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Everything posted by thereallgr

  1. Why would that be weird? Someone requests deletion, but you don't have an automated process for that in place. So what you do to comply to the request immediately is removing public access to the object in question as best as you can. Once that is fine, you can plan the actual deletion. It's a common practice across any platform that holds objects that may be subject to deletion, first you block public access then you take care of the rest. Source: I'm working for a company that builds CRM systems for large companies, so the object in question usually is user/customer data and subject to the GDPR without any court ruling, so a tad more urgent than mod files, which may or may be not subject to that.
  2. If I recall correctly from another topic, files get archived ASAP and the deletion is then done manually afterwards.
  3. (Just taking your statement as an example for a point made several times in this topic.) For Bethesda titles 1000 unique downloads isn't that much, but for other less prestigious titles that the Nexus hosts, 1000 is a lot. I would argue that those authors working on lesser known games deserve the same treatment as those working on better known ones. One could propose that downloads could or should be weighted/normalised/whatever across games, but seeing as that concept was proposed and shot down previously when the DP system was designed, it would probably not apply here either. I'd rather have a benefit that applies to most mod authors and that happens to catch a few "low effort" authors in the process than the other way around.
  4. @Dillon627 Sorry for not replying earlier, the last weeks were quite busy on my end, and I wasn't around as much as I'd liked and should have been, anyways it's added to the list.
  5. UPDATE The Academy Oblivion Magic + Reclaiming Sancre Tor by mhahn123 got released! And the Open Cities+Blood & Mud+Bravil Barrowfields was crossed off. Arthmoor checked it out and stated everything would work as it should if the correct plugins are being used. Thus it is not a conflict of the three but a fourth mod interfering.
  6. UPDATE The Midas Magic - Tales from the Tomb Patch got released! @ Timarot: Seen and listed, but do not expect too much too soon, we do not have a model artist in the team and nakakita, who made the recent model adaptions, is only taking requests she enjoys working on at her own pace.
  7. UPDATE The Order of the Dragon Patch Series was updated. Now Fall of the Ayleids is fully supported.
  8. Quick update on how to proceed: This request page will continue to collect FCOM requests and will host them separately on the main post. In regular intervall I will send a summary of the requests together wit the description of the conflicts to the FCOM Team and it is up to them what to do with those. If they decide to work on those patches I will consider them as WIP in the start post and list them as usual. When they get released I will link them. But pay attention I'm saying this only once: When requesting a FCOM patch here follow the guideline I provided in the first post. In the case of FCOM requests, please provide your full load order, as a conflict does not necessarily have to be caused by the mod that seems to cause it. I will write or link a description of conflicts for those who are interested. FCOM is a very delicate mod to work with, thus as much information on a conflict as possible has to be provided by the user experiencing said conflict. Which makes it far easier to reproduce the issue in order to fix it. For those who are interested, here is the reason why we decided this way:
  9. UPDATE Shetcomb Farm + Integration - The Stranded Light by mhahn123 Vaults of Cyrodiil + Open Cities Reborn by mhahn123 ImpeREALCity Unique Districts + Origins of the Mages Guild by dreamed1 are done. @gianama: I'll have a look into it.
  10. I've added the Umbra stuff. @ gianama: Could you please try to be specific about the conflict, on the mod's page I had a report that your mentioned combination is working fine. And just from a quick glance at your load order: You'll no longer need the Better Cities UL Imperial Isle patch.
  11. UPDATE Several Better Cities Imperial Isle Compatibility Patches by me are done.
  12. Oh,... well, I might have missed that Nuska retired... Oops. I'm gonna update the request accordingly.
  13. I've added both to the list. For the first request: Have you asked Nuska about an addon? Might be worth a try. She probably will do it better than any of the active patchers here, as it's her original work.
  14. UPDATE Well, it seems like you recieved yet another early present for christmas: dreamed1 released Capes for NPC's born out of a request here. I know, I know it's early but the holidays are close and I'm probably not, or only seldom around untill the new year, so: Thanks to all the modders here for your great work! I would honestly not have thought this would work out so well in such a short time. And - of course - Happy Holidays and a Happy New Year to all of you!
  15. UPDATE The Snowy Road to Bruma Patch Colletion by mhahn123 got quite an update! Thanks, and happy holidays to you too!
  16. And thanks once again! UPDATE The Oblivion Jobs + Unique Landscapes Arrius Creek patch by mhahn123 is done.
  17. Thanks! UPDATE The Cardac Patch Collection by mhahn123 is done.
  18. Gosh, I completely forgot to post it here: Update: Mage Equipment 21 + TGND body Patch by nakakita is done Now also including an optional patch of the four non-BAB robes in the original mod
  19. UPDATE: Some Better Cities - Imperial Isle Plugin patches are done Better Cities Imperial Isle Plugin - UL Better Imperial Isle by me Better Cities Imperial Isle Plugin - UL Better Imperial Isle - Talos Bridge Gatehouse by me
  20. I've seen this request Death lok, I only gonna add it as a landscape conflict when I've read through the description and found all of them for now. For the rest I've to contact the author's first and and have a look at the mods mechanics which patches make sense. This on the other hand will not happen. Not only that Giskard's work is not to be touched, but merging all those mods together probably won't be accepted by the authors. (I personally wouldn't allow it.) There is a small borderline between patch-worthy and the user having to decide which mod to drop.
  21. This - as the description states is a rough workaround. Of course until someone claims the patch that's probably the best workaround we have right now. From the description: To explain it in short, both mods edit NPCs directly - which conflict wise is bad. Thus this patch removes half of the edits to free those NPCs up to be edited by another mod. (So you are right with your assumption). A needed workaround/compatibility patch would revamp and remove all NPC edits and replace those edits either with leveled lists or scripts. The best possible solution would include the option to merge those leveled lists via a bashed patch so all robes from all mods get added to the appropriate NPCs, whilst those who need their unique robes get them added by scripts. (This would need a closer look if it's possible, but it should be.) It'll only take it's time to finish as you need to restructure the whole file(s) so no vanilla items are overwritten.
  22. New file finished: Eyrens Vampire Hunter Armor - BAB version by Nakakita
  23. A small update: Slangens recently released the first patch from the list namely the Knights of the Nine + Frans 5.2 Patch And something else: Conversions of any of AlienSlof's work to another bodytype won't be taken over or added to the list. Some time ago she stated that conversions won't be allowed, and respecting that wish, I not only took the requests off, but will not add any new, so don't bother posting those requests.
  24. Sorry for not answering sooner. Have you posted this issue into the Better Cities thread? Apart from what you mentioned, even if you're using the patch, parts of the Academy are messed up (doors blocked etc... I din't have the time to look up if some quests are interfering) so I think this would definetly something the BC team would be interested in. I'm not sure about my load order and cannot look it up right now, but I think (and I'm going to edit this accordingly) I have Mages Guild loading before Better Cities without any problems. Nonetheless that's definetly a bug to report to the BC Team.
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