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About papikuhli

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  1. That kind of is my point. .net 6 will become not supported/depreciated in the future (nearer than farther) dot net 6 end of life is Nov of 2024. Notices have been sent out to developers some time ago. I am sure the vortex team received those a while ago. Is there a plan to make the changes to the current vortex or will the new one be replacing it before that happens? I have done a considerable amount of reading, I have had to. The Microsoft team considered the features that were removed as loopholes, securities risk , inefficiency's or other. I am not with Microsoft so I can not tell you what their definitions are that apply to the feature that vortex uses from dot net 6 or its base electron. And I did not mention any security concern and the words used by Microsoft : Loopholes, inefficiency's and other are verry vague at best. To me a lot of times loopholes are put in place on purpose for a number of reasons. When someone with nefarious intent finds them they could be possibly be a problem but not always. It could be a complete different definition as well. So Loophole vague. Inefficiency could mean memory leak, power leak, speed bump or almost anything to make newer version appear better, again vague. Other WTH is it suppose to mean ??? Catch all parse way past vague . Fact is dot net 6 is at the end of service and something that should be corrected in the current version or addressed in the new vortex so no one that uses it has to experience this problem. it does not matter what you call it vortex was set up to use this depreciated feature ( Of dot net 6) and this has been known to be a issue/problem for a long time. Is there a plan to use something else instead of this feature ( in dot net 6)? is the New vortex going to use a different base if that is the problem? Is there going to be the Im A pro toggle that has been talked about in the past so the user can actually put a mod where they want?
  2. vortex really needs to be updated to use current .net (.net 8.0 ) why has this not happened? After struggling with this issue and getting it fixed a number of times and having it revert back to broken once a update comes along. It will literally be fine for a few updates then like recently a broken update of vortex then hot fix. This is a bug( or design flaw with the vortex software) that takes advantage of a loop hole in a microsoft program version dot net 6.x to create a sand box. hopeful that, the new VORTEX wont use such and will stay current. This is really too common of a problem to be going on for this many years with out being fixed internally in vortex. This should not be something the user spends days weeks trying a 100 different possible solutions to fix. seriously win 11 has been out for a long time why is vortex still using a outdated dot net 6? Hell I get a message popup when attempting to install dot net 6 that is a much older version than I already have installed.
  3. @picksaurus so its not either installing or not seeing file missing fileName=resources\app.asar.unpacked\node_modules\fomod-installer\FomodInstaller.Interface\Build\obj\Release\FomodInstaller.Interface\FomodInstaller.Interface.GeneratedMSBuildEditorConfig.editorconfig, error=ENOENT: no such file or directory, open 'C:\Program Files\Black Tree Gaming Ltd\Vortex\resources\app.asar.unpacked\node_modules\fomod-installer\FomodInstaller.Interface\Build\obj\Release\FomodInstaller.Interface\FomodInstaller.Interface.GeneratedMSBuildEditorConfig.editorconfig' is there a fix for this?
  4. @1ae0bfb8 I see it appears you either haven't read the common solutions megathreads and or practice good process troubleshooting. This happens to be the support section of the forum be helpful here and not other wise. I have read several post you have made and you have had your own problems with vortex so again .... Pease refrain from non helpful productive comments in the support section.
  5. I understand exactly what he is saying having had to go though uninstalling and reinstalling many many times recently attempting to fix the vortex install is corrupt (BUG) after it updated! And yes fully agree it Needs tobe fixed and should uninstall much more cleanly! And it should not uninstall anything but the vortex program! IE ; SKSE64, TOOLS, DLL files not part of vortex, Saved mod profiles, saved games, mods ... it ALSO should not try to auto delete anything on reinstall/startup/deploy and it should be able to recognize and use already existing data instead of recognize then replace/remove. OH AND custom install Same thing!
  6. sorry had phone call and accidently hit post before done with it. will reset once I return. I set post to hide
  7. So I tried that one and it did not work. So I tried to load my saved profile, It did make it very difficult to use my saved mod load so I did not have to re download a 1000 mods. it was not wanting to deploy the mods as it was getting stuck wanting to purge all of them no matter what choices I made. After multiple attempts it finial recognized A save game then was able to use the save game load mods feature. so it did do something different after trying it, it just did not fix what is the problem. I hope this info helps to get us to a fix. I also then tried every one of the possible fixes in all those threads and none worked.
  8. I just tried that again as I have already done that prior but still did it and still unsuccessful. still throws the error. uninstall, clean and reinstall new download still throws error. remove uninstall my antivirus antispyware deactivate microsoft defender that comes on when you remove those. uninstall , clean, reboot verify vortex not on computer verify defender is off install vortex still same warning on start up. I am not computer illiterate and my system performs in the upper 20% today bench test so non potato 2023. 5 different antivirus programs have been run on it and it is clean. 3 different antispyware programs have been run on it and clean as well so what file do I need to look at being the problem?
  9. so is there any one even remotely associated with the vortex team willing to give a try on this?
  10. so I am guessing this is the unresolved bug mentioned on git hub? I have no virus I did not do any manipulating to vortex files notice happened immediately after a vortex update possibly caused by broken or uncomplete update? So for now just hitting the ignore button on the warning and build new profile. May be someone from the vortex team will check in?
  11. so renaming appdata file did not work. last uninstall did not work either but did remove 90% of my mods including my copy I made for back up on another drive. unfortunately using newest version of minitools changed my settings of it and default was set to remove all traces with out confirm. but even so on new install still getting attached error notice. so clearly windows is holding on to some trace data of vortex. somewhere.
  12. yeah that did not work. still giving the corrupt warning
  13. ok I will try the vortex uninstall.exe after installing again.
  14. After vortex updating a couple of weeks ago I received the vortex installation corrupt error. win 11 os I have reinstalled, uninstalled then installed, manually uninstalled searched for any files named black tree or vortex deleted and cleaned then fresh down load and install of vortex and still receive the error. my system is virus free and clean and I have not manually done anything to the vortex files. and I am now also getting a version mismatch warning. the down load file is 1 8 5 and it says last used version was 1 9 4 . I am currently running my game and mods with wrybash how do I get vortex mod manager corrected and working?
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