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Everything posted by tkh159

  1. As the title suggest I cannot move the player if I'm blocking with a weapon or shield. Searched for weeks and tried many different changes. To make solving the problem easy I turned off ALL mods expect one which is what allows for over 60 fps and yet still can't walk and block. tried other mods that allow you to go over 60 fps....problem still remains. if I turn the fps down to 60 in game I can walk and block...still in game I'll bump up fps to 70, 80, 90 fps and cannot block and walk? I'm having trouble pinpointing the issue as it is with blocking no matter if it is with a shield, great sword etc. This problem only comes up when playing over 60 fps Is there a default/vanilla animation that only works at 60 fps? Any ideas or suggestions? Thanks
  2. I believe so as just to be on the safe side I redownloaded the lastest of both. Rumor has it the xml is the issue. So I'll be trying this and that.
  3. Every since physics was introduced to skyrim I never have got the preview in bodyslide to look like my player in game close but not exact always have to tweak a good bit. This has bothered me enough to finally ask about the issue. I mainly notice this with breast and butt shape. Recently it looks like I have a saggy butt. Every change I do in bodyslide just doesn't seem to work with the butt. However the cbbe followers look like it works fine. I have always had to tweak the sliders to better look like I want on the player and breast are fine however the butt is just saggy and doesn't appear to have the same shape as the nif or preview. So problem to solve is I want the preview in my bodyslide to match in game player. I do not have any body modification esp. I use CBBE hdt body and tried cbbe body in bodyslide. I use the latest bodyslide. I use the latest xpmse. Tried a few different skeletons along with different default xml. I don't use havok hdt body. Even tried the ctrl+click in bodyslide and manually paste into correct folder. Lastly all my sliders in RaceMenu are default.
  4. Did you find a solution for this? I have the same problem but in skyrim. For my my stabs in the dark are a hdtphysicsdefaultbbp.xml OR a skeleton or something... it's odd and frustrating.
  5. No mods specific to riften. Load order I'll post soon. With unbleak enb off the game runs better with fps in 30's range but with it on it gets real choppy going down to 7-12 fps but back up to 30s
  6. I'm having issues with Riften. I can't enter the city without the game freezing? Any known mods that might cause this? I have unbleak enb installed, a few HD textures and other common mods but I still get froze up when using the original skyrim launcher rather than tesv launcher. I have verified the game files within steam and it states two files are needed but doesn't list what they are and I ONLY have a crash at Riften. Any ideas or ways to narrow down the problem?
  7. So I'm had to reinstall skyrim after hard drive failure....long story but anyway pretty much have all the mods up and running except warpaint/makeup. I know I had jet black eyeliner but I cannot achieve jet black maybe a brow even it isn't a solid color. I'm using YMP makeups along with "extended colors" I have my skyrim.ini settings correct for high textures. What could cause this? Is it a face texture a setting of some sort?
  8. The topic says it all for the life of me I cannot get the CBBE body morphs to work in Racemenu on armors that I convert from UNPB to CBBE. I have had plenty of success adding HDT physics to CBBE armors and still being able to use the CBBE body morphs in Racemenu. Is this possible??? Am I'm forgettting a step? So heres the facts. I am starting with a UNPB armor and to my knowledge convert it correctly as I do see my body/outfit that I converted it to however in-game I can't use the CBBE body morphs in Racemenu. I have no trouble with any over armors that I have downloaded?
  9. The topic says it all for the life of me I cannot get the CBBE body morphs to work in Racemenu on armors that I convert from UNPB to CBBE. I have had plenty of success adding HDT physics to CBBE armors and still being able to use the CBBE body morphs in Racemenu. Is this possible??? Am I'm forgettting a step? So heres the facts. I am starting with a UNPB armor and to my knowledge convert it correctly as I do see my body/outfit that I converted it to however in-game I can't use the CBBE body morphs in Racemenu. I have no trouble with any over armors that I have downloaded?
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