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Everything posted by mancika

  1. Good to have confirmation. On the other hand i was able to open some files i needed from other mods but still got a lot that i cannot touch.
  2. Ill try this asap. Wonderful explaining from your part sir! Okay, i set it up, plugin is in, tried as dds and as dds2 (renamed): "System.FormatException: The file is not a supported DDS format. at DdsFileTypePlus.DdsFile.LoadDdsFile(Stream stream, DDSLoadInfo& info) at DdsFileTypePlus.DdsFile.Load(Stream input) at PaintDotNet.FileType.Load(Stream input) in D:\src\pdn\src\Data\FileType.cs:line 496 at PaintDotNet.Functional.Func.Eval[T1,TRet](Func`2 f, T1 arg1) in D:\src\pdn\src\Base\Functional\Func.cs:line 158" Thats what i get.
  3. Back and forth conversion is something i never liked. I have intel works plugin in ps (cc2015) yet i cannot open textures with it in any way. One example is https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/10111/?tab=4&&navtag=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.nexusmods.com%2Ffallout4%2Fajax%2Fcomments%2F%3Fmod_id%3D10111%26page%3D1%26sort%3DDESC%26pid%3D0%26thread_id%3D3823425&pUp=1 The mod works fine, just want to modify its textures but nothing reads them for me.
  4. Hey, sorry to disturb you, but got a question regarding DDS textures. On many occasions i cannot open dds files lately found in mods. Got PS and gimp set up, tried many plugins in both like old nvidia dds, intel texture works, gimp plugins. Also have compressionator i use to view properties. Sometimes it says bad header, sometimes just an error. In games these always work but cannot open them to view/modify. I am absolutely not new to modding, got a lot done for CoH for example in long years. But i simply cannot figure how these dds are saved/exported or what to use to open them. Any help would be appreciated. M
  5. In response to post #40924330. Hm. What I download here, I also edit for my tastes. If plugins were locked I would not dl any, or would just dl it to get the idea/method how to do things. I do the secong choice a lot, even integrating specific changes into my main plugin. So modding-wise 1., it would take me a lot of time to reproduce the same things IF even having the knowledge/tools (overhaul mods...!) 2., i would not do the changes/additions even if i have the knowledge cuz you just simply cannot do as much as 40 or a 100 people for your game. 3., what is locked will be cracked open, as we all know. The end result is the same.
  6. Hm. After trials and errors, definitely a reshade or a sweetfx effect. Edit: switched to another reshade+sweetfx combo and its not present. "Download ReShade and SweetFX 2.0Preview 8 was released on August 10th. Runs on the ReShade 1.1.0 injector which was released on November 8th. http://reshade.me/sweetfx#download"
  7. Hey guys, im sort of stuck with this screen overlay-thing. Screen looks like scratched at all times. I already had the scope bugs with the imagespace modifiers but i could not remove this via console. http://i984.photobucket.com/albums/ae324/mancer55/Fallout4%202016-02-07%2020-20-30_zpsjadgloui.jpg I disabled mods already, started a new game too, still there. Im using reshade+sweetfx but imo its not the issue. Anyone having some ideas where to look would be appreciated. Thx in advance: M
  8. Maybe a "player.dispelallspells" after getting completely naked could help since while casting clairvoyance gives a player effect on you if you look at it (just did).
  9. "The site has a couple of issues once in a while but generally speaking this site runs smoother than my ISP. " True.
  10. Since a couple of days I can barely log on 8/10 is error 500 anything I do. But thumbs up for the admins:P
  11. Heyho! I made some weapons for Skyrim and have a 1h hammer configured fully as a mace. In CK its base data was a steel mace in nifskope work it was based on the same (scabbard stayed untuched). Now in game it plays sword kill cams (too?!). I rarely used 1h weapons before so don't have the experience to tell how exactly this should be solved. Thanks in advance.
  12. Brilliant! And those are simply the objects and their props exported? edit: i unified the objects until i get the answer and still remained separate when exported.... then i added the same material to the unified mesh and they where exported as 1 object finally.
