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Posts posted by Revolvist

  1. About asking for permission, I know I have to get permission for using assets like models or textures from their authors. But what about some simple changes of existing records in the game?

    For example, if I want to make a FO4 weapon rebalance mod and think "hmm, maybe I should also buff minigun's damage to 12" after seeing Cupressi's Minigun Damage Increase mod, basically I only change the same record in ESM in the same way as he did, do I have to ask him for the permission?

    You don't have to ask him for permission as far as I'm concerned. It's just a simple change. No-one can claim copyright on that.


    Btw, this is the wrong place to ask such questions. I suggest starting a thread of your own next time.

  2. In response to post #31667815.

    TheTurtleOfDoom wrote: lol rip i registered 18th of july 2013. Does this mean someone has my password now and I need to change it asap?

    Yes it does. If you're using the same password on other sites, change it there as well.
    The more difficult your password is, meaning, the less likely you're to find it in a dictionary (and things like m0nkey count as well), the greater the chance that they haven't taken the time to crack it.

    Reading this though, it seems that even 10-character-long random passwords could've been cracked within a week if the attacker used some serious hardware. That is, if Nexus used standard SHA-512 hashes (whatever that means). If Nexus used PBKDF2 and the attacker a regular PC, it might take decades to crack a password, according to these guys.
  3. So, since you're taking control of the member database and login security, is there any chance you'll be adding a way to change our usernames?


    I know this is pretty unrelated, but I figured it might be a nice feature to implement now you're working on the handling of login details anyway.

  4. I just noticed I don't always receive a notifications when someone replies to my comments, the reason being that people often click on the 'wrong' reply link. So instead of clicking on the reply link of the comment they're replying to, they click on e.g. the reply link of the top comment.


    What I wanted to ask is: Does ticking 'Notify me of new comments' in My Settings > Notification Options turn on notifications for these kinds of replies? And is this option on by default? If it's not, I think it should be. People might be missing out on a lot of conversation.

  5. From here:

    Given that Bethesda is going to be fine-tuning its sandbox a little at a time, there are no notes on what specific bugs it hopes to address the first time around. It probably won't make the game much easier though, as the developer insisted its lack of hand-holding is imperative to the Fallout experience.

    Yes. Yes. Very imperative indeed.

  6. Confirmed auto regen in survival.


    Additional note: dunno how you guys play on the lower difficulty, survival isn't hard enough.

    Depends on how far into the wasteland you go with your laser pistol. Not even kidding, if you didn't know: in Fallout 4 they don't scale enemies any more like they used to.



    sequel post: big patch coming out next week: I am un-secretly hoping it is revealed that crippled limbs was meant to scale with game difficulty and it is currently bugged and not responding to difficulty changes.

    Oh f*#@ yes! I'm also un-secretly hoping they'll introduce said Insanity Death Machine Bear Grylls Mode.


    From my own observations, the difference between sighted and hip-fire depends greatly on the weapon itself. Generally though, when using sights or hip-fire with a low recoil weapon means better accuracy and being able to hit a target with multiple shots repeatedly. For scoped or sighted, it seems to treat the accuracy increase only when using the scope or sights. Meaning that essentially, any of the better sights tends to add between 10-30 accuracy, but only when looking down the sights.


    Focus related so when you're looking down the sights and press alt to hold your breath to get a more steady shot.


    Really, I wouldn't get so bent out of shape over stats. More expensive parts are generally better for most guns, and with the exception of the pipe rifles and combat rifle, most others have only singular usage. Late game you'll probably be using an assault rifle for most your automatic needs, standard combat rifle for weaker enemies, plasma rifle for sniping, and gauss rifle for anything that can't be killed easily.


    Yeah it's not extremely important, but they did put a lot of emphasis on the mod system. I'm still playing around with laser and pipe guns myself and I love how modifiable they are. If you want to transfer your Righteous Authority into either a long-range sniper rifle or a short-range hip-pistol, though, it's important that mod stats are clearly laid out. At least I think so.


    Those text descriptions kind of bug me too. Just give me numbers, much easier to compare.


    I think I'll be trying to make some changes as soon as the G.E.C.K. comes out. Unless I stumble across some other tool in the meantime.


    I ran into bug trying to mod one of my guns not so long ago, when i tried to apply specific upgrade to a specific weapon part and the window showed up showing all the components and to confirm the action and everything was fine, but when i did, i discovered that upgrade did not apply and eat all of my components, so i had to gather them all again and apply it once more!...did anyone else had this happen?


    I haven't had this myself, perhaps you should report this here: forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/3373215-bug-list-if-you-find-bugs-post-them-here/

  8. The weapon mod system in Fallout 4 is a huge step up from previous titles, but there are quite a few things that seems strange or outright bugged. I'll try to explain what I mean, in the hope that you guys can shed some light on this pretty complicated system.


    1. The Accuracy stat: what does it display, sighted or hip-fire accuracy? A combination of both? From what I've seen, it is probably a combination of both. Adding mods that improve hip-fire accuracy improves Accuracy, and adding mods that improve sighted accuracy do so likewise.


    This would make Accuracy a pretty unreliable stat. If this is the case I really hope a mod comes out that separates the two accuracies UI-wise.


    Another option is that there is a main Accuracy stat, but that it's only influenced by the two sighted and hip-fire stats. Which would mean we're dealing with three stats, instead of a combination of two.


