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When I change from third person to first person camera in my game, most of the time it behaves like I entered a double input, meaning I only press the key to switch camera once, but in-game it switches to first person, then a second later it switches back to third person. This also happens when I use the hotkey mapped to trigger the free camera (via Sexlab): it triggers the free camera, and a second later the game returns to the regular controls and character movement, even though I only pressed the hotkey once. This happens a lot of the time and is pretty annoying, but I can't pinpoint the cause and google search haven't been to helpful. Do anybody know what could be the problem?
Feet sinking into ground bug, please read
RaulCuevas replied to cissjp's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim LE
I have the exact same problem as Darkana and the exact same fix: sometimes, totally at random, my character will have her feet sunk into the ground. It's like the game "forgets" the adjustment of HDT heels with them on, and then after unnequiping them the lessened height persist. I fix it either by loading from the main menu/restarting, or by adjusting height in the Racemenu. I'd like to know the reason it happens and a permanent fix, 'cause it's annoying. -
GTX 970 3.5 GB limit problems...is there a solution?
RaulCuevas replied to Hoeymon's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim LE
Regarding the mention of the Crash Fixes plugin: Should I use it if I have a very stable game (rare crash upon loading only, very, very rare when changing cells), or could it have some negative effects if I don't need it with urgency? Also, I need to tweak every fix in the ini according to my system, or can I leave as it is? Also, is it advised to use the UseOSAllocators instead of the SKSE patch? -
NPCs have DARK EYES with or without ENB
RaulCuevas replied to RaulCuevas's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim LE
*bump* Please? :/ -
I'm pretty sure this is some sort or problem due to lightning settings. I can tell because I used to play on a laptop in mid around settings (no ENB) and the issue wasn't there. Recently I upgraded to a gaming PC which can run Skyrim modded at Ultra settings (Nvidia GTX card, btw, latest drivers). I started with a fresh new game in said settings (I don't use any lightning mod) and then the problem arose. I thought maybe some ENB would fix it, but I've tried a couple and the issue is there. Thigs is, the problem isn't that NPCs have black eyes all the time; in broad daylight and in most angles their eyes look normal. But whenever I'm in a interior (no light from the sun, I guess, but lanterns, torches or so) their eyes look TOTALLY black. I'm aware there are difference in the lightning in exteriors and interiors, but this effect is ridiculous. It seems like they are some kind of ghouls. Can anybody tell me what could be the issue or some fixes I can try?
Many mod authors advice against using it as a crash log. Also, certain scripts repeat themselves hundred of times and it doesn't mean anything particular. I've found the test made by disabling plugins 5 or 10 at a time MUCH more useful and accurate. Anyway, as I said, the issue did arise with the change of PC, and so, the specs. I'd appreciate advice on configuring the enblocal ini file.
The papyrus log isn't mean to be used as a crash log, actually. That practice tend to send gamers in goose chases looking for faulty mods when the reason might be far from the script activity in the log. Also, not all crashes are script related. As I say, I'm almost sure the issue is memory related.
Recently I migrated all my data, included Skyrim, to a new system. My specs are as follow: Intel i5 3.2 ghz 65000 Nvidia GTX 970 4 gb 16 GB Ram SSD 256 GB for Skyrim Windows 7 64 bits Anyway, I used my same mods and my FPS went Sky high even on Ultra, and my sluttering disapeared. Problem is, I'm now getting totally random CTDs in normal gameplay, when I used to have them like, once a week or something. I'm using all the official plugins properly cleaned, the USLEEP and in general all guidelines for a stable game (yes, I checked my load order is the same, I copied the files in the Skyrim folder in the Appdata directory). Now, I'm guessing it may be a problem with my settings in my enblocal.ini file. I use enboost but not enb, and in my past system, I remember sometime I was crashing like crazy in my old system due to bad setting in the ini. I'm hoping somebody could help me, telling me the recommended numbers and settings according to my specs. I got the VideoMemorySizeMb value using the calculator (the one where you have to sustract certain number from the result). Any help would be appreciated. My ini: [PROXY] EnableProxyLibrary=false InitProxyFunctions=true ProxyLibrary=d3d9B.dll [GLOBAL] UsePatchSpeedhackWithoutGraphics=true UseDefferedRendering=false IgnoreCreationKit=true [PERFORMANCE] SpeedHack=true EnableOcclusionCulling=true [MEMORY] ExpandSystemMemoryX64=false ReduceSystemMemoryUsage=true DisableDriverMemoryManager=false DisablePreloadToVRAM=false EnableUnsafeMemoryHacks=false ReservedMemorySizeMb=128 =11734 EnableCompression=false AutodetectVideoMemorySize=false [THREADS] DataSyncMode=0 