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Posts posted by Technoss

  1. WRITTEN language, that is. Logographic language is that which uses unique characters or pictorals for words (EX: Chinese). Alphabetic Languages would include the languages that utilize sequences of prescribed symbols (an alphabet) to form words. Examples are Latin and the Romance languages.


    The Criterion -To be "better" here is, by definition, to be:


    1) more efficient - able to communicate more information using less ink, brush strokes, space, effort

    2) more versatility - able to accommodate extra-lingual purposes, such as...

    - computation

    3) ease of learning - easier to learn

    4) grammatical versatility


    I contend existing alphabetic languages are better than existing logographic languages because:


    1) greater efficiency - less brush strokes to form sentences and most words

    2) more versatile - alphabetic languages are destined for computers. Imagine trying to make a binary computer with a logographic Chinese keyboard interface. I do not think it would be possible without creating an entirely new kind of interface on which a logographic system could be mounted. Come to think of it, that is exactly what has happened in the real world with regards to Chinese

    3) Greater ease in learning - The major advantage here is the ability to "sound out" alphabetic words. Someone who speaks but has never seen the Chinese character for "cat" will never be able to know what it means without consulting someone who knows. Whereas, say, an English speaker that knows at least the sounds of the alphabet can sound out the word "cat," which is more or less phonetic, when seeing it for the first time.


    Also, for logographic languages you must memorize unique, though perhaps somewhat related, thousands of different symbols. For alphabetic languages, you must learn each letter's sounds, exceptions to those sounds, and how they form words as wholes.

    4) Alphabetic languages are capable of creating acronyms, which assist greatly in efficiency




  2. Status report: I set "fGlobalBloomThresholdBoost" to...



    indoors at the center fireplace in Dragonsreach






    But indoors at the veritable banners with =-0.5...



    As you can see, the bloom was boosted but not exactly in the expected fashion. The banners did get a boost, but with not nearly enough strength to match Oldrim. Despite indoor environments not getting a big enough boost, outdoor environments got a ridiculously huge boost. What does this mean?

  3. Thanks for the hand holding, Willoughbian :3 I saw that post, but when I compared "fGlobalBloomThresholdBoost" to the Skyrim INI master list page you linked, I didn't see it and the page claims to have all INI settings listed. So I thought it didn't exist, or is it that the SE .ini contains it but the Oldrim .ini doesn't? Come to think of it, that was kind of dumb of me to just hand wave it away.


    At any rate, I'll be testing in the meanwhile!

  4. As for the sun. I ended up editing my own sun glare textures to get it to look the way I wanted.

    What do you mean by this? The sun will need more than just a bloom adjustment in order to look like the Oldrim one?


    Also, thanks for the direction. I looked around a little in an attempt to pinpoint the exact .ini setting that controls bloom; but alas, it seems like a frequently asked yet still unanswered question. Or maybe someone knows but they don't want to say what the .ini setting is.


    I will keep looking.

  5. Could someone help me identify what exactly controls this lighting property and how to modify it? I have attached identical areas in their respective games for Oldrim and Special Edition for the purpose of illuminating (pun intended) the differences in lighting.


    Notice the brightness on the banners for Oldrim



    The sun, if godrays are disabled, now looks like a bright moon in SE



    I have always loved this cave light effect, but it looks very dull in SE




    As you can tell, SE uses different lighting from Oldrim. SE lighting is duller and softer, even if only by a little. This is not bad or good. I just wish to get it to look like Oldrim lighting. I just need to know what variable controls the brightness in these photos.

  6. I have this friend that loves to trip on acid. In fact, I do not think I have hung out a single time without him at least microdosing... my point is, he said he tripped so hard one time that he "saw God" and "suddenly realized the true metaphysical nature of the universe." He genuinely holds to this special knowledge, and he even talks to the gods he had discovered like one talks to an imaginary friend aloud while in my presence. I, being interested in such esoteric things and his odd behavior, sought to prove him wrong by attempting to demonstrate through philosophical argument why his religious experience on acid is fallacious and he is insane. I try to be nice about it, but I start to sweat profusely and my muscles tense as a furious rage within builds.


