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About Drahenne

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    Oblivion, Skyrim, The Banner Saga, Dragon Age

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  1. Hi, Bruma Alive is still in extremely-lagging-and-ctd-causing alpha stage, but you all can get it here:) https://mega.co.nz/#!V8dnSY4R!w2LvD7jPcAhZL4Dow7wXWw3Eg389pGlEW0BFikxR8E0
  2. Could you be more specific? Sorry, sometines I'm a total noob when it comes to fixing the CS.
  3. It had never happened before. So I can enter any interior or town world (BrumaWorld, for example) without problems, but every time I'm trying to enter Tamriel (through doors or directly in the CellView window) it keeps crashing. I desperately need to fix that. Moreover, it crashes even when only Oblivion.esm is loaded without any mods and I'm trying to start working on a clean game. http://www.frugalwoods.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/07/HALP.jpg
  4. Thanks Tobbs! And the hair probably come from max&flan's newsea conversions.
  5. Ladies and gents, does anyone know of this guy's hair and armor? He's awesome. http://s30.postimg.org/tq9xyt259/oco2v07.jpg
  6. I tried to, but it looks poor (as poor as my photoshop skills). I'd love to have something more, well, realistic...
  7. You probably know what I mean, these hexagonal thingies hanging on the wall, I don't know extacly what they are, but they remind me of dreamcatchers. Is there somebody who could make me a simple static mesh (not converted from Skyrim, but made from scratch, I prefer not to be banned)? I desperately need this for my Bruma overhaul. Pretty please. http://s30.postimg.org/45uzc1919/my_two_favourite_daedra_by_norroen_stjarna_d4ops.jpg
  8. Ok, not exactly sure how, but somehow I managed with the constant CTDs, so maybe it will be helpful for someone - i simply downloaded and installed this: http://www.microsoft.com/pl-pl/download/confirmation.aspx?id=35 That's all, now I can run all the versions.
  9. Hi guys. Ok, I'm pretty new to modded Skyrim, so my question may seem extremely stupid, so forgive me, but I couldn't find a solution. Well, here comes the problem. I can run only older ENBs from Boris' site (v 0013). All the newer versions cause immediate CTDs, the game won't even start. So I can't try all these eyecandies like Somber ENB and my poor soul is begging for mercy. Currently I'm running Bleak ENB with lots of HD textures and my game still runs smoothly on Ultra. And yes, I tried to delete all the old enb files ind install the new ones and still have CTDs. And I'm using SKSE loader. My specs: i3 3.30GHz Win7 64 bit 8 GB RAM NVIDIA GeForce GTx 650 2048 MB
  10. Hello, does anyone know where can I find these hair? http://oblivion.nexusmods.com/images/557886-1308301814.jpg
  11. Well, sounds interesting, I can try to do that in free time.
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