PriorityMode=0 [MULTIHEAD] ForceVideoAdapterIndex=false VideoAdapterIndex=0 [WINDOW] ForceBorderless=false ForceBorderlessFullscreen=false [ENGINE] ForceAnisotropicFiltering=true MaxAnisotropy=16 ForceLodBias=false LodBias=0.0 AddDisplaySuperSamplingResolutions=false EnableVSync=true VSyncSkipNumFrames=0 [LIMITER] WaitBusyRenderer=false EnableFPSLimit=false FPSLimit=60.0 [iNPUT] //shift KeyCombination=16 //f12 KeyUseEffect=123 //home KeyFPSLimit=36 //num / 106 KeyShowFPS=106 //print screen KeyScreenshot=44 //enter KeyEditor=13 //f4 KeyFreeVRAM=115 //B KeyBruteForce=66 [ADAPTIVEQUALITY] Enable=false Quality=1 DesiredFPS=20.0 [ANTIALIASING] EnableEdgeAA=false EnableTemporalAA=false EnableSubPixelAA=false [FIX] FixGameBugs=true FixParallaxBugs=true FixParallaxTerrain=false FixAliasedTextures=true IgnoreInventory=true FixTintGamma=true RemoveBlur=true FixSubSurfaceScattering=true FixSkyReflection=true FixCursorVisibility=true FixLag=false [LONGEXPOSURE] EnableLongExposureMode=false Time=1.0 BlendMax=0.0
Exclusive/specific armor path for custom races
RaulCuevas replied to RaulCuevas's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim LE
So I guess no one knows? -
I'm trying to edit the esp of a custom race I use, in order to get a "exclusive armor path". The general idea is to edit every ARMO/ARMA entry in the esp of my custom race. I searched the web and found the instructions in order to do so: "How to achieve what you want: -In the data/meshes/ folder, make alternate folders for you race's armor/clothes. -Chuck all the vanila version nifs in there. -Overwrite those with the modded versions you want your race to use. -Open Custom Armor in CK -Goto Armor -Open one of them(ARMO), double click it's ARMA/model. -In the ARMA, change the race at the top to the one your making a custom Armor&Clothing set for. -In the rightside column, remove all but the vampire version of that race. -Change the location of the used nif for male/female to where you've placed the race's version of the armor/colthes. -Rename the new ARMA, click OK and save it. -In the same ARMO, change the race at the top to the one your editing. -Delete the default ARMA it uses. -Add the new one you made. -Click OK and save the ARMO. -Rinse and Repeat for every Armor/Clothing you want separated for that race" Problem is, I follow all the steps without fail, but when I try to add the custom ARMA in the ARMO window, it won't show in the little window that shows it (I deleted the current one, right click, click "add", I select the custom one from the list, click OK, and then when the pop up closes, the list of ARMA is empty). If I save and load anyway, it won't work in game; the edited armor is invisible. I also have tried setting my custom race on top of the Armor window, and then selecting only the vampire race in the arma window, effectively editing the arma instead of creating a new one; same result. So what I'm doing wrong? Is there any step or addiotional tweak I have to do for the custom ARMA to show in the window in the ARMO tab, and then work in game? How can I assign a specific armor look for my custom race? I'm aware there is a mod called "Exclusive armor path", but that one is designed to use scripts every time the player picks and armor, to "swap" it for another existing version. I'm looking for some way to work in the esp of my race to achieve the effect without the use of scripting. Thanks!
Nope, the mod isn't master file or related to any other mod, and no NPC's are using any of its added hairs. Neither my character; I had the file activated without notice, as dumb as it may sound. So then, I'll uninstall it and keep playing, hoping stability isn't affected at all. Thank you for the answer!
Hello. I've known for a long time the advice that you should never uninstall a scripted mod, since doing so may damage permanently your save, and even though today we have some tools for clean save files from orphaned scripts, it is always adviced agains doing so. And I have always followed that rule. Thing is, I've heard some people claim that unistalling ANY mod can damage your save, not only scripted ones. Some people say this only apllies to, say, more complex mods that, for example, add or edit cells/races or so, while other people say that ANY UNINSTALLED MOD WILL CAUSE PROBLEMS, no matter how small. Recently I tried an hair pack for females, I didn't like it so I unticked the esp and continued playing, but forgot to delete it from my data folder, and at some point, I guess when opening Wyre Bash, the esp ticked itself without me noticing, so I continued playing with a unnecesary hair pack, at the bottom of my load order, that I don't need. I played like 20 more hours and I just realized it. My question is, since the mod is only a hair pack that doesn't messes with anything more in the game, is it safe to uninstall it? I have a pretty stable game after years of learning the correct way of moddind and tweaking, and I don't want to risk unstability for something so small and stupid. Thanks, and sorry for the bother!
I did; technically, I wiped out every trace of the game from my system, including all those folders and even getting rid of my old saves. I wanted to start clean in every aspect. So, no, no leftover files present to mess me up.