  13. Heyhey! Brief question: Im doing a scabbard for my new sword and got a problem. I exported the scabbard in 3 separate objects and only 1 is staying on the back the other 2 moves with the sword. So I only can have 1 object or is there a solution to this? I dont want to unify the objects if not needed. Thank you in advance.
  14. Very nice work. Finally we get an even more useful UI after all. Thank you!
  15. Hey People! In Skyrim nifs I tried to add the same bslightingshaderproperty to multiple nitrshapes (as in fallout 3 i have done a hundred times in the last 1,5 years). In game when equipping the armor it goes CTD. If the shader props are separate its all fine , i have like 30 hours gameplay with the armor, but these props are all the same tho (seems to me). What could be wrong? I have seen mods that use the prop on multiple nitrishapes so i am troubled. Don't even understand why combine properties doesn't work this either. Maybe it is not Implemented In nifskope for skyrim nifs? Thx in advcance. Edit: Not that it does not work but optimizing would be good.
  16. Back in Fallout 3 I solved my sound issues like missing sound, stuttering, delayed sound by multi-threading the sound. Since NV is a successor of Fo3 MAYBE you could try it. That can be done in the ini files. Before touching them DO a backup. In users\documents\*****\my games\ you find 2 ini files. In these are sections: In fallout.ini and in falloutprefs.ini look for [Audio] section [Audio] .... bEnableAudio=1 bEnableAudioCache=1 bMultiThreadAudio=1 bEnableEnviroEffectsOnPC=0 .... iAudioCacheSize=131072 iMaxSizeForCachedSound=512 .... Try set the values like here in both files. Depending on your mashine's sound card you may try lower values first on the cache sizes (half etc). Its all about how much work your sound card has to do and how much resource it may use. I dunno if this fixes your problems but fixed mine. I have a SB Xfi Titanium and thats a very picky card when you talk about game settings. By doing the above the sound was okay but every time i shut the game down i had to kill fallout3.exe in the system processes, that is a known thing btw and should do no harm to your pc.
  17. Afaik hair mod's only problem is not having proper underhair that is shown when wearing hood / open helmets. But this should not cause something like this. Edit: I use UNP too but never had anything like this.
  18. I took a look into the esp. Ria has a default clothing set, blades armor without the helmet, in the CK its visible on her too. If you take that off she will be of course naked if she has nothing else on her. Since this armor is visible to you you can get it off her I think, its a playable set. If you take something off that you gave her before then she wears what she can (has in her inventory) and the best one is selected from the armor ratings. Vanilla followers have a basic cloth set that is NOT visible to the player so you cannot get her/him naked. What Ria has is playable / can be taken. Hope I helped.
  19. Usually you can give armor to any follower, trade with her simply. If what you give her is better than what she has (default stuff if any) then she will wear it. PS: asking does not make any1 a noob:)
  20. Another one, this is a prog: http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/1380
  21. Sorry to hear that:( Another thing crossed my mind tho. If you dont have controlmap.txt you should try putting 1 in. Or you could try a hotkey mod do a save then disable the mod so it gives a certain kick. Something like this: http://www.fileplanet.com/223487/download/Elder-Scrolls-V:-Skyrim---Hard-Coded-Key-Tweaks-Mod-v3.00 This is exactly about that txt. Or this: http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/23416 This in an esp based mod.
  22. If you look at your Skyrimprefs.ini (documents\mygames\skyrim) you see the controls section that looks something like this: [Controls] bUseKinect =0 fMouseHeadingSensitivity =0.0220 fGamepadHeadingSensitivity =1.0000 bAlwaysRunByDefault =1 bInvertYValues =0 bGamePadRumble =0 bMouseAcceleration = 0 fMouseHeadingYScale = 0.3 fMouseHeadingXScale = 0.3 The last 3 BOLD lines are important try to set them (or add them) into this section and try it. Of course do a backup before you do anything. Solved my crazy mouse problem this way. Edit: try disable/enable vertical sync in vga driver settings or via ini. Hope I helped:)
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