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Everything posted by xantexhunter

  1. This is a common practice believe it or not. I don't know if you are aware or not, but John "Totalbiscuit" Bain did a video on something very similar to this a few weeks ago. In the video, he describes how indie developers who make shitty games to pass through steam greenlight in order to turn a quick dollar, Some of these developers are actually threatening any youtube channel that puts any sort of negative light on their game. Since a negative review will lessen the likelihood of unaware shoppers to purchase their $0.99 game Now, believe me, a large majority of the games that pass through the steam greenlight system are complete garbage and not worth anybody's time. But some of these developers will sue small youtube channels because: 1.) They are small and are not likely to respond/fight back 2.) They can declare copyright infringement with absolutely no evidence to back it up. 3.) Youtube will not investigate the copyright claim unless it is in Youtube's best interest to do so. Totalbiscuit is not a small-fry YouTuber however. He has a legal team and lots of money with which to throw his weight around. So these poor idiots who try to cross him get slapped down hard. But MXR's channel is not big, not like smosh or game grumps. He is small and doesn't have the power to protect himself from shady developers. If the Nexus wanted to get involved, they unfortunately cannot. There is nothing the Nexus can do. This is more in youtube's ball-field since the claim was done on their site, not the Nexus. As for the community, the mod developer in question has already cut off all communications with anyone. I don't see anything being done about this since this person can just go radio silent. He/She can keep the copyright claim up and nothing can be done about it. Even if MXR found the means and ability to fight the copyright claim and take this person to court, (Which I 100% believe this person will back down once a lawyer is present.) MXR gains nothing from it. The best thing for him to do is to just take the sucker punch and continue on with his videos. I know it sucks, we're all enraged by this and I can bet that this modder will likely create a new account and disappear from peoples minds after awhile. But the thing we can do as the viewers is to support MXR and not go through a violent rampage on the nexus.
  2. So I encountered a glitch/bug in the game that I'm sure a lot of people came across before. It just that it really does not have an actual "name" per se, and everyone who tries to troubleshoot it does not explain it very well. So I will make my attempt at it. The bug will prevent you from building ANYTHING in your settlements under one specific criterion: You only have exactly enough materials to build (1) of whatever you're trying to place. Things that do not pertain to this bug: Size of settlementRequirementsPlacementAny kind of ModsYou can have all the space in the world, have zero mods on a fresh install, and meet the requirements to build it. But if you don't have the materials to build more than (1), you cannot place it in your settlement. Guess I'll name this the Excess Material glitch. Unless this actually has a name and someone actually made a mod to fix it. But from my google searching and Reddit searching, nobody has made a fix for this and it seems fairly common. Right now, the only fix is to load up a previous save that was working before the glitch appeared. Some people reported that closing the game completely to the desktop and reloading your save works, but that hasn't worked for me. "Why don't you go get more materials you dum-dum?" Because, after scrapping a raider settlement, skylines 1981, random stuff found on raiders/radstags/mutants/bloatflies, about 20 minutes of gameplay. I have only enough materials for (1) structure. I play survival, I'm not going to hoof it over to sanctuary or covenant, just because I need 2 more of ceramic/steel/rubber/copper. If anyone knows how to fix this, please let me know. At this point, I'm just going to let my settlements rot and Preston can cry about it. I'm going to nuka world.
  3. I have recently been having CTDs while using any type of workbench. It seems to happen randomly because I can mod a few items before the game finally does CTD. Here is my load order: I didn't use LOOT to set the order of my mods. I manually set them myself. Here are the papyrus logs. I only tested the game twice before deciding to post here. First Second: From reading them, it seems to be something wrong with my questlog. But its a DLC, so i'm assuming maybe the Vault-tec workshop one. Thinking if disabling all my mods won't work, I should probably reinstall. Of course, I'd rather not restart my game and lose my progress. Any help or insight is appreciated since I'm not well experienced with papyrus logs.
  4. Same problem, I cannot download any mods whatsoever, and I have the same problem on all my browsers (Chrome, Firefox, IE) Whenever I click a mod, I have to immediately click another download source to keep the page up so my download will start. If I do not, it goes to this page: http://www.nexusmods.com/games/?
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