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Is there anybody that would be able to do an edit on the Gemstone Droplets hairstyle? Specifically for short races/gnomes. No idea if the issue happens with taller races, too, though I imagine it would. The fringe of Gemstone Droplets is "pinned" at the bottom of the bangs, so the ends of the fringe stay in place while the upper portions bend and stretch as a character moves their head. This has been an issue both with the older version of the hair, and the newer version released with Patch 7. It causes the hair to clip badly into a character's face whenever they turn their heads too much. I'm hoping someone with know how on dealing with meshes and such would be able to "unpin" the ends of the hair, and either give the fringe physics or simply have the full fringe move as the character turns their head, so that it doesn't cut through faces all the time. Example of the clipping I'm hoping to have solved is shown in the screenshot.
Apologize for the thread necro, but I would LOVE to see this mod. Particularly being able to recruit the random encounter pair of Charlie and Clinton. I just ran into them and I really, really hate that I can't send them to Sanctuary or something. They clearly have been on hard times and need something positive in their life, but I can't do a damned thing to help them. :(
Has anybody made, or would anybody be willing to make, a mod that changes Danse's likes and dislikes after you complete Blind Betrayal? I finished his personal quest, convincing him to live and remain as my travel companion, and entered into a romance shortly after. But, of course, Danse is set to still dislike much of anything to do with helping Synths, even though he is one. Started the Far Harbor quests, and told Mrs. Nakano that even if her daughter is a synth, she's still a person who needs help. Danse, of course, hated this despite having just been in this very situation himself. I'd love to see his affinity reactions be altered to better suit his newfound identity after completing Blind Betrayal. It's just stupid that a man who has discovered he is a synth, and was convinced of his worth as a person despite not being human, still hates anything relating to helping out other synths. I don't expect the guy to want to join the Railroad or anything, but liking or even just remaining neutral to conversations like that with Mrs. Nakano would make a lot more sense right now.
If it's possible to even do, would any awesome people out there be willing to do a mod that alters how companion affinity works? It's bugged me since I first started playing just how quickly you can max out affinity with characters, especially romanceable ones. After what would feel to the character as just a few days, maybe a couple weeks at most after witnessing their spouse be murdered in cold blood, they can fall in love and enter a relationship with someone completely new, including non-humans like Hancock or Curie. If it's possible, what I'd like to see is to have a time frame trigger added to affinity dialogue. Maybe differing times for each character depending on their personality. So, gaining max affinity with someone like Codsworth would be easier, as you knew him before the war and he's already pretty loyal to you, but gaining max affinity with MacCready would take time. The triggers between each affinity dialogue for a character would be different. Maybe it only takes a few days to be able to trigger the first affinity dialogue, the next a couple weeks, and maybe the final dialogue that would allow for locking in a romance would take a couple in-game months after the previous dialogue to trigger. You would, of course, still have to reach specific affinity levels with a character as is the standard, but with the change the dialogue wouldn't trigger if both the affinity level AND the time frame have not been met. I'm not sure if this kind of thing is possible to do, and I assume if it can be done it requires scripts, and I know nothing about scripting so trying to make this myself would be near impossible. But maybe someone else would be willing to give it a shot. Anybody who would have the skills to make this mod likely would be more creative in general than I am, so deciding time frames between dialogue triggers might be easier for someone else. I've had this idea for a while now but still don't know how long I would want it to take for any given character.
He has some silent "dialogue", but not much. When you first meet him, it says that he looks at you. When you ask him to join you, it says he claps his hands and nods. The text stays up long enough to read it without any actual sound playing. But whenever enemies are nearby, he starts yelling a few generic phrases in one of the game's male voices. He also says "Bye" if I try to enter dialogue with him and then exit dialogue again.
Is there a simple way to make a follower silent? I'm trying to make some personal-use tweaks to a mod follower I found, Lt. Bonemeal. His creator intended him to be silent, since they couldn't do custom voice acting and decided that with the guy being a skeleton, talking would probably not be very possible for him. But, he still wound up with some default male dialogue for combat and when exiting the dialogue window with him, and I'm not sure how to remove the voicing. Would I have to create custom dialogue with silent voice files, or is there a way to just turn off his voice? I thought I had figured it out when I found where it had a male voice set, and I changed it to "none", but he still makes comments during combat.
Assuming it would be possible to do, are there any mods that will indicate where a nearby battle is taking place? I often will hear distant gunfire, and sometimes even see the flash of an explosion, as I'm traveling around the wasteland. However, I often can't manage to find the source of the gunfire and explosions. I'll run around looking but often can't find where the fight is taking place, so I miss out on EXP and loot from killing enemies and helping anybody that might need help. I'm hoping there's a mod, or eventually will be one, where nearby gunfire will trigger some little indicator on the map so you can avoid it or run straight into it as desired. I hate having to run around like a headless chicken trying to find the source of battle sounds.
Is there a mod that adds a proper dialogue tree for settlers/fixes settler interactions? The way things work now is really irritating. I'm looking for something that fixes things like Vault Tec Rep and Holly. Vault Tec Rep does his "You know what, since we talked..." thing EVERY time I get near him, and when I try to buy and sell through the shop I've assigned him to, I always have to sit through "Hey, now that you're back in Sanctuary..." and then talk to him again before I gain access to his merchant items. Then there are NPCs like Holly, who act as merchants or otherwise offer something before you unlock them as settlers. After unlocking them, however, they lose their merchant-related dialogue. I have unlocked The Slog, so now I can't talk to her about "the goods" or sell her Tarberries. Trying to talk to her just brings up the "I'd like to trade a few things" line and opens her standard settler inventory. I can't for the life of me figure out why they work this way, and am hoping somebody has made a mod that will allow me to talk to everyone properly, giving me the choice to talk, trade, and whatever else with settlers rather than just go straight to trading with them.
