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Everything posted by zenkmander

  1. I'm getting the same issues and haven't been able to find anything either..
  2. Just talking about the game ESMs. Would it be safe to clean them with tes5edit and then resume playing an existing save?
  3. So it looks like there aren't really any higher quality Forsworn armor for males. There are tons of skimpy versions for females though. I'm just looking for something that looks better than the default without revealing the wearer's penis :)
  4. Bump, any ideas? I've been googling a bit and just want to say that I don't have any kind of driver-based antialiasing enabled.
  5. So I just noticed an odd flickering problem. Take a look at the screenshots below to see what I'm talking about. Anyone know what's causing this? I've tried the usual stuff like uninstalling lighting-related mods, texture packs, different drivers, driver options, etc, and I can't seem to figure it out. Any help is appreciated :) http://imgur.com/e4Hbn http://imgur.com/snPNg
  6. Awesome, I've been waiting for someone to achieve this effect. Have you considered adapting it to vampire characters as a passive effect?
  7. Thanks for this video, I'm sure it will help people. What about the navmesh bug though? Can you test your new navmeshed area in game by maybe setting up some guards patrolling or just have a follower, go to that exterior cell, then run a few cells away and come back? Every time I do this in the exterior cell's navmeshes that I've changed, it bugs out the NPC pathing. is a video of the bug in action, and from my testing it looks like the bug ALSO effects user-navmeshed exterior cells, not just interiors.
  8. I'm working on the Ivarstead Expanded mod. There's a major difficulty when it comes to AI pathing due to the navmesh bug, but once I figure that out I plan on creating expanded versions of other villages and towns.
  9. Not sure what happened Shilly, but that's the setting to make a container safe.
  10. Read the guide again, it explains how to do that :)
  11. http://www.creationkit.com/Bethesda_Tutorial_World_Hookup
  12. The wiki seems to cover it well enough, at least for interior cells... http://www.creationkit.com/Bethesda_Tutorial_Navmesh
  13. The only thing I know of is using File->Data, then clicking on your mod's details in order to clean it. Not sure how robust this feature is though, I'd prefer something that offers a lot more information. Edit: Hitting the delete key on a selection will flag that thing to be Ignored (whether you modified a cell accidentally or deleted a vanilla object, or what have you); once it's flagged as ignored you just load up the mod and save again to remove what you flagged.
  14. I was under the impression that just unchecking 'Respawns' in the object's properties would stop it from respawning, thus making it 'safe'. Haven't tested this myself though, just heard about it somewhere. Hope this helps :)
  15. Yup I've since fixed it, didn't realize you had to set a lock ref that the NPC would then modify based on its AI package. Thanks.
  16. Any idea why the ESM load order wouldn't be working? Otherwise yeah, I guess I'll have to split them up like that, once I figure out how to do that exactly. Talk about a huge pain any time I want to update the mod though and merge them back together :|
  17. Yes, but doing that reverts all vanilla objects to their default positions. So if I hid a huge rock or set it to 'initially disabled' in its object properties, by running my mod as an ESM all those objects come back and cause insane clipping with my additions.
  18. I created a mod that adds some buildings to Ivarstead and thus modifies the Ivarstead cell navmeshes to compensate for the building locations. I've gone through all the warnings, made sure the cells are connected, finalized, etc. However, every time I run out of town a few cells and run back, the NPCs seem to bug out. The Ivarstead cow ends up glitched in the wood mill, wild animals are running into walls, and so on. Any idea why this is happening? I've checked the navmeshes and they seem fine. We're allowed to edit exterior cell navmeshes right? Or does doing that bug everything out? I initially thought this was the navmesh bug (and it might be), but when I convert to ESM to try and fix it all the vanilla objects that I set to 'initially disabled' come back, like the Skyrim.esm is overwriting my mod's esm. I'm at my wit's end here :(
  19. So I set up a building with an NPC. She owns the cell, the bed, and the door, but her AI default sleep package (which is set to lock the doors once she goes to sleep) isn't actually locking the door. What could I be missing?
  20. For your first question, you can click File->Data, select your mod, and hit Details. This lists your mod's changes. So if you see a change in some different cell, you can just select that change and hit the Delete key to mark it as Ignored. So when you load your mod up in the editor, it won't load that change; and if you save the mod without that change being loaded, it will be removed. Clean mod!
  21. It shouldn't, but from what I've heard the tools needed to make a new worldspace are buggy as well. :/
  22. Have you tried Ctrl+LeftClicking the vertices to select them and then creating a triangle by clicking on the button? Been working for me.
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