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Posts posted by looom

  1. Apologies if this topic belongs somewhere else, but it's technically a newbie issue.


    The premium purchase tab says that it has a renewal. Suppose I buy 1 month prem right now via cc directly. Does it automatically keep charging my cc every month or is there some sort of confirmation wall in-between?


    EDIT: Nevermind, there is an option for (non)recurring payment. I'm just illiterate.




    Hi, I like playing Skyrim. I spend 90% of the time modding the game, nexus 1mb/s limit is inconvenient.

  2. Looking for a mod that allows to change enemy AI's reaction to Stealth attacks.

    Currently I use SkyRe's Enemy AI, however, it makes no sense that in complete darkness, after I shoot someone with a bow, they know Exactly where to look for me. I need an AI mod that is more chaotic, if there is one.

  3. Hermaeus Mora - although during the quests when he appeared I wanted to have the ability to kill him. His reward is by far the most useful, though - one could argue that the Black Star is equally good.

  4. Why would Wrye bash refuse to let me manually re-order my mods by giving me "Plugins cannot be loaded before masters" error, while that is not what I am trying to do. All of the masters are located before the plugin. In, fact, nothing can be moved, always returns the former error.

  5. Hello,


    is it possible to create categories within Wrye Bash for your mods? To make it distinguishable that mods 1 2 3 are for aesthetics, mods 4 5 6 affect the gameplay etc.


    One way could be to rename the mod archives such that they are ordered by categories, but could I create a sort of category tree inside WB and add/remove mods to any particular branch?



  6. Looking for a mod that modifies the guild-joining requirements. E.G you can't join the DB with just a level 1 poor, unskilled chump to do sophisticated assassinations ( that just doesn't make sense). Of course it would apply to all of the guilds, also if possible / separate mod - Sort of like a guild overhaul - Makes some guilds easier to join in, others harder - you know what I mean - Level based entry, hence making the rewards substantially greater for high class guilds compared to lower class guilds.


    I hope that's sufficient information.



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