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About FenrisSilverTail

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  1. I would Like to see this finished really and Walk around in Skyrim as a sergal and so one
  2. This thread is still open give more ideas and this thread have Lots of good ideas even the art are taken and this thread is full of not crap and allso another thread i saw about anthro races around here on the forum got full of lore-friendly ideas and so.. Can you please give more Non-Lore Ideas and so? Hmm Otter race could fit on any elderscrolls orsergal yeah or more lupines or maybe hehe plushies or more
  3. There is many good ideas in the http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/465448-true-anthropomorphic-race/page-29&do=findComment&comment=8438724 There are many Nonlore beast races can fit in the game with no problem and this topic is non lore beastrace Snow leopard Dragon Sergal Orca ants Deer extreeme Lizards Please Give More ideas here Non-Lore Beast races Please?
  4. Yeah i think the Chuhrai race and Wolf races and Sergal race Fits very in to skyrim and of course Snow leopards.. is could me very fun to play as an Anthro orca on Land and things yeah
  5. I like this Ideah yeah and Maybe can put more to the Werebeast mod there isn't there and i miss something therer I cant put my finger on
  6. Um is there any good ideah here Lore and Non lore Beast race ideas here?
  7. Nyan like the ideas you have given on this topic Pyro made here nyeh see a lot of lore races here and a lot of non lore and please find more ideas please? meh really like the Chuhrai race mod on Oblivion, people maybe the segal and Chuhrai race mod fits better to skyrim yeah any better non lore races, anthro Beast races?
  8. I like the mod too can someone please make the mod to skyrim too?
  9. I like the Chuhrai in Oblivion and the sergal race they will sure fit in Skyrim
  10. http://pictures.fanart-central.net/t/TheWolfsgirl90/593465.jpgis this suddenly anime? This is oone of the true andthro beast races Pyro want to talk about
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