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Everything posted by ColdHeartonIce

  1. I'am not talking about a virtual naked shoulder, i'am talking about rape mods. Check this japanizesed stuff out, it screams in your face : PEDOPHILE I checked out a few profiles who did translations for just sex mods and the first thing i saw on their profil was manga schoolgirls all over the place. Are you kidding me? Everyone who can rub two brain cells together knows whats going on in such a mind. Don't bore me with stuff you studied, i saw you rhetorik at work on gun debates, total blinkered specialist and this virtual stuff underlines the seperation from reality. Do yourself a favour, look for a good book about computer addiction among kids and read "Inside Anomynous", This you maybee find in the rental library for a few dollar any you can skip your marketing hogwash. Modders don't sell something, modder wanna get attention for their doing because of the doing, They advertise for recognition, this goes hand in hand with the stuff i described already. You would wonder for how mess of them its realy the hobby to just create something they wanna see for own intrest. This isn't a collectiv blameing but should all you remind that psychology is always number one if you deal with people.<br><br><font color="#FF8C00">Evidently either my warning didn't take or you didn't believe me<br>Banned.<br>Bben46</font><br>
  2. *facepalm* Totaly miss the point, there isn't anything to sell. See there isn't such a thing like just a testemony chick besinde the car you wanna sell, its the virtualization of sexual phantasies for the modders, and you can bet many of them have weird phantasies. I mean there where rape mods in the past. For me its the same category like marriage mods and this overwellming demand of living and virtual life, its a mental sickness caused by narcistic disfunctions. JoeOGrant is right on the point that it is unhealthy for your mindset, but i dissagree on the relationship issue. First because most couples lie to each other anyway and disguise each other on dayly basis, secound because the people who are so fascinated by this kind of sexuality we see in mods (Hentai mostly) don't have a girlfriend anyway. For me this goes hand in hand with other symptomes we see in the virtual world just as god syndrom programing, hackers and so on. Narcistic personality disorder.
  3. Well so following your logic the people in North Korea and Cuba don't have any rights because the Government there said so. Why are you quoting the whole post when you don't even read it?! They jotted down a few basic rights as securitization. They said people have way more rights than that, given by god(or nature) than this. All men are created equal by god, not by government. And they knewd, someday someone will show up and say "Oh these are the only rights you have and not one more". This is wrong and a sick philosophy which makes it total meaningless debating anything based on self-determination, because for you people doesn't exist such a thing as self-determination. All men are created equal, not declared equal. You and me and everyone else still have these rights even the papers they were written on is long gone. The Topic is that people are in kin liability for debt they don't made because collectivist government decided they and their children and their children have to pay for others. You don't get that and thats why even with 2.700+ posts you are and will be dead wrong on any debate about that.
  4. Do you see yourself as mindless drone, as animal without any rights or freedoms untill a government let you have some? You get rights by taking them. They are granted against a group of people. I can say what i wan't no matter if the other ones like it or not. You have a basic wrong philosophy and i see no point in debating on this. See, another one who thinks people ain't anything untill government decides else. What do you think the Bill of Rights was about? They jotted down a few basic rights as securitization. They said people have way more rights than that, given by god(or nature) than this. All men are created equal by god, not by government. And they knewd, someday someone will show up and say "Oh these are the only rights you have and not one more". This is wrong and a sick philosophy which makes it total meaningless debating anything based on self-determination, because for you people doesn't exist such a thing as self-determination.
  5. Rights ain't something who get managed or declared by Government, i have rights already. On which base of knowledge i'am debating here? Yeah. If the population from the village nearby the dump gets sick from these waste, they will sue(possible even without government) or just declare war and burn the place down.
  6. First, why are you quoteing the whole post? It make things unnecessary confusing. Secound, Money can still force me to nothing. If i accept bribes and pay offs, this happens on voluntary base. Also, there is a big difference between taking bribes to don't enforce existing laws and taking bribes to get someone a benefit on the cost of someone else. You missed the point. It isn't government what keeps your rivers clean, its property rights.