Yes please! Hugging is an animation already in the game, so it's just a matter of someone who knows how getting things set up. I wish I knew how so I could hug people. I want to be able to hug more than just companions, though! Vault Tec Rep and Kent both need all the hugs in the world.
Is there a good mod that removes Karma requirements for followers? I'm thinking of having Butch as a follower later, but he requires neutral Karma, and I'm sure my Karma will be pretty high on the "good" side rather than Neutral. I've tried searching online but am not sure I've found what I want. There's a mod called Followers Hire that I think MIGHT do what I'm looking for, but the description is hard to read as English is clearly not the mod creator's first language. I'm not looking for anything super fancy, just something that removes karma requirements so I can hire whoever I want without having to make specific choices to manipulate my karma.
I need a bit of help figuring this out. How do I make a character preset, if that character uses features from mods? I've looked up how to create a general preset of your custom character, and followed the directions exactly, but not only does it not seem to work at all, it seems to have messed up the preset created by another mod that I didn't even touch for this. I made the .NPC file from in the game, then went to the Creation Kit and followed all the steps for making a new preset, importing my .NPC file in the process. But when I started a new game to see if it was working, I couldn't find it at all. There is no female Argonian with blue hair feathers, as mine should be. On top of that, a black and white Argonian preset added by another mod has the colors get completely jacked up even though I never touched that particular preset. Turning off my plugin restores that preset to its normal colors, so I know I somehow had an effect on it even though there's no reason I can think of that I should have. Do I need to have RaceMenu and the Argonian Skintones mod both set as Master files for my preset to work properly? Or am I doing something else wrong that I can't figure out? I want to make a preset of my main so I don't have to try and set all the sliders again on my new PC, but nothing I've done seems to make her show up as a preset in the character creation screen. The only thing I can think of is that this is like an issue I've had with trying to get some warpaints to work, in that I can only use one mod that adds extras to Character Creation and anything else just won't work for whatever reason, though that part doesn't really explain the problems with the other mod's preset getting messed up.
Need help tracking down a mod. Somebody linked to it fairly recently on Facebook, but I've since lost the post that it was linked to and can't seem to find it via Google searches. I'm trying to find a mod that sorts Skyrim saves by character. The mod works IN Skyrim, it's not a tool you use outside of the game to access characters. When you get to the opening screen and go to load, it will show your various character's names in a SkyUI styled menu and you can load a save from there. I just can't remember what the name of it was, but I want to use it to get screenshots of all the characters I've made so I can remake them on my new PC later. (don't feel like transferring the entire data folder over, I'm starting from scratch on the new PC)
I've tried asking on the mod page, but no response yet. Can anybody help me figure this out? I recently installed Anna's NPCs and then started a new game. I went and picked up Darion right away and have been attempting to adventure with him, but I keep running into a problem. He likes to just suddenly stop walking behind me for no apparent reason. I'll be doing something and suddenly notice he's not behind me any longer, only to find him standing completely still somewhere nearby. I can summon him with the call ability the mod adds, but as soon as he appears by me he stands there looking stupid. I can talk to him with no problems, and I can dismiss him and ask him to wait at an inn for me, and he'll walk away to the inn with no troubles at all. However as soon as I recruit him again, he'll go back to standing around not moving. The only thing that seems to "fix" it is to reload a save from before he froze up, but that only does so much good when he is beginning to make a major habit of freezing up on me. At first reloading a save seemed to work for a good few hours, but more recently he seems to be locking up far more often. I was trying to do a few things in Windhelm, including getting another NPC from Anna's mod, but Darion kept freezing up on me in the city no matter how many times I reloaded. Finally dismissed him before going to Windhelm so I could get things done, then went to collect him again, and he's back to freezing up. I made it out of Solitude with him and down to the dock area before he glitched out on me again. Does anybody have the faintest idea what might be causing this? So far it seems to only happen with Darion. I have Teryn from Anna's NPCs and Rumarin from iNPCs with me and so far neither of them have locked up, just Darion. I'm really hoping I can find some way to fix this, or I'm going to have to forget the idea of romancing Darion and just dismiss him permanently. I simply refuse to keep reloading saves over and over and over and over again. I can't actually play the game that way. :(
Ah, thank you! I was just about to say that I couldn't find the rectangles anywhere when I finally spotted them. Now I can upload some of my screenshots to the various mods I've been using. ^_^ I knew it had to be something staring me in the face that I was just missing.
Why wont aknoldge you won cilvil war in game by npcs?
mewmew34 replied to skyquest32's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim LE
Some people will acknowledge that you finished the war, but definitely not enough do. I remember there's a girl in Windhelm, the one that works with the Blacksmith, who will now hate your guts and be a bit rude whenever you talk to her. She has a huge crush on Ulfric, so if you kill him she gets pretty angry. I can't remember anybody else off the top of my head, though, as it's been a long time since I've actually done a run where I complete the Civil War questline for either side.