Alright, here's the deal. I'm playing in my modded game, and Valentine's utterly borked. He's got that old glitch where he's saying "y'know, I've got a chunk of Nick Valentine history I've been meaning to put a bow on for a while now, could use a hand, if you're up for it" over and over again when interacting with him, without starting his quest, Long Time Coming. I've tried everything to fix it, and cannot. Startquest, setstage, all that stuff.
So I figure I'm okay skipping that quest since this is a replay of the game for me, but I know it's gonna bug me forever if I can't get Nick up to idolizing me, and I know that there's a hard cap on his affinity until you finish his quest. So, to get to the point after all this, I'm wondering if there's a console command for me to bypass that cap, that doesn't have to do with Long Time Coming at all. Help would be so appreciated, and I'll do my best to give additional information if necessary.