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About trustinall

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  1. omg you're back! write a pm and let me know how you've been, will ya? for some reason i never get your e-mails :/ *huuuggggzz*
    1. zzjay


      :D i'm glad to see u have time for skyrim again :D

      wish u the Best!

  2. Where have you been??Miss ya
  3. Happy Valentine to you, or in Persian tongue, happy Sepandar Mzgan.
  4. Happy new year, trusti!!
  5. Merry Christmas everyone and have a good year. :)
  6. Oh hey it was your birthday?? I hope you had a great time, happy b-day awsum lady!
  7. Happy Birthday! A day late, sorry!
  8. Happy birthday! :D
  9. Hi there, just wanted to say onething:

    Happy birthday my dear friend.

  10. Awesome images you have! And the Bleak/Unbleak mod of yours... i tested it, and it looked amazing.. is just too bad my PC couldnt handle it, even though i tried everything.. ah well ;)

    Kudos! :)

  11. :laugh: this thread is ridiculous. it took me roughly 100 hours to set up and tweak my first enb, every minor change in "those textfiles* takes hours to doublecheck and test. op, please don't rant about stuff u have no frickin idea about.
  12. those lately posted litheria-pics ... stunning! O_o
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