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About radbeetle

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    Fallout 4

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  1. This was the first thing I tried yesterday and after sitting in front of Preston for ten literal minutes, i concluded the conversation would not continue and there was something wrong. ETA: you know what, I'm going to stop question why this game be like this, because I just fixed this in the most ridiculous way, which was using the commands in kinggath's preston fix bat file but entering them manually instead of using the bat.
  2. ETA: incorrect title, should read can't start sanctuary since sturges won't talk to me about that stuff I've seen reports that this is a vanilla bug but the bat file fix on the Workshop Framework mod isn't fixing it, so presumably the cause must lie elsewhere? It's an issue where once Preston returns to sanctuary, you speak to him and when he gets to "anyway, i'm glad you're here" (or whatever the line is) he just sort of... hangs up, and stares at you without the dialogue progressing. No dialogue menu, clicking and pressing 1-4 just makes my character go 'mhm, huh, yeah' but nothing happens. I can walk away, but when i get back near Preston he still just stares at me. 'When Freedom Calls' also won't complete for me; I can't recall if that's supposed to complete by simply re-entering sanctuary with the survivors present, or upon talking to someone. Looking in xedit, none of my mods seem to affect the Min01 quest aside from start me up (and that doesn't seem to affect the parts of the quest that would cause this?) so I'm not sure where to begin troubleshooting, or what to look for that might be affecting this. The primary culprit, i thought, could have been WATM or maybe workshop framework, but disabling both of those didn't help. (the problem now, of course, becomes 'my load order is embarrassingly large', so I'd appreciate any thoughts to help narrow this down!)
  3. In response to post #69290336. #69291926 is also a reply to the same post. Thank you! I had the idea in mind from the instant the theme went up, it just took a little bit to hash out all the details!
  4. Excellent shots by everyone! I have to admit, part of my excitement about this contest was waiting to see the jury selection, and the commentary that comes with it! Some very talented folks out there. Congratulations to all the winners, and to everyone whose shots were featured here!
  5. I'm hoping this isn't an issue because I'm using LMCC (and thus trying to just plug my custom scars into it by editing that ESP) but no matter what I do, I can't seem to get the scars to show up in-game. The entry appears in the Looks Menu list with no issue, but nothing actually renders on the face when I select it. I've tried a couple different DDS formats but usually the creation kit won't accept them.
  6. Okay, so I've been trying to troubleshoot this one on my own for a while and still haven't managed to pinpoint the issue - i'm sure it could still be a mod conflict (I have, um, a lot of mods installed.) but I'm hoping someone else might know what's going on here - with Nick Valentine's Day installed, the, uh, inside of Nick's head doesn't seem to render properly leading to occasionally seeing bits of the world through him, as shown here - https://i.imgur.com/4AogmXZ.png It's usually not a huge bother most of the time but i've been trying to take some nice screenshots of various companions and this sort of thing really does get in the way of that.
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