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  1. Wow, thank you so much! I am glad I was able to receive your advice on this since I would have never realize the usage of the formlist given my inexperience with the ck in general. I will test it out to see if it works and update here. EDIT: So I tested out the new script and it seems that the issues I listed in the op still persists. Just wondering if those things might perhaps be linked to how the original spells work or not or if its related to something else entirely?
  2. I have been trying to figure out a script to change the equipped "bound" type weapon to another type without needing the player to manually equip and recast the next spell by attaching the following to a lesser power for the player to use and cycle through: Event OnEffectStart(Actor akTarget, Actor akCaster) if akCaster.GetEquippedWeapon() == BloodWeaponGreatsword akCaster.DispelSpell(BloodGreatsword) BloodBattleAxe.Cast(akCaster) elseif akCaster.GetEquippedWeapon() == BloodWeaponBattleAxe akCaster.DispelSpell(BloodBattleAxe) BloodWarhammer.Cast(akCaster) elseif akCaster.GetEquippedWeapon() == BloodWeaponWarhammer akCaster.DispelSpell(BloodWarhammer) BloodBow.Cast(akCaster) elseif akCaster.GetEquippedWeapon() == BloodWeaponBow akCaster.DispelSpell(BloodBow) BloodGreatsword.Cast(akCaster) elseif akCaster.GetEquippedWeapon() == BloodWeaponDagger akCaster.DispelSpell(BloodDagger) BloodSword.Cast(akCaster) elseif akCaster.GetEquippedWeapon() == BloodWeaponSword akCaster.DispelSpell(BloodSword) BloodWarAxe.Cast(akCaster) elseif akCaster.GetEquippedWeapon() == BloodWeaponWarAxe akCaster.DispelSpell(BloodWarAxe) BloodMace.Cast(akCaster) elseif akCaster.GetEquippedWeapon() == BloodWeaponMace akCaster.DispelSpell(BloodMace) BloodDagger.Cast(akCaster) endif endEvent Testing it in game so far has shown that it works as expected but there are however issues that I am not sure how to address: After using the power, the new spell (if its a 1-h weapon type) casted through the script seems to also duplicates to the left hand but with an invisible version The newly casted spells from the script do not behave like the original "bound" type spells would as they do not automatically dispel when sheathedIf anyone know why this is happening and could help me figure out how I can fix these 2 issues, I'd greatly appreciate the help.
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