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  1. I played through this dlc not long ago and found it to be overwhelmingly boring. I also found the spoils at the end to be pretty poor. I'd love to see if my opinion is unique or in fact shared. Rate and slate!
  2. Hey guys, the name`s Charlie and i just thought it was only right to mark my activity within this forum with an introductory post. o/
  3. All I know is that the GECK is notoriously unstable and has a tendency to crash. I wouldn't know how to fix this issue myself however the GECK wiki page might be able to help you on such an issue. I hope you find a solution soon, as I can understand how frustrating it must be.
  4. I don't know if this is just me, as I couldn't find any posts about it, but when I exit the Readius and it goes back to first person mode, the camera seems to shift right from my entity. It goes away once I begin to walk, however it is a pretty annoying issue when you want things to run right. I'd love it if any of you could point me in direct of a fix or tell me the origin of my problem. Thanks!
  5. I generally go for the Yes Man ending, I suppose this just boils down to me being pretty narrow minded in terms of me being the ultimate victor in the game. I like the idea that once you complete the campaign with Yes Man, that you are New Vegas' soul proprietor and with that in mind, the bringer of civilization for a short time. In turn, it is a pretty neutral ending in terms of the happiness of the citizens of New Vegas and the surrounding areas. I just find it the most enjoyable to play through.
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