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Everything posted by Ethre
Ooooh. Here I was thinking I was the only special one. ;) Good, quick action from the moderators as always!
Interesting KD. US here though. ;)
My thanks to SRD for alerting me to the fact that you can climb vines!
A perfect description of the problems I experience.
I've noticed horrible jumps in memory usage locally too. Takes longer though.
Beware - creepers are armed and dangerous! Edit: And did the spawn behaviour change? I keep moving to different spawn points. I kind of like it. Adds a ncie touch
Epic skydiving coming!
I don't know that its possible to do more than two height retraction. If you can live with that though, something like this may work:
Thank you. :) KDS: As Buddah mentioned 4Shared is generally quite good.
Is there a chance I can get build permissions?
I might have to reinstall MC to try that out . . .
Thanks for the heads up on that KD. Didn't know about that tool - quite handy.
Missing the massive server-crashing forest fires? :P
Two shots I just took of KD's pack in 1.8. http://imgur.com/a/0kseL http://i.imgur.com/w8ibjh.jpg http://i.imgur.com/wuiwoh.jpg Looks quite nice ingame, though it is different in feel than default. If you get a chance KD, I think the hunger/air bar could use a touch up. :P Nice work.
Only wood tools KD? I've got to say, the dragons look fun.
Who was using world edit?? I know it couldn't have been me, even on accident, I have a minimap installed and my client is patched to allow x256 texture packs, that's it o.0 I don't know what kind of corruption DrGrimm was having, but its pretty hard to "accidentally" do anything major to a MC server. You're fine Sepherose. Its a darn shame to hear of the problems Dr. :(
Quote from Dark0ne. I believe its still up
Try this: http://www.minecraftforum.net/topic/140684-173-toomanyitems-in-game-invedit-july-1/
I got asked by a couple people to provide the world files and plugin implementations from the most recent server. Try here for world: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=C0HLFLIG Try here for plugins (regions not implemented): http://www.megaupload.com/?d=AI7JLCR8 Try here for world prior to most work: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=NDOFKR6B
Pretty landsacpe. I'll update the main post tommorrow to reflect changes.
KD's right about the upload speed. Its not so fun when your blocks respawn. In terms of data transfer its not really significant. I have no numbers for the server itself, but I ran a few on the local server and it really wasn't a noticeable amount for a high-speed internet connection. That said, if you were, say downloading linux distros, you would definitely feel the impact. The current rates seem more like that Ub3r. I was in at slightly less than a quarter of that (and originally I was looking for a cheaper host!). Good to hear from you Dr Grimm. :)
Would everyone mind thanking my right hand here? This is the guy who kept things together when I would randomly disappear. Additionally, my thanks to Ub3rman and Argomirr for their assistance.
Housekeeping: World: I will provide two zipped world files for public download following September 2nd - one of the world right after spawn (thanks to Ub3r for creating it?) and one of the world closer to then. Megaupload most likely. I also still have a number of backups of the old worlds if anyone is interested. Please note that 1.8 may come out though - which adds significant points of interest to the worlds so a new map may be preferable. Seed can be saved if wanted. Server: For reference, I've had it hosted at ArtofWarCentral.com for a cost of slightly over XX per month. 8 player cap, no special add ons. Max data size was probably ~3gb (slightly less then two of backups, plus files/etc). We had a few problems with lag, but they always responded quickly to any problems I had. All in all a very positive experience for me. Uptime was close to 99% (ignoring when I had it down) RAM is the biggest issue with minecraft it seems. Some hosts actually rent it by ram and not slots. A gb for java (on the server) was generally sufficient for our usage though. EDIT: Seems I was grandfathered in under a significantly cheaper hosting deal. If someone's interested in maintaining the server (looks like they'll still let me pay the old rate), please contact me directly and I'll let you know the exact numbers. I've removed them from this post as a courtesy to AoWC. Suspensions: Given that the server's coming down, I feel it would be kinda pointless to apply them now. :/ Also - let me know if you want any specials on sale at spawn - since its coming down, I've got no problem with a "blowout clearance" on blocks!
Temporary fix up. I've let the server regen the entire region (-5,0 in case anyone has some sort of odd desire to know) around spawn. I'm hoping to get it repaired, but this should work temporarily to stabilize the map. Unfortunately that means that quite a bit of construction has been removed. The planetoids map option is still on the table if this won't repair in the next few days. Other thoughts welcome too. Never been to the far lands. Looks kinda impressive though. I'd like to try if it weren't for the lag.