  7. Noooooooo waaaaay..... :rolleyes: Ever saw a Merchant who starts fights with his customers? Don't tell me to talk a walk around the world, i didn't spend my last years not wroteing over 2000 internet forum posts but didn't learn anything. Every place i where, where there is huge poverty, its because people don't have property rights to themself. But the funny thing is, in these banana republics you get more left alone by the police than in western nations. Yeah, bribes are something awesome. For what did i just wrote the post before? These are not employees, these people are slaves. They are slaves on a government plantage and got rented to apple. The factory itself is under the controll of the government. Is this so hard to understand, to accept this simple insight? Thanks for the CPUSA talking points. A dollar bill can't force me to do anything. A government can force me to everything. But money, modern day paper money created by government sanctioned institutions such as central banks, poisoned the free market. The root is always Government regulations because its an unnatural intervention in the business of someone else. Yeah because they have nothing and can't do s*** by themself because communism socialism collectivism always kills invention, creativity and the creation of wealth.
  8. Yeah, yeah i know these pictures where the area around the Hwang Ho river look like Mordor and right and left people have more cancer tumors than fingers. What caused that? Government. Government dumps the toxic waste in the river that comes out of government factories like Foxconn where Government forces people to work as slaves. Government, Government, Government. Have you seen these footages where Government officials go around in the factory with a clipboard to notice which female worker had there period on which day so that they can enforce their one-child policy? Its GOVERNMENT who does that. Compare East and West Germany to each other. In the west there was untill 1970 a small government and in the east everything was government. The West hand't even a sales tax before 1968. The East was a toxic wasted dump. Is this so hard to get? How many times do i have to wrote this just to get the next "Yeah but..." answer? They dont need to justify. Why should they need to justify? Its not your company, its theirs. Its their business and if they just get restricted on one place, they move to another. I can't blame them. And what you spend your time for at a university i can get for 5 bucks at the liberary. Antony Sutton wrote many books on western technology transfers to the Red Chinese made by Bechtel. Here we go again.... the public good...
  9. The reason because enterprises went to china and those sweatshops countries is because its more profitable compared to the western nations. Government caused circumstances which make it unprofitable to produce here. Its nearly impossible to start business in a western nation without reading tons of juristical crap first, than bring a float which count does the government decides, make tax prepayment and so on. Its a nightmare basicly. And in France they now demand a 75% "Rich Tax". Everyone is fleeing this country. The US are gone over the fiscal cliff decades ago and with all those planned destruction of industry and jobs there is no way back. See it isn't corporate greed or some of these other bolschewik envy stories, its government. And i think people who demand all the time for free stuff and handouts and that someone else gets robbed in their name, they deserve to lose their jobs. Also, there is no such thing as "balance". Is there a "balance" of being pregnant and being not? These third ways are compelling but they will always lead into a downfall. And just something about sweatshops, in those countries they pay more than the avarege wage is there. Take it or leave it, but as soon you start to invent things by your own and try to produce, government will get in your way.
  10. @sukeban It isn't government that keeps childrens toys free from toxic stuff. Its the opposite for example. See, if they would set a safety limit on toys how many toxic materials they can contain, they would just go under this safety limit and when you still getting sick, you care screwed because you can't sue them because they stayed under the safety limit. Its the same talking points all over again. Clean air, clean water. Thats nonsense, the consumer desiceds if he wants to buy from a corp. which puts toxics in the water and thats the best control mechanism you could have. Also, i a privat economy someone would own the River or the Forest where corps dumb their toxic waste. That would lead to a conflict with the owner that could even result in war. Thats not in the interest of privat business and they would find other ways to get rid of their waste. Also, there wouldn't be such things as an Enviorment Agency which can force you from your land because they found a rare species of some sort of worm there. There are already so many good books out there where all this is explained, no need to debate this again. PS: You know the Nazis were every green? They were the once who started this enviorment protection by government to control peoples life. Its the best way to enslave people because it declares Men as the Problem.
  11. ... its bigger than the topic itself.
