I have a suggestion that I have been thinking about for months now of browsing Nexus mods. You see, I am a very cynical person and in any other environment, I like to take in the negative criticisms as well as the positive, so I have an idea of what I am getting into. Now I have done a tiny bit of research and know that allowing for any type of system enabling criticism has been a complete ****storm and I completely encourage and support never going back to those old system, but I would like to suggest that Nexus as a whole is lacking quite a bit in this area. See, I mod mostly Skyrim SE and Fallout 4, and one thing that most mod pages are lacking is any kind of critical feedback. When I scan through a popular mod, I often do not see any mention of past bugs, criticisms, or really anything helpful. So, though I have a hundred and one ideas to fix this, I know that all of them could be too easily abused for grief and whatnot and detract from what nexus mods is all about. Therefore, I propose making a review system. The system I am proposing is one I have seen in use in many places, including the Google Play Store, and I think it would do very well here. It has three vital components: 1) Reviews that are not censored by mod authors. This is vital for it will build trust of those reading the reviews and avoid mod authors deleting helpful but negative reviews to create a false consensus. 2) a way to upvote and downvote the reviews This is arguably the most important aspect. This will help filter through trolling by pushing the most popular reviews to the top, encouraging thoughtful and helpful reviews both positive and negative. Many places use this model because it is not an easily digestible number or rating. A downvote on a review is not going to have the same problems as a downvote on a mod. 3) A way to report reviews that violate nexus TOS. This is an obvious one. In short, providing an independent review system in which helpful reviews can be rated and rewarded will allow for and encourage a safer outlet for constructive criticism, more third-party feedback that doesn't clutter up the mod authors' inboxes and forums, increased web traffic and overall clicks. Thank you for your time. Be kind and have a good day.