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Everything posted by QT31415

  1. Steam is garbage. I wish we had to not use. It serve gamer no important.
  2. To Arcadiast and Steve40 (some others, but obviously not all) thanks for solid, informative input and with holding the accusations. To bad some great mods end up collecting dust.
  3. Reset your key mapping to default.
  4. gsmanners, I ASKED a question. I am not into hijacking someone's work. You don't have to start accusing me of anything or trying to direct me elsewhere. I never said I was distributing anything. It was a question. I neither implied or intended anything you refer to. I just reread my posting. It seems innocent enough to me. Had my intent been to take anything I seriously doubt I would have started this post. LOL I just read your signature. The best ideas are common property. --Seneca So much for that idea. maybe you should change it. just sayin
  5. You can't have immersion WITH a courier. He finds you hidden at 100+ with muffle, silent, at night in the shadows on the edge of a roof in a foggy snow storm of a town you snuck into unseen. :wallbash:
  6. If you get a 1 or 2 GB card you are playing into today's technology and a card that will be lower end in just a few months. Go see what is coming in January 2013 (next month). Crysis 3 claims to melt your system. For about $40 (or less) you can get a 4GB 670 card that clocks core and boost over 1000Mhz
  7. I started the post just to ask a question. I don't want a war or arguments of ethics. A modder should have rights to their work. This is a gaming industry where things happen fast. People come and go like the tides. There are tons of decent mods that are no longer supported. My only question was CAN you continue adding to it while giving permissions to the original author. If they show back up, retract your work at their request or work out a deal with the original person. I just don't know. It seems if you tried to contact, seriously contact them and get no reply what makes the effort valid? Anyone can forge an email showing permission. Also, anyone can deny giving permission long after work has been done. There should be some time limit for public domain if there have been no updates or appearance of the modder on Nexus. With full credit of the concept and all work done to that point by the original person. Is the mod really dead if they never show back up?
  8. Whatever you use maybe not compatible if you already have a crap load of mods already loaded.
  9. Great stuff. Thanx for posting it. Link and page awesome info.
  10. This may be touchy but I'll ask. Can you work on a mod that is abandoned? If you try multiple times to contact the modder and get no reply, can you use their work or add onto it? (give credit of course)
  11. i use some mods. how do u know if thay need dawnstarr to work. some say yes but most dont
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