  12. What is the best interest of the "COUNTRY"? The interestes of the people who live in? You protect their interests by not getting in their way when they do business with each other. When people talk about collectiv interestes, like country, they usual mean the government should give them a free lunch. Free education for example. No! Everything government spends it has taken from someone else. It violated individual interests in the first place. Lobbyism isn't the problem. You see everyone is for seperation of church and state but doesn't know what this means. Its not to protect the state from the church, but the religion of every individual from the state. So if you seperate economy and state, that means Govuernment shouldn't have the power to dictate anything in the economy. If this is so, there is no reason to pay Lobbyists. It just makes sense when government can make regulations and acts to ban your competition or force people to buy your product. You wanna ban lobbyism? How? If people didn't get bribed in their activ serving time, they will payed after. Or hired after. Banning something doesn't make any sense. Congress can't do anything without stealing from someone in the first place. Its a bad deal. Well at least its a bad deal if you care about those who get robbed and want them to be free. If you don't care and just have the higher good in mind, that makes you a looter and even less than the Corporations who pay Politicians with the money they made themself.
  13. These are many big coloured pictures for one signature.
  14. Then you must be blindfolded. Yeah sure tell me something about capitalism.... but at least you people can vote, make desicions based on lack of facts which infect my life. Thats great. Or to make it easier: What else is government than socialism? Make it even more easier: American Dream Downpayment Act Government forced banks to give credit to people with no bankable collaterals to buy houses on 100% credit.
  15. just a fictional character.... :whistling: Joining this "debate" with such an odd question what are you trying to get at by asking this question besides maybe derailing the topic? No, John Galt is the insight that collectivism always leads into bondage. Government Debt and this Fiskal cliff circus are the result of collectivism, that the american government has become more and more democratic and socialist. The biggest coorperations already left america or have found ways to pay nearly no taxes and this is awesome. This is whats desiccate these swamps, governments, where all those "i wan't and i demand" mosquitos are breeding. Wanna hear the truth why the US and every other government on the planet faces bankruptcy? Redistribution of wealth, theft in the name of the higher good, robbery, violence. This is what leads to defaulting.
  16. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AtyKofFih8Y&feature=player_embedded
  17. And you think that is an opportunity to wrap authoritarian anti-american demands in an endless debate which the pro-gun faction will always be bored with because the other side wouldn't never ever leave them alone. Hey maybee you should get banned from the US for your connivery against the constitution. Untill then i hope you will leave by yourself. Nice assault weapon ban over here: http://www.ukba.homeoffice.gov.uk/
  18. Yeah and how many of them were Gangmembers or Mafia Goons killed by other criminals. You see no one can make political gain with their deaths because the normal population is quite happy about criminals killing each other. You couldn't even tell me the difference between 5.56 rounds and .223 rounds and now you bringing up another one of your experts opinion why we should ban, i mean "reform" the availability of assault weapons. Hey listen you wanna get into other peoples business and now you being distraught when people react to that just as people reacte. See that? That is what america is about, don't get into my business. Leave me alone. http://images.vector-images.com/119/gadsden_fl_n10462.gif Why should i respect an opinion which goal it is to dictate how i should live my life and what things i could own. This isn't debatting class in highschool, this isn't a game. If you don't like it, go. There are many places in this world were no one except Police and Military is allowed to own gas operated rifles with magazins. No need for reforms over there. So before you wanna destroy what makes this country different from others just go. Here you go: http://www.immi.gov.au/living-in-australia/choose-australia/moving-to-australia/ And don't tell me something about poor little children, more children in the US get killed by Doctors and Drugs and Pills than by insane shooters. Whatever, there is no reason with these people.
  19. Did you search at all? http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/24271 http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/24827 http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/24450 http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/24450 http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/25182 Five conversions, of 108 files... Did i search at all he askes... Yes i did.
