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  1. DISCLAIMER: I may come across as arrogant. But I'm really not. Just tired. Just wanting SOME validation. Or not. Idk, f***... Hi, I did some ALIEN/predator stuff years ago. I no longer feel like I will ever finish those projects in particular. Because live gets in the way, doesn't it? Anyway, I got a lot of requests (in SOME round-about way or another) to please just finish my f***ing xenomorph stuff over the years. Well, I can't. Or I won't. No difference, really. Point is, I don't have that freedom any more. The freedom to sit there, working on a mod for 12 hours straight. It's gone, done away with. Dead. But that's not necessarily a bad thing. Just fell victim to a different set of priorities. That's just reality. But I don't want the effort I once spent to be completely wasted and forgotten about, So if any of you are at all interested in this type of mod, here's the deal (http://www.nexusmods.com/oblivion/mods/24197/?tab=1&navtag=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.nexusmods.com%2Foblivion%2Fajax%2Fmoddescription%2F%3Fid%3D24197%26preview%3D&pUp=1) What I would like to see is either some ridiculous amount of enthusiasm (unlikely) or some person interested in taking over for me. Someone willing to host my old files and do their own thing with it. I just don't want my old files to waste away. Thanks, The Philanthropy
  2. Damn. I preordered the game more than a month ago online. Now I got this mail: Translated by me: ONE WEEK?! I preorder the game and get it one week later? Shiiiiiiieeeet. Now what? I was so excited to play this today. Now I gotta avoid spoilers for more than seven days. Thanks, Bethesda. Great job. Urgh. Does anyone else have this problem?
  3. there's no need to mess with the shaders themselves. So your new mesh is using the same texture as the lower body mesh. And you can't really change that if you want to use the skin shader. That's not such a big deal really. All you need to do is have your new mesh occupy part of the UV-map that is not occupied by the lower body. And then you retexture the texture for the lower body accordingly. This, of course means that you need to know how to edit UV-maps. But that's easier and less incompatibility-prone as changing shaders (with no clear goal in sight, anyway).
  4. i understand the problem. As it turns out the Oblivion engine handles some materials and meshes in a way that makes the life of a modder so much harder. E.g. body meshes. The texture path is somewhat irrelevant, as long as the niTriShape/Strips has the right name or material. Consider the different head meshes. They don't use the skin material (I think), but appear much the same. Try this: - extract (with OBMM) and open (with nifskope) headhuman.nif - copy the material from the niTriShape to your mesh. if that still doesn't work, try to find a list of all the Oblivion shaders (google it). Try them out. If that doesn't help, try to change the way you apprach the issue. actually I don't think that's gonna work as intended, but it's definitely worth a shot. also, it would be great if you could elaborate on what exactly you're trying to do: what are "characters models"`? Do you mean the the body meshes? and you want them to use different textures? or what? be more (very) specific.
  5. i do see a difference, but it's too small to really say what exactly it is. maybe I'm just too tired or my monitor sucks, but: Can you show us some examples for another mesh? you know, a normal map with more stuff going on than a simple skin texture? maybe some ornaments or weapons? much appreciated
  6. eh?! what does the poll have to do with anything? anyway, you may wanna check these out: how to make an OMOD OMOD to OMOD-ready
  7. here's how I did it in 3ds Max: 1. import skeleton 2. import nif 3. delete useless copies (just one mesh left) 4. deform the mesh to fit the skeleton 5. resetXForm on the mesh 6. add Skin Modifier to the mesh 7. add bones to the Skin Modifier 8. weight-paint/blend the weights until the mesh deforms OK (when rotating bones) 9. export the mesh as nif 10. open the nif in nifskope and fix materials, textures, names, etc... 11. save the procedure should be basically the same for blender.
  8. you simply copy the skin modifier from one mesh to the other. Simple as that.
  9. sounds like a skinning issue. can you post a screenshot?
  10. yes. Here's what you do: 1. load the mesh in blender 2. delete copies (delete everything except your mesh) 3. reset xForm (freeze transform) on your mesh (as explained above) 4. import the skeleton.nif 5. weight-paint the mesh to the armature (parent it if Blender needs that) 6. select ONLY your mesh 7. export the selection as nif If that doesn't help, send the file again and I'll fix it for you.
  11. it's probably the alpha channel of the normal map that's causing the problem. It functions as a specularity map. White = very reflective, black = non reflective. crazybump probably generates a new one that doesn't work well with Oblivion (I haven't used the program, though.) just use Photoshop or Gimp (free) to copy the alpha channel from the originals into your new normal maps. Also make sure to use the correct compression format when exporting to dds. If the alpha channel is smooth with gradients, use DXT5 (interpolated alhpa). if it's monochrome (black OR white), use DXT1 (with 1 bit alpha). If the original has no alpha channel, use DXT1 (without alpha). this only applies to normal maps, of course. If a common texture (= color map) has an alpha channel, it's probably only for opacity. Don't edit that one. hope that helps. I don't think that's a good idea. I mean, ALL of them? Even textures for very small objects (like rings, amulets, etc)? On those objects you will have a hard time seeing the difference between a 256x256 and a 2048x2048. It's a waste of VRam. You can, of course, paint them at such a big resolution. But please resize the textures to something reasonable before exporting. 90% of the time 1024 is just as good as 2048, provided you're a good texture artist. To rattle off the old double-entendre: "It's not the size that matters, it's how you use it."
  12. have you tried each one several times over without resetting anything? I don't see why this doesn't work. I've written scripts that do exactly this several times already. Can you upload the esp somewhere? Maybe it's not the script after all?
  13. try this: scn EquipArgonianLeatherTail ref tempRef begin OnEquip set tempRef to getcontainer if tempRef.GetIsRace "Argonian" == 1 tempRef.additem argonianleathertailarmour 1 message " " message " " tempRef.equipitem argonianleathertailarmour 0 endif end begin OnUnequip set tempRef to getcontainer if tempRef.GetIsRace "Argonian" == 1 tempRef.unequipitem argonianleathertailarmour 0 message " " message " " tempRef.removeitem argonianleathertailarmour 1 endif end didn't work? then try this one SEVERAL times: scn EquipArgonianLeatherTail ref tempRef begin OnEquip set tempRef to getcontainer if tempRef.GetIsRace "Argonian" == 1 tempRef.additem argonianleathertailarmour 1 message " " message " " tempRef.equipitem argonianleathertailarmour 0 endif end begin OnUnequip set tempRef to getcontainer if tempRef.GetIsRace "Argonian" == 1 tempRef.unequipitem argonianleathertailarmour 0 message " " message " " endif end still nothing? also repeatedly. scn EquipArgonianLeatherTail ref tempRef begin OnEquip set tempRef to getcontainer tempRef.additem argonianleathertailarmour 1 message " " message " " tempRef.equipitem argonianleathertailarmour 0 end begin OnUnequip set tempRef to getcontainer tempRef.unequipitem argonianleathertailarmour 0 message " " message " " tempRef.removeitem argonianleathertailarmour 1 end Tell me if either of them worked. And if so, which one(s)?
  14. for test purposes, make it race-independent. if that works it means that Right-Wind is not argonian after all. if it doesn't help, read this article: http://cs.elderscrolls.com/constwiki/index.php/EquipItem i suspect it doesn't work because of the delay issue (mentioned in the article).
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