    2. I'm positive that recoil influences Accuracy as well. Just compare a laser gun's long barrel with its automatic barrel. The accuracy description's exactly the same, yet the automatic barrel is less accurate.


    3. Sometimes I get the idea that a mod's stats just don't reflect its description. This might be just me being confused, and I can't find any examples at the moment, but I'm pretty sure there are some description typos.


    4. What is 'better focus'? It describes the reflex sight.

    So, that's it for now. Anyone have any thoughts about this? Additions?


    It came off as more aggressive than I really wanted to, so I thought probably best to say nothing at all (unfortunately you can't delete your own posts on this board, but at least it lets you edit them lol. Some forums don't even allow that :c)

    I get your drift. I hate it too when boards restrict you like that. Your original comment was perfectly fine though.

  10. I was a member of another forum once that had this very issue and they solved it by making the "displayed name" and "account name" different fields. That way all the important / background / behind the scenes stuff goes attached to account name and only the posts / comments show the displayed name. This way ppl could change their "nicks" 3 times a day and nothing was really changed.


    Anyway, i do not think i am bringing anything new here so if you haven't done that already is because the site might not support it.

    I've seen that implementation as well. Thing is, since they're in the middle of a site redesign an all, it might be a sweet idea to give us an option to change our nicks.


    The fact that back-end stuff depends on a nickname is pretty silly though. I know that is probably the reason why changing one's nickname is made so difficult on many sites. Still, if I remember my database classes correctly, it shouldn't be that hard to change the key (which is presumably the nickname now) to an ID number based on, say, time of registration.


    I might just be talking out of my ass, though.

  11. I figure if Sun Tzu can write a book that includes knowing when to get the heck out, it can't just be for sissies. Heh. There is the distinct possibility I am in fact a bit of a weenie some days.

    Quoting Lao Tzu here, just for the heck of it: "Nowadays men shun mercy, but try to be brave; They abandon economy, but try to be generous; They do not believe in humility, but always try to be first. This is certain death."

    and "There is no greater catastrophe than underestimating the enemy. By underestimating the enemy, I almost lost what I value. Therefore when the battle is joined, The underdog will win."


    Anyway, I just crippled myself by trowing some molotovs while "I Don't Want to Set the World on Fire" was on and yes, limbs do de-cripple themselves... Playing on Hard here.


    If you're planning on making a mod that 'fixes' this, or otherwise makes the limb system more hardcore, I say go for it.

  12. Minor spoiler alert. Don't read further if you've got no idea what I mean when I say 'robot boxing match'.


    So that boxing match against The Champ. I thought it was pretty emotional when the coach started saying "It'll be alright Champ. Breathe, that's it, that's it!"


    I mean, those two robots have been in the same room for 200 years, then you pop up and punch one of the two to death. And the coach doesn't even notice.

  13. sounds like the enabling parent is not set correctly.


    you could go find some other wild wasteland event you already know about, double click on one of the objects, go to the enabling parent tab and see what obsidian did.

    I've got the same thing. Enable Parent seems to be set like it should. I tried to find a Wild Wasteland event in GECK, but since you can only render small parts of the world, I don't see how I could ever find the right cell.


    The only thing I can think of is that the XMarker doesn't have a Reference Editor ID...

  14. The first is fairly simple to set up with a random timer. Assuming the raven is a simple armor item, attaching the script below to it would make it play the sound every 4-5 minutes (240-300 seconds.) This is probably too often, feel free to modify to suit your needs.


    For how to set up a Wild Wasteland encounter, check this post.


    As for having the raven be killed when hit, I can't think of any other way to do that but by random chance. I don't think there's a way to register hit locations more precisely than which body part was hit.


    Hey, thanks for the answers!

    Do you think there's a way to associate the raven with a certain body part? It is an armor item, so shouldn't it already be associated with one?


    Edit: So I was having trouble saving the script and installed GECK PowerUp and loaded it all up with NVSE. Now I'm getting errors saying that line 5 couldn't be parsed, things about mismatched/invalid begin/end blocks on line 5 and 8, and a syntax error on line 5.


    Here's my code:

    scn aaaCarriableNevermoreScript
    float fTimer
    Begin OnAdd Player
         If.Player.GetEquipped aaaCarriableNevermore != 1
         If fTimer > 0
            Set fTimer to fTimer - GetSecondsPassed
            Set fTimer to 600 + GetRandomPercent * (1800 - 600 + 1) / 100
            PlaySound NPCRavenFlyAwayVox

    I can't figure out what's wrong with it. aaaCarriableNevermore is the armor item. There's also a creature called aaaNevermore, but I figured that's just for world placement.


    Also, why the + 1 in the timer?

  15. So, I've finally decided to dive into modding. Yes, on Fallout 4 launch day. I'm using geck.bethsoft.com as a reference and am getting along fine, but there are a few things I thought some more experienced modders could better help me with.


    I'm using this mod as a base. It's basically a crow you can pick up that'll sit on your shoulder when equipped. What I want to do is the following:


    - Have it say "Nevermore!" every once in a while, on random intervals (yet not too often).

    - Make it part of the Wild Wasteland perk, and also have it play the WW sound and display the WW notification when encountered.

    - Make it so it'll be killed in a gunfight when hit.

    - When it is killed, it should remain in the inventory so it can be re-equipped at any time.


    Before anyone mentions it, I realise that the raven from The Raven is a raven. So, fun fact: despite the original mod's name, the black birds in the game are actually ravens, according to the sound and .nif files.


    Your help would be greatly appreciated!

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