We have been working since the release of Fallout 76 on a sales site between intended to be open to all languages ââand gaming platforms (PC, PS4, Xbox) and which aims to facilitate exchanges between players and boost trade too little present. Currently five languages ââare supported: EnglishGermanSpanishFrenchRussianA registration on the site is mandatory to access all features and you will be asked to inform your gamertag (for reasons of moderation). Three options are available for selling your items on the site: Since the armory, it allows you to sell your legendary weapons and armor.In the sales room, for objects other than weapons and armor.In classifieds for any other need.Note that the Armory and the Sales Room automatically translate the content into the languages ââsupported by the site from a database complete from the game files. Advanced search filters are available to find what you want! Once registered, you will have and your personal store, allowing you to centralize all of your sales on a single site, so you will only have to share the link ( for example https://fallout-market.com/profile?id=1)! When validating a sale (if it is done on the site), a system of intelligent mail allows you to communicate the buyer / seller, it automatically sends a notification translated into the language of users with the summary of the transaction. Note that the objects are translated from the files of the game, so it is rare that errors are present, interfaces other than French are translated from google translation, in case of translation problem, do not hesitate to contact us contact ! For information, we have been relayed already several times the twitter and Facebook of Bethesda France! If you want Fallout Market to be translated into other languages ââor to help us develop the site, do not hesitate to contact us! We are also open to all criticism, demand for improvement, ect ... Link to Fallout-Market: https://fallout-market.com/