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Nexus Mods Profile

About Scarabee77

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  • Currently Playing
    Oblivion / Two Worlds
  • Favourite Game
    Each Elder Scroll no real favourite

Scarabee77's Achievements


Newbie (1/14)

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  1. Thank you for your comment. I wish you too all the best for this coming new year and in late an happy birthday ...
  2. Oh and happy belated birthday! :o)
  3. Sending you hugs and wishes for the best New Year ever!
  4. Great honor is now mine to be your special friend !
  5. Thanks for the add! You are officially my 100th friend :o) See, you're special in more ways than one!
  6. I've also seen that you were born on december 8th. That's a great date for both of us. Thanks for your comment. Cheers to you too !
  7. I see you peeking :o) And guess what? We have the same birthday, so you must be mighty special! Cheers to you!
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