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About AusAllerWelt

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    Fallout New Vegas
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    Fallout New Vegas, Disco Elysium, Death Stranding

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  1. The issue seems to be that Blender merges the UV because they belong to the same object and lie so close together, you can fix this by simply moving the small UV island of that strip far away and put it back in the original place afterwards so the UV isn't merged on export. I don't know if there is any other way to fix this, but I also don't understand why the mesh was created this way in the first place.
  2. Okay, I think it may have been an issue with the position. It's rigged to the skeleton, so it should be equipped as a head item, but importing it it didn't line up with the head. I fixed it up and exported it. You can change the position how you like, let me know if it's working now.
  3. If you could share the mesh I can take a look at it, it seems like it may be a structural issue/wrong flags with the nif, but I can't say for certain without having it in front of me.
  4. Did you check if the mesh still has the Alpha_Texture flag in the BSSHaderPPLightingProperty? If it's still there then remove it and see if it fixes your issue. I added an image to show what you need to look for. You can also remove the Alpha channel from the texture, save it as DXT1/BC1 for example, to get rid of transparency.
  5. Yeah, Fallout 4 meshes have a completely different nif structure, of course they won't work when you just copy paste them. You need basic knowledge in 3d programs, textures and skinning/rigging.
  6. What do you mean 'into normal form'? You can convert any mesh and texture from Fallout 4 to New Vegas if you have enough knowledge.
  7. Is your game set to use textures lower than the highest resolution? The issue looks like missing mip-maps which would be an issue with the mod the texture comes from.
  8. Looks like messed up/missing weights. Are you sure you're using the skeleton that comes with the mod? I don't know why else this would happen if the original mod seems to work fine. Did you do any work in a 3d program? If so something might have messed up on export.
  9. Yeah Fallout 4âs version of âPBRâ is awful, I wouldnât really call it that either. If youâve seen these normals for New Vegas mods though then the author didnât properly convert them, they usually look off in the Gamebryo engine.
  10. Fallout 4 uses a 2 channel tangent space normal map for better performance while storing additional information in the red and green channel akin to BPR information. If you simply invert the blue channel you get a standard tangent space map. I havenât worked a lot with them other than converting them for use in Gamebryo. I think the Unreal engine uses them aswell. You can read more about normal maps here https://www.artstation.com/typhen/blog/GZdL/this-is-normal-3-types-of-normal-maps
  11. I'm not really sure what the issue seems to be, it looks fine to me in the video. The only tip I can give for skinning in blender is to import the skeleton to move your mesh as a way of testing how the weighting will affect the mesh in the game, which may help you resolve your issue.
  12. It applies to all official esm plugins. I recommend that you restore the others to the original ones aswell.
  13. I've seen this issue so many times now. It's because the official plugins were cleaned. Best way to fix it is to delete the cleaned esm files and let them be restored to the original ones. New Vegas' plugins should never be cleaned, no exceptions.
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