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About piratka77

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  1. Hello! Thanks for adding me to your friends! Kudos for you :)
  2. Hello! I'll add you as a friend! Kudos for you :)
    1. m14aria


      I wanted to do that too when i come back from class, (now). Thanks and kudos for you too. :)
  3. Hello! I'll add you as a friend! Kudos for you :)
  4. Thank you, keep posting those gorgeous Hawkes
  5. Thank you, keep posting those gorgeous Hawkes
  6. Hi, I'll add you as a friend! Kudos!
  7. Большое спасибо,Пиратка.*Hugs*.:))
  8. Спасибо, что добавила, и за кудос тоже)) :3

    Kudos right back to you :D

  9. И мне очень преятно! Добавлю тебя в друзья. Кудос! :)
  10. Happy birthday to you! :)
  11. Happy New Year Lady Piratka! :D
  12. Thanks for the congratulations! Merry Christmas to you too! :)
  13. wish you and your family a Merry Christmas!
  14. Hi piraka, yours is great, I thought I was crazy when I saw it, but the eyes are closing and blinking :D ahaha cool avatar :)

    Nice to meet you!

  15. Hello! I'll add you as a friend! Nice avatar! Kudos for you :)
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