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About mattymittens

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  1. My bad, thought I posted this in mod request :huh:
  2. https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/15968/ It would be cool if this guy were playable like https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/10215/ Would also be cool if that was more like this https://www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/mods/60946 Zilla fits in pretty well with FO lore imo. A guy who transforms into a Kaiju or deathclaw is very Hulk like, whom was also exposed to Rad like the aforementioned two. Basically a nuclear were-beast, compared to Skyrim's lycanthrope or werewolves. Just a thought. I noticed how FO has branched into the playable creature scene, but it didn't feel as good as NV or Skyrim. Then again, perhaps FO was never meant to compared to Skyrim which has lore based around were-beast.
  3. From the comments, he used a console to do this. However, the game crashes whenever I setrace to deathclaw etc. I was wondering if there is a console command or a way to change into creatures with the creation kit. I am aware there is a mod that does it, just wondering if there was another way, like through consoles. Thanks in advance, even if the answer is nope.
  4. http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-jeNpuTQAfRc/VIdQnSQDQHI/AAAAAAAAxfc/UPNT73BM1f4/s1600/Elder_Scrolls_V_Skyrim_(PC)_26.jpg Health, Stamina, can you change these via creation kit? For example, change stamina to energy, etc.
  5. 3 months old, but I am a fan. Not sure there are many X fans out there though. With MvC Infinite, that may change perhaps. The Blade armor was my personal favorite, with the light blade arm cannon, but I digress. http://images1.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20090424025444/megaman/images/thumb/8/8a/Blade_Armor.jpg/746px-Blade_Armor.jpg X reminds me of the Gundam stuff which is modded in the game already.
  6. Data/Interface/Translate_en.txt $SpecialIntroText Tell us about yourself! Vault-Tec needs to know what kind of citizen you are to ensure your future happiness. Boom Thanks man; finally done looking for the missing piece.
  7. Thanks, but I did that already. I wonder what this could be under? Strange stuff. Everything else on that registration form is there, weird.
  8. http://nerdist.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/11/Screen-Shot-2015-11-04-at-2.30.44-PM-615x487.png I have been trying to find this in the creation kit for days lol. I assume the "Name" description text is not located in the creation kit? I found and altered the stat descriptions within the creation kit, but I cannot seem to find the name description. What I am looking for is the exact text in the picture which starts with "tell us about yourself!........." i wish to change this text; not the word "Name" itself. Anyone have an idea?
  9. Thanks for that, but I gave up, this is tough. I am going to snoop around to see if there are any perk menu changes on nexus. I actually thought FO2 had cooler perk icons on the level up menu.
  10. I am getting there.... I found the files, but my edits from JPEXs > Flash animate CC have no affect on the pipboy icons. This is much tougher than F3 or NV. That was cake. Those animations on the stat screen are annoying, I just want to remove him :laugh:
  11. Can the animated pipboy icons be edited? For example, the icons which appear when the vault-tec guy knocks at the door where the player chooses stats. I cant seem to find them
  12. Cool, thanks. Edit: Was playing around with this for a minute and finally figured it out reading a few guides and whatnot.
  13. Ok, so I have seen many threads about this. Modders are discussing customizing or creating pipboy icons, are talking about these? http://orig08.deviantart.net/d5d3/f/2013/104/3/9/fallout___pip_boy_3000_by_maccreene-d60qv38.jpg The green pipboy standing on the bottle by his finger.
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