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  1. I'm in the process of speeding up the dialogue and obviously the lip sync is broken. Unfortunately there doesn't seem to be a way to scale the animation in the .lip files. Does anyone have a clue how I would go about this?
  2. When holding them, if I try to sidestep immediately after letting off forward/backward, the game takes a second to actually start moving to the side. If I press strafe while moving forward/backward it works as normal. It also works fine if I'm not moving at the moment. It's easy to test by moving in a circle with the movement keys. I've tested a completely clean NV install with no plugins, still happens. All other weapons seem to work fine. It's just the spiked knuckles that do this, to my knowledge.
  3. Okay, some more insight. For some reason, the crippled arm penalty for melee weapons isn't dictated by the settings above, but by fDamageSkillMult, which I have set to 0 because I don't want my weapon damage dictated by my skill. Funny thing, even with that set to 0, unarmed weapons still scale with skill level whereas the other weapon types don't. At the moment, only guns, energy, and explosives actually work correctly. Unarmed is incorrectly scaling with skill and melee isn't affected by broken arms. This game...
  4. Well, I discovered something. Only unarmed weapons are affected. Not melee. The damage change shows up in the pipboy too. This game...
  5. It shouldn't matter, should it? I adjusted those 2 parameters anywhere from 0.0 to 5.0 and nothing changed. If those actually controlled the melee damage scaling with crippled arms, changing their values would do something.
  6. According to https://geckwiki.com/index.php/Weapon_Damage_Formula the melee penalty for crippled arms is dictated by fDamageArmConditionBase and fDamageArmConditionMult. But they do absolutely nothing. I'm testing with a damage numbers mod to be sure. I know it's not uncommon for things to be unused in this game but I don't know what else to do. Guns are properly affected with a larger spread but melee has no downside that I can see. If anyone has any ideas I'm all ears.
  7. I appreciate the response but I was hoping for some kind of one and done thing. That's way too much effort.
  8. I know this is a long shot but I've been dealing with this issue and I hope that some other people have run into this and can help me diagnose the mod/plugin to blame.
  9. I can't find a mod to shut these idiots up. I'm trying to do it myself and I found the appropriate dialog topic but nothing I change has any effect. I add the flag "say once" and it doesn't work. Hell, I even tried deleting the entire thing and it still doesn't work. For my sanity, I need these morons to shut up. If you know how to do this or know of a mod for it, please let me know. I'm desperate.
  10. I can see the last 5 posts and that's it. When was this terrible idea implemented?
  11. I realize this post is old but I'm having the same issue. I know repairmax and min are the ones affecting it but I've seriously tried like 50 combinations and I can't get it like Dandy wanted it, and I want it. No matter what I change the only thing that seems to change is the total repaired, not the difference in the quality of the item used. Meaning a broke knife heals for only a few percent less than one at half durability and I'm pulling my hair out trying to figure this out. I give up at this point. If anyone wants to comment
  12. As the title says my guy moves a couple feet after letting go of run button. It doesn't always happen and it ignores movement penalties. I know this is a long shot but does anyone know what would cause this? Obviously a mod but none of mine make sense besides Project nevada and I seriously doubt a bug like this would be in it.
  13. Someone explain this to me please. I see the fagilityreloadbase and fagilityreloadmodifier in the geck but they don't work as other base mult settings do, at least not to me. Base is set to 5 and Modifier is set to 0.1 by default in the geck. I've tried multiple base numbers but it seems to have no effect. The modifier does but my reload speed doesn't change when I setav my agility to 1. Also, the FalloutNV esm doesn't have the agility records in it in FNVedit either. Anyone who can shed some light on this I'd appreciate it. I'm attempting to have my reload speed increased 10% with each agility, with 0 agility being normal speed. EDIT: it turns out the reload speed doesn't change until you go to your menu and toggle your weapon. The difference between 1 agi and 10 when reloading a 9mm pistol is 9 to 4 seconds. A little more than twice as fast.
  14. Does this annoy anyone else besides me? Also I have auto loot enhanced and that mod won't pick up those 2 items for some reason, the issues are probably related.
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