    Why? Because I couldn't do it. Every time I seemed to back him into a corner, he either had some kind of adhoc escape or simply "turned to stone" and would not budge.


    Religious experience - special (divine) revelation - is useless as a tool for determining the truth of ANYTHING.

    How can I get it through to him without downright drowning him in vitriol and ridicule? Because, as a persuasive tactic purely, this seems my only option left (because ridicule is an effective tool to get people to stop holding to something).


    To recap: Why is special revelation useless as a tool for attaining truth?

    1) various epistemic problems - how do you know that you are in contact with a divine being and not just your own imagination?

    2) adhoc nature of explanation - since he claims to be able to talk to gods, I asked him to tell me what I am hiding in my hand. He said the gods would not tell him. There seems to be a maneuver for whatever is thrown at him. This points to his particular explanation being the product of wishful thinking and emotional suggestion, with no genuine explanatory power or means of verification.

    3) mere experience cannot tell you the nature and origing of whatever it is that you have experienced.

  7. The lack of brightness in the sun was just an example. It seems that, in general, all light sources and textures lack this sort of "reflectivness" or "shininess" that surfaces in Oldrim have.


    So sure, I could replace the sun, but then there are a million other surfaces that I would have to change. I am thinking there is some sort of universal property that can be adjusted. I just don't know what that is. If the sun is just a texture, then can it be confirmed that SE uses a different sun texture than Oldrim? Because if they do in fact use the same texture, then there is evidence that some other setting is responsible for the shininess.


    I tried looking around and I think what I am talking about it called the "specularity" of a texture. Though I could be wrong.

  8. I am trying to get SE to look exactly like Oldrim. So far, I have found a very helpful mod by Rombbb, No More Mario Sky, which gives SE the Oldrim color palette. Then in the SE settings I disabled volumetric lighting and god rays and in-game disabled dof.


    I thought with all that I would be done, but when I started playing SE I noticed that there was something off - the lighting. Light sources are significantly less... bright. I am not sure how to technically describe this. There is less glare, reflection, brightness. This is particularly noticeable when looking at the sun - which now looks like a bright moon.




    As compared to the vanilla Oldrim sun:




    Given my objective, what would you all suggest I try to do in order to get light sources to be more reflective, and for there to be a "eye adjustment" effect? You know, when you look at something bright and your eyes adjust. I notice this greatly in Oldrim, but not in SE.

  9. Hello, Upon starting up Skyrim the other day I came across a bug that is at the moment game breaking. I found some other threads on the Nexus about the issue but their fixes (or lack thereof) were not helpful.


    Here is the issue: I am stuck in the follower command mode where you talk to and tell them to pick something up or attack something. Not only can I not exit the mode, but I don't even have a follower following me at the moment. I can move, draw my weapon, open menus, and kill things, but I can't pick things up, talk to people, or open doors. And no, I do not have a relevant save to revert back to. Neither would that be a "fix" for what is a very real problem.


    I have a few mods installed. A picture containing a list of them is attached. Perhaps a mod is causing this? Perhaps there is also a console command that would force me out of this mode. I'd imagine there is one.



  10. Hello,


    One thing I think this game really needed, since it is so "voice" and "shout" themed, is... a silence spell! The only Silence spell I could find was an area effect spell that drained all magicka (including your own) to zero for a an interval of time. This is no quite what is being looked for, and oddly it was a under Restoration magic.




    So here is my suggestion for a BALANCED silence spell that I offer as humble request:


    Active channeling spell, like a ward. Reduces users magicka over time (is moderately expensive to cast). The NPC you aim at is silenced as long as you are pointing at them. (use the telekinesis animations because they look the coolest!)


    Also, I mention DotA 2 because I am huge fan of Nortrom the Silencer. If anyone knows him he is a character themed after silence spells. If anyone reading this is familiar with him, perhaps you would be interested in also making a Global Silence spell (speaks for itself) and Curse of the Silent (mana and health drain over time with single cast) type spell?


    I think it would be really cool to role play as the Silencer. (and no, I don't mean the ghost hunter silencers from that other mod.)




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