And that's all right. You're a modder yourself and you've made a werewolf mod that suits you. I already said I'll consider your suggestion but please don't get hostile if I disagree with you. I have been planning this mod on and off for two years and I've played modded vampires in Skyrim for long enough to have a general idea of what's challenging to upkeep and what isn't. Thanks for your opinion though. (:
  13. Sorry! Didn't see your mssage at first. Let me explain: 1) You can't stay satiated forever. This is a core mechanic as hunger deteriorates over time and there is nothing you can do in your satiated form to stop it. It will eventually drop below 90%, and raw meat can keep it at 89% but not further. 2) You cannot access your wolf form while satiated. 3) Being hungry has more benefits than unarmed damage, which CAN actually become better than weapons (just like werewolf attacks are better). The bonus to intimidate is huge enough to make up for the speech loss, besides I already explained in the previous post about the dialogue options. There's more to it - speed, power attacks, being resistant to damage... Something to keep in mind, werewolves are not vampires. They are mortal and when they starve, they get weakened just like any human or beast. It makes little sense to give them mega powers when they haven't eaten in ages. That said, your mod has great ideas, namely restricting the transformation to night-time. That makes a lot of sense lore-wise and gameplay-wise, and I'll certainly consider including something like that. And you can be of great help if you can answer my questions! (scattered thoughout the thread atm but when I have more time I'll add them to the OP post) I wasn't planning on adjusting them with %, but rather on including %-based bonuses and penalties rather than raw numbers (like 300% weakness to silver instead of -50 stamina for example).
  14. Thank you for your feedback! Those are wonderful suggestions and I will certainly consider them! I'd like to give you my justifications as to why I chose those particular percentages and bonuses/penalties. I'm not dismissing your ideas!! It's all very fluid at this point because I've only coded a small part of it. Of course how long you've been a wolf matters. It affects pretty much everything, as each day increases max satiation value slightly, and days spent without transforming increase it more, and without feeding on humans (while not satiated or ravenous) even more. Feeding also increases it, but much less. You don't control yourself by feeding on everything that moves! Feeding however improves werewolf bonuses over time (new perks), so players will have to decide whether to keep their inner beast tame for a more social gameplay, or simply submit to it. I chose 90% for satiated because it's as much a vanilla state as it is a penalty state for having fed too soon. Satiated werewolves can't shapeshift because their lupine side is too weak at this point. But the unarmed buff is a fair point, even though I was planning to give an unarmed buff regardless of hunger. The sneak buff is a good idea! But I (and many other users) play with SkyRe, which makes Speech a much more important skill. So I'm not going to give penalties to it too soon. And just to be clear, raw meat can bring you to 89% hungry, but NOT satiated. I'm also considering moving the stamina bonus to this stage. I mean a famished person should be significantly weakened in terms of endurance (personal experience). The reason for my large margin (40% total) on the Starving stage is because many werewolf players might choose to stay starved simply for the things like dialogue perks and other bonuses. I know "dialogue options" is pretty vague, largely because I'd like to not spoil things, but those are lines you can use on NPCs with varying success to provoke them, strike fear, intimidate them into giving you a discount, or even attempt to rip them apart right where they stand. Which is a fun blend between social and feral werewolf gameplay! - Related question: can I play the finishing move animations without the kill-camera? That's how I plan on animating the "ripping the heart out of their chest" thing. It could even depend on the weapon equipped! - Even better: can I use werewolf animations on a humanoid character? Like the one where the beast claws viciously at the victim's chest. I'm no expert but I highly suspect other animations would have severe clipping issues. As for frenzied, it's a state where it's literally possible to black out and start attacking at random, AND something is so obviously wrong with you that people would suspect your true nature or just think you're plain mad, thus refuse to speak with you (much like they refuse to speak to obvious vampires in Oblivion). That's why I've picked very low values for it (obviously they can be easily tweaked). Still, you do NOT want to become frenzied unless you plan exclusively on playing as a feral werewolf. - Is that actually codeable? Banning NPC interactions? I haven't got there yet And noooo, no random chance! Random chance may go to Frenzied state, but a ravenous wolf has lost ALL their willpower, human nature, or any sort of sense. There is no more self-control. At all. Though I might increase the margin to 10% instead of 0%, as to keep the restriction a bit more severe instead of having it go away with a single corpse. And weakening over time sort of makes sense, although enhancing things like weaknesses takes an awful lot of different clones of the same custom abilities, which is huge pain in the creation kit. So I think I'm going to leave them static, but make the player pass out as time goes on, increasingly frequently until the chance is like 30% every 10 seconds. That's MORE than enough incentive to finally kill something already. But I dig the visual and sound effects! I really like MsLeeches' vampire mod which makes excellent use of them, so I'm certainly going to do a similar thing. And of course numbers can be changed at any time. Even by the players themselves. I prefer to scale unarmed damage values to player level (so a level 10 werewolf won't hit as hard as a level 50 one) and generally all bonuses and penalties to % rather than strict numbers.
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