  20. You want my guns, you want fore restrictions, you are in the burden of proof not me. Yeah, they have shootings from time to time. But they have a much lower crime rate than countries with gun bans like broken britain for example. In America guns get 80 times more used to stop crime then to do crime. No you don't. How can you make such a phrase "i respect your property" when you wanna take it from me? I don't wanna reform gun control, i wanna get rid of it. There was a time in America when people, normal citizens, could buy Canons and Dynamite. "I want gun reform" is a phrase for "i want more prohibitions which wouldn't work anyway and are just the first step to a total gun ban". Focusing my anger at you is "counter productive"? You make such demands, not my congressman. I don't need to involve my congressman in this, i don't need this circus around. You wanna take something from me? So face it and don't hide behind a ballot box. Just say it: You wanna let others enforce your rules on me. Don't hide behind phrases and this "buhu this poor Children" BS and just say it. But People buy more and more guns every month and you gun grabbers got nothing to gain here. If you don't like it, you can leave anytime!! And unarmed mass because the campus direction forbidd everyone to carry guns after they discovered the first two killings.
  21. And as you did before you just try to wipe off the facts. Yeah, they don't have a problem with school shootings because the teachers carry M16 rifles payed by the american taxpayer! I know that no one can guaranty the savety of my child better than me, or even better the child himself. I don't would send him to a public school where his head gets filled with anti-freedom and anti-gun propaganda like i experienced during my schooldays. I'am not that kind of big pussy who would cry the hole time infront of the next media camera who wanna sell my story for political gain. What i saw after the columbine shooting was even more shocking than the massacre itself, the parents who seriosly wanna tell you "You don't need a halfauto rifle with 30 round magazin for hunting", Wow seriosly dude? The 2nd isn't for hunting you poor fools. Remember this young man from this fraudish micheal moore movie, the columbine victim? The guy in the wheelchair? Moore let it looked like Mark Taylor would support his demands for more gun controll when infact his own statements after the movie say the opposite. Remember this dady from the little girl that was killed in the Giffords shooting? He said he wouldn't allow to use the death of his child for political gain for gun control. Don't try to get me with that emotional crap. Blame the School they couldn't guaranty the students savety. (And by the way moore never mentioned that two of the victims were shoot by the Police SWAT Team. Maybee he thinks that this wasn't important) University of Colorado students ALLOWED to carry concealed weapons to classes If you don't trust the students just don't go there. As easy as that. But instead you try to teach them your expert opinion. The only such story i remember was a police officer who while he was teaching them they shouldn't get in contact with guns. You wanna cut my rights. You wanna cut my property. Thats because! Normaly i don't care at all what people talk about but as soon i by myself get in the crosshair i say No! And i'am realy getting sick of these meaningless debates. Hell i don't think that this drug filled autist could kill all those people. And don't think also this red haired freak killed all the people in the cinema. They don't even investigate these cases but they are realy fast to call for more gun control. I don't need gun control, I want freedom.
  22. Buhu and Obama dashes away a tear from the outside of his eye while looking down. Buhu what a tragedy. I China people go postal with kitchen knives. Didn't hear you mention those poor little children. In Israel teachers are armed. In Israel nearly everyone is armed. Hear anything about school shootings from there? No, ofcourse not. Now 200 Teachers in Utah taking up arms to make it harder for madman to kill a kid. I don't care about the newton shooting. It doesn't effect my live in any way so why should i give up a per mille of my freedom because people think a autistic adult madman could kill them anytime. This Newton Story is total BS, filled up with lies and similar inconsistent like the Batman Shooting. You wanna tell me stories about how deadly this and that weapon is? The Media bring one story up and next day everyone seams to be an expert for assault rifles. They had massacres before where people on psychotropic drugs attack children with machetes and self made flamethrowers. As horrible this is it doesn't means the end of the world. Buhuhu this poor little children... Poor little children die every day on diseases and starvation but you can't use their deaths for political capital to takes someone else freedom away.
  23. Does someone recognize this kind of language? High power assault rifles, lethal fire arm, and so on.... Has nothing to do with reality but sounds scary on the evening news. No one else would use this kind of language. Hey i don't need to debate this. You want something from others, you want them to give up their rights, you want them to give up property, you have the burden of proof. And even if the gun-banners would be right, in the end its everyones personal desicion if they wanna own a gun. And i say it again because non of you people seams to recognize this either: Its the position who wanna be left alone versus the position who wanna enforce law on people.
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