As the title suggests, I am getting very strange behavior in my game as soon as I begin the quest The Fate of the Skaal. This behavior is repeatable across multiple different saves (one save with 100 plus hours and one save with a mere 2) and results in CTDs that i don't get before starting the quest. Basically what happens is once the temple of miraak quest is completed, I exit the temple with frea. When I am in the solstheim exterior immediatly outside the side door of the temple, I enter a wonderful zone of CTDs. This bermuda triangle of sorts extends roughly between the mead hall to the right, haknir's shoal to the left and a little ways across the bridge to the skaal village. If I sprint or coc to the skaal village I can make it out of the triangle before a crash. Once in the village, the quest progresses as normal. The fact that this ctd zone exists is not particularly puzzling to me, it's that the rest of solstheim will begin to produce exterior ctds, particularly around uncleansed stones. And again, these exterior ctds are not repeatable prior to begining The Fate of the Skall quest, and persist once both it and the cleasing the stones quest are completed. I know usually it is par for the course to provide my load order and papyrus log at this time, but I am waiting around at dispatch right now and don't have access to my gaming tower. When I am back from work tonight, I will post that info. For now, any ideas or similar experiences with this mysterious affliction, or some direction of what I should look for would be appreciated. If it helps in any potential diagnosis, I am using USKP and UDBP already, I have cleaned all my active mods (except those with special do not clean instructions) and I have (quite some time ago) regenerated my ini file so it is free of tweaks. My mods list does contain a few script heavy mods (IMCN, Frostfall, etc) but I haven't had any issues with scripting thus far in my newest save.