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Everything posted by Aeratoth

  1. I already use SkyUI and must admit that the work that has gone into it is rather impressive, but it is not quite what I am looking for, though I would love to run my mod concept along with SkyUI, for in my mind that would make for an almost perfect gameplay setup. Thanks anyways though.
  2. Ok, so I could be wrong in assuming there is no such mod already in existence but I've been around the nexus a few times and I haven't seen anything the way I've been thinking of it so I figure I'll post it here as I currently have no idea as to how one would go about making it. So I'm sure that other people have noticed that in Skyrim the magic system is a bit lacking and I'm sure that a few people have also played Fable 1, so here's the idea: A menu within which you would have a tree setup sort of similar to this: LEFT HAND | RIGHT HAND CHOSEN SPELL | ANOTHER CHOSEN SPELL CHOSEN SPELL | ANOTHER CHOSEN SPELL and it goes on as such, maybe even have another part on the right or left for powers/shouts in there. Anyhow, once this tree is established, one could then hold down a key and in doing so bring up the menu (While gameplay continues, though I guess you could make it an option to pause it) then using the mouse scroll you would scroll up and down the list and click with the assigned key for your left hand/ right hand/ power/shout key and in so doing you would quickly equip the spell/power/shout that you had assigned to that part of the list This is for people such as myself who think that it would be nice to have a more tactical gameplay added rather than just spamming the same spell over and over again because you don't want to pause the game scroll through a large list and then find your spell just to resume the game to use it once and then scroll back through the list. It becomes bothersome. Granted you can assign keys 1-9 to different spells/potions/etc. but in my mind that is a)Not enough b)Does not equip to the hand you want it on and c)Somehow does not feel right If anyone is willing to make this, I would be so happy and well. I think I'd be rather speechless that it actually got made. Also I know that my words are sometimes confusing so if anyone is willing to work on making this and wants some more explanation as to what I mean, just ask. Though I think that Fable 1 gives a general idea as to what I mean, though I would like it with two hands rather than just one. Again though, I'm rather incapable of modding so if someone even bothers to make this I wouldn't be bothered if they changed up my plans a bit. Just an afterthought here, but maybe it would be possible to make it so that in by holding down the quick-menu key along with the key for the hand/power slot you want to equip the portion of the list assigned to that hand/power would move separately from the rest of the list to make it easier to keep track of your most prized spells for every hand in a more real-time method.
  3. Close but no, I'm trying to find a mod that will make it so that when my game starts it won't crash from all the mods trying to start up at once. Thanks anyways though.
  4. I've been searching for hours without finding it so I figured I'd ask here. I am pretty sure I had seen a mod which alters when other mods start running after the game starts, but now that I'm looking for it I can't seem to find it. If anyone happens to know where it is and is willing to post a link I would be very grateful.
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