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About dharvinia

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  1. Is there an original vault-tec workshop mod? All the mods seem to be add ons or enhancements and refer to an original vault-tec workshop. When I do a search, only the add ons and enhancements show up. Is the vault-tec workshop a part of the original game activated by a quest?
  2. That is pretty much the conclusion I can to. Thank you for your answer.
  3. I already have installed the mod Fort Hope. Recently I installed the mod Sanctuary hotsprings. The hot springs mod has two locations the springs and player homecarpenter's foxholeThe carpenter's foxhole is built on top of Fort hope . This is causing the Fort Hope mod great problems. Does any one know how I would go about informing the modders of this situation?
  4. Hello This question may have been asked a million times before, but please indulge me one more time. when I downloaded fallout 4 I paid for all the DLC's and they were downloaded at the same time. I also noticed that CK was downloaded with the package. At first I was having too much fun with the game to think about modding anything, but now that I have achieved a certain level it is time to think of such things. Problem: the ck does not seem to work. Is there some protocol I have to follow in order to get it to work? If you cannot understand my English, let me know, I am French spoken and sometime when I write in English people do not understand what I am trying to say.
  5. S Sorry I took so long to get back to you guys, I was away in Europe for awhile. The problem I had was that I had my original bridge file overwritten as a result, reloading a previous save would not work, because the save relied on a file that no longer existed. My solution was to find a mod that had an intact file and install it. I now have a bridge in Sanctuary. Thank you so much for your input.
  6. I know how stupid this must all seem, but I accidentally deleted the bridge at Sanctuary main entrance. I was on my way to do the Far Harbour quests and decided to clean house as I left Sanctuary. Question is, does anyone know of a way to get it back?
  7. I just realised that I am unable to mine any ore. Ever since I loaded the DLC dragonborn, when I say mine ore, it goes to third person pauses for awhile then return, no ore mined. This is in addition to the "float" command that will not work in the Mushroom home I had no problem prior to that. I have upgraded FNIS as requested, but nothing changed. Another thing which may not be related, my BAT files cause the game to crash. If I run the commands one at a time everything is OK? :dry: as I read through the forum I see no mention of this problem, so I assume it isn't very common.
  8. A good rule of thumb is to never start a romance with someone whose problems are greater than your own.
  9. We think he understands the problem of the USA, but, he seems to want to be popular rather than do what needs to be done. He cannot continue to be Mr. nice guy for very much longer
  10. Yes, thank you. I managed to find the command this morning while looking over the console commands. This is a good example of read your manual first. Thanks again!
  11. recently I started cleaning up my Skyrim game, you know add some mods take away others. One of the mods I removed was my own custom follower using Iona as a base. I removed the mod because I had created a situation where the follower was always following me even though I dismissed her. At first this was great because I could have up to three followers at the same time, the down side I had a follower that was always setting off traps and alerting enemies to my presence....sort of a "loose cannon" as my Father called it. So the bottom line....is there some way I can access my character's factions and turn the follower faction off or reset it to zero short of starting the game over.
  12. I love cats, they are delicious, pan fried or baked.
  13. In Hearthfire's Riverside manor I have an empty double bed and space for two small beds, so space is not a problem. In the game we are constantly moving about the country, I have several homes and I spend time in each one of them equally. The very nature of this game is that it is in constant flux. An experienced modder could make it a four or six child house without breaking a sweat. Unfortunately, I am not an experienced modder. So I guess I'll have to wait until someone else does it or gain the necessary experience and do it myself. Thanks for your input.
  14. dharvinia


    Just signed on to your wonderful forum. I was even able to answer a few questions on some topics for other users. I have also asked a few questions myself. This is a great community, and I hope I can a useful part of it. If my English is bad tell me and I will try